I now offer three ordering options, for your convenience. (Scroll down for detailed product descriptions.) International orders are welcome; please read pertinent ordering instructions. If anything is confusing, always feel free to contact me.
REGULAR MAIL(USPS): Please send cash, check, or money order. Proceed to Order Form (click link). Peg Arnoldussen, 1908 N. Douglas Street, Appleton, WI 54914
ONLINE CREDIT CARD: My credit card service is for online ordering only. Please proceed to my online CCNow Store to begin shopping.
PAYPAL: I have a verified Business Account. You can purchase by using my PayPal Store (easiest and does not require PayPal membership to use), initiate the transaction via email, or use the form (scroll down) to notify me. Be sure to click the PayPal option and/or indicate PayPal in the message box. Include your PayPal-registered email address. Access my email address here:
I'm PayPal Verified.
(You might have to log in to see that I am verified.)
NOTE: For orders under $5.00 only, though I don't require this, I'd be very grateful if you'd use my CCNow Store rather than PayPal for charge-card transactions. Thank you.
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: International orders are welcome. Global shipping rates are listed on my order forms and online store. You can use the charge option or an international money order. To determine cost in your currency, Travlang's provides currency exchange rates all over the globe. Contact me if you have any questions.
ESSENTIAL TECHNIQUES FOR SERIOUS KNITTERS is a newly revised and edited (2006) compilation of the following three publications (Knitted Elegance, Knitting Beautiful Scandinavians, and Conquering the Button Band), with more techniques added. Click on image for more information. $12.00. How to order.
KNITTED ELEGANCE is a compilation of some of my favorite techniques for creating beautifully-finished sweaters. It is presented in numbered-step format to make directions easy to follow. Techniques include French (tube)hem, which eliminates abrupt-edge CO selvedges; kitchener stitch-made-easy, a method that takes the confusion out of doing it (have had great success with my knitting students); invisible BO, the counterpart of the French hem; one-row buttonhole, a sturdy buttonhole that disappears well into work; and other interesting things, including equations for alterations and designing. Many of these techniques are required demonstrations at various levels of the TKGA Master Hand Knitting program. $6.00. How to order.
KNITTING BEAUTIFUL SCANDINAVIANS resulted from an outline for a class I teach on how to knit Norwegian and other "cut" sweaters. It gives detailed instructions on how to use various types of steek stitches, which makes the machine-sewing and cutting process so much simpler. The booklet also explains how to determine where to begin armhole steeks--taking the guesswork out of the procedure. $6.00. How to order.
CONQUERING THE ELUSIVE BUTTON BAND gives detailed instructions on how to determine stitch count for bands, how to evenly space buttonholes, create bands that have "clean" edges, etc. Newly revised version is no longer a supplement to Knitted Elegance but is complete on its own. $4.00. How to order.
ARGYLE SOCK This type of sock is a required element of TKGA Master Hand Knitting Program Level II. It does not have to be designed by the student. This sock, which I designed, was accepted as my submission. (Click sock drawing to view photo.) $4.00. How to order.
JONNIE'S GUERNSEY VEST. A vest, complete with photograph of a person wearing the finished garment, is another required element of TKGA Master Hand Knitting Level II. This vest, which I designed, was accepted as my submission. It is a child's size 12 (chest 30"). The student is not required to design the vest. Requires about 10 oz. of worsted weight yarn and yields a gauge of 4.5 sts./inch in seed st. $3.00. How to order.
ARAN WESKIT. I designed this advanced level garment in case I ever decide to do Level III of Master Knitting. The pattern booklet is written in one size only, but includes explanation of how to convert to any desired size by using percentages. If you doubt this works, go to my photo page to view the thumbnail (or click on it for larger image) of the "Child's Weskit." I worked the child size using the percentage system. $5.00. How to order.
Though sending cash is not usually recommended (I don't do it), I like receiving it because it saves me a trip to the bank to cash checks. When people send cash, I acknowledge receipt immediately and also ship immediately (next day). (Please wrap cash in a sheet of paper.) The postal money orders, available at your local post office, are nice too. Of course, I have to visit the post office to cash them, but then I also mail the order while I'm there. Please--do not send credit card numbers; I cannot accept credit cards. For online ordering only, I have PayPal and an online credit card processor. Please use the appropriate links .
If you wish, you can notify me of your intent to order with the following form. Of course, you still must submit your order via regular mail. Thank you.