My Darkside Deck:

Strategy: This Deck tries to make the Darkside the leading power both in space and on the ground. If I had the Executor and Blizzard 1 or 2 I'd definitely include them in this deck. Jabba's Sail Barge (especially when armed with Double Laser Cannon) would covers the Ground with Tempest 1 and the other vehicles. I chose to include Tempest Scout 3 in this deck rather than 1 because it has increased landspeed.

The space powers in this deck (although lacking the Executor) are nothing to scoff at, either. Although Victory-class Star Destroyers aren't as powerful as Imperial-class, they have a much lower deploy cost, which comes in handy if your opponent has force-drained you dry. The three unique Star Destroyers in this deck are each very strong. The Starfighters aren't anything spectacular except for OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1, which is Power 4 (or 7 at a cloud sector). I didn't include a cloud sector in tis deck quite simply because I lack one. The real strength of the starships come from the pilots. I have included cards like Danz Borin and DS-61-2 who add alot to a starship's power. "Death Squadron" also adds to starships' power.

The secondary aspect of this deck is bountyhunting/carbon freezing. If you manage to freeze one of your opponent's characters, he or she loses 8 Force, which can deplete his or her Force enough to win the game at the last minute. Feltipern Trevagg's stun rifle and Hutt Smooch are the only ways included in this deck for capturing characters. Since Hutt Smooch captures only Undercover spies, F.T.'s Stun Rifle will probably come in handy. To make up for the relatively low destiny values of the cards in this deck, Bounty has been added to increase the chances of hitting the target of your Stun Rifle. Also, Carbonite Chamber Console, Prepare The Chamber, an Ugnaught, and Ugloste have been added to increase the chances of successfullly freezing a character.

Other Strategy: Lyn Me makes it cheaper to deploy Bountyhunters (Boba Fett is free to same site). IG-88's Pulse cannon adds 2 to power of whoever is holding it. Chief Retwin can hide from battles and destroy certain devices and weapons of opponent. Corporal Prescott lets you retrieve Force for every captive at same prison site and is power=4 while on Death Star. Admiral Ozzel makes your capital ships cheaper. When Sarlacc eats a captive it lets you retrieve 1 Force for each of your aliens at same site. Homing Beacon lets your starships move for free and as a react to same system as the targetted starship.

(*) means Unique. Here are the cards:

Characters and Creatures

Starships, Vehicles, Weapons, and Devices (in that order)

Effects, Interrupts, Locations, and Systems (In that order)