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§i£ver Wo£f's Den

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This Ring of the Wolf site is owned by
§ì£vèr Wõ£f.

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moon phase is:

Courtesy of Spiritweb

Something I found while wandering the web ...

The air hung dark around the forest
The moon shown bright through the trees
It was cold against the animals nose
He could pick out the one smell from the many
The one that meant for this day his cubs and mate would not have to
stave off the demon of hunger
Hunting had not been good since the pink demons had come
They trample the brush,fill the air with noctious fumes from the hard beasts
They have the sticks that produce a wicked thunder which means only death
he followed the sent to its source,
once there he felt the shadow of man
He must leave
but it was too late
he felt what he assumed was the sting of death
he welcomed the darkness which followed....
he awoke with a start and knew that it was only his memory that he was reliving.
as he watched a demon cub pass the bars in front of his cell he could
only ask one question in his mind.
By the one that longs for freedom

Wolf, carnivore related to the jackal and domestic dog. Two species—and a varying number of subspecies—of wolves are recognized: the gray, or timber, wolf, once widely distributed in North America, Europe, and Asia; and the red wolf, which now occurs only in Texas and the southeastern United States.
An adult timber wolf measures up to 1.6 m (6.5 ft) in length, including the tail (which is less than half the body length), and may weigh up to 80 kg (175 lb). The animal is red-yellow or yellow-gray, with black patches above and white below; those in the far north, however, may be pure white, and black or brown timber wolves also occur.
The red wolf is somewhat smaller in size and usually darker in color. Coyotes have hybridized with some red wolves; an attempt to reintroduce red wolves to parts of North Carolina has involved the identification of red wolves that were not part coyote. The success of this project is not yet clear. All wolves are characterized by powerful teeth, bushy tails, and round pupils, and they are distinguished from domestic dogs (some breeds of which they otherwise resemble) by certain characteristics of the skull.

Wolves are equally at home on prairies, in forestlands, and on all but the highest mountains. In the winter they travel in packs in search of food. Small animals and birds are the common prey of wolves, which also eat berries, but a pack may sometimes attack reindeer, sheep, and other large mammals, usually selecting weak, old, or very young animals for easier capture. When no live prey can be found, wolves feed on carrion.

The den, or lair, of the wolf may be a cave, a hollow tree trunk, a thicket, or a hole in the ground dug by the wolf. The breeding season is in the spring, and the female has a litter of one to eleven cubs. Adults sometimes feed young cubs by regurgitating food for them. The cubs normally stay with the parents until the following winter but may remain much longer. Parents and young constitute a basic pack, which establishes and defends a territory marked by urine and feces. Larger packs may also assemble, particularly in the winter; the pack leader is called the alpha male, and its mate is the alpha female.
As social animals, wolves exhibit behavioral patterns that clearly communicate dominance over or submission to one another; the communal howling of a pack may serve to assemble its members, communicate with other packs, advertise its territorial claims, or simply be a source of pleasure. Visual and olfactory communication signals are also important.

Although wolves are still abundant in eastern Europe and in Asia, only remnant populations now exist in western Europe, and their numbers in the Americas also have been greatly diminished. They are fairly abundant in Alaska and Canada, but remnant populations of timber wolves south of Canada occur only in Minnesota and Mexico. The decreasing numbers of wolves are the result of encroachments on their territory by humans, who have long regarded wolves as competitors for prey and as dangerous animals in themselves. The fact is that few, if any, healthy wolves have attacked humans, whom they instead try to avoid, and wolves are valuable predators in the food web. Their decimation has led to the overpopulation of a number of other animal species in various areas. There are active efforts to reintroduce wolves to national parks in the United States, although such efforts are controversial. In early 1995, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service reintroduced 14 Canadian wolves into Yellowstone National Park despite portest from ranchers and some biologists.
Scientific classification: The wolf belongs to the family Canidae. The gray, or timber, wolf is classified as Canis lupus. The red wolf is classified as Canis rufus.

Check out some of these links ...

Like online games? This is my fav....
Meridian 59 info and friends pages ...
More of the Den
More Wolf facts and Intresting reading.
A few wolf pics
Even more of the Den

The Silents
My Cyber Family
Hells Fire Clan
The clan I am in ...
Ñîgh† þrðw£èr
Basic info on my Character in the Clan ...
Looking for Anime?
... AnimEigo's Home Page
More Anime
Anime Web Turnpike
Grey Wolf Publishing
Very nice wolf pics
Very informative
One of the best wolf info pages I have seen
Like Role Playing Games?
Check out a few of my favs here
Babylon 5
The home page to one of my fav T.V. shows
One of the best shareware archives
Check it out ...
Looking for a file and know the filename? Check here ...
For more Roleplaying the Finally avaliable TSR Home Page ...
... Check here ...
Even more Furry stuff ...
Great artist .. check out his work here
Very nice
A Must see page ..
Dark Side
Nice Gothic page ...
Check out the SciFi Channel
Must have little program
What more can I say ? ..
My Pic
I have had a few request to add my pic to the page .. Well here it is ..

Friends I have made along the way ....
In no order whatsoever ... if your name isn't here and should be .. let me know

I hope you have enjoyed you visit to my small corner of cyberspace. These pages will be updated on a constant basis, when I find more intresting facts They will be here so keep checking back often.
Thank you.

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