IFF FILE 2.5:TYPE FOLLOWED BY SIZE JAMIE DOORNBOS & MAXIS 1nFWAVZaquarium_feedFWAV[aquarium_cleanFWAV]aquarium_restockFWAV^aquarium_tapglassFWAV]aquarium_runningFWAVgaquarium_watch_serious_voxFWAVgaquarium_watch_playful_voxFWAV]sting_fish_deathBCONPlightingBCONpTuningd  SLOTTOLSUBHAVwatch normal  ,% ,0dBHAVtweak inc fish hungercBHAVwatch excited ,  , ,  , ,  e BHAVdtweak main delay BHAVpuser pickup function  BHAV|user place function  BHAVdfunctional clean BHAVwatch grumpy ,  , e BHAVdgoto adjacent-BHAVdFeed Fish testBHAVClean and Restock Check  'XBHAVp Clean tank test'X'XBHAV|Restock aquarium test BHAVd Test Force DirtyBHAVdTest Force DeadBHAVtalk to fish'X  BHAVdForce Dirty' BHAVpClean and Restock BHAV<Feed Fish, %,1<  d , %, %1  dBHAVWatch Fish test   BHAVWatch Fish 'X-     BHAVd CT - Help 1$BHAVdisplay help  c D/'BHAVinit tree     (   \ BHAV Clean tank  ,%,  d \  '  '   BHAVRestock, , 1d      1,% O  BHAVpload tree  BHAVkill the fish \ # GBHAVdForce DeadBHAVT tweak dirt inc '[   \   \ 'X'\# G'X6BHAVH set graphic by state        'X   BHAVprocess       BHAVmain   TTABAquarium |@ A9ffmS1P"*həODAs=p'@'D8< ~EA=p'@w(   !"@Aj'STR#0Suit primitive stringssuit-trashbagsuit-scrubbrushsuit-fishbagsuit-fishbagsuit-bagfishsuit-bagfishSTR#a2o A2O-refuse-subtleA2O-aquarium1-feed-loop2A2O-aquarium1-cleanA2O-aquarium1-restockA2O-idle-armscrossed-breatheA2O-aquarium1-feedstopA2O-aquarium1-feedstartA2O-aquarium-watch-excited-startA2O-aquarium-watch-excited-loop1A2O-aquarium-watch-excited-loop2A2O-aquarium-watch-excited-stopA2O-aquarium1-watchSTR#c2o C2O-refuse-subtleC2O-aquarium1-feed-loop2C2O-aquarium1-cleanC2O-aquarium1-restockC2O-idle-armscrossed-breatheC2O-aquarium1-feedstopC2O-aquarium1-feedstartC2O-aquarium-watch-excited-startC2O-aquarium-watch-excited-loop1C2O-aquarium-watch-excited-loop2C2O-aquarium-watch-excited-stopC2O-aquarium1-watchSTR#-Dialog prim string setThe fish have just died in the aquarium! Lack of feeding or leaving it dirty causes this. You will have to clean and restock it for your Sims to enjoy it. Perhaps you should just sell it since you aren't taking proper care of the fish any way.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Help System1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Les poissons sont morts par manque de nourriture et faute d'avoir nettoy l'aquarium ! Il va falloir le nettoyer et le ranger. Vous pourriez aussi bien le vendre puisque de toute faon vous ne vous occupez pas correctement des poissons.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Aide1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Der Fisch im Aquarium ist tot! Du hast ihn nicht gut gefttert und das Aquarium nicht gereinigt. Reinige es und bestcke es neu, damit die Sims sich darber freuen knnen. Vielleicht solltest Du es einfach verkaufen, wenn Du an Fischen sowieso kein Interesse hast.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Hilfesystem1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.I tuoi pesci sono morti! La mancanza di cibo e l'acqua troppo sporca sono la causa di tutto! Dovrai pulire l'acqua e ripopolare i pesci per fare in modo che i tuoi Sims tornino a sorridere. Forse meglio che tu venda l'acquario finch non imparerai a prendere pi sul serio certe cose!1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.C' puzza di pesce morto!1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Los peces se te han muerto en el acuario! Quiz no les diste de comer, o lo dejaste sucio. Si quieres que tus sims lo disfruten tendrs que limpiarlo y comprar peces nuevos. O tal vez prefieras venderlo, ya que no te ests ocupando bien de los peces.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Sistema de Ayuda1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.De visjes zijn dood! Dit werd veroorzaakt door gebrek aan voedsel of door vervuiling. Je zult het aquarium moeten schoonmaken en er nieuwe vissen in moeten doen als wilt dat de Sims er plezier aan beleven. Maar misschien kun je het aquarium beter verkopen, omdat je toch niet voor de vissen zorgt.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Help1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die. Fisken i akvariet har just dtt! Fr lite mat och rengring har den effekten. Du mste stda akvariet och kpa nya fiskar om simmarna ska ha nn gldje av det. Men du kanske ska slja det eftersom du nd inte tar hand om fisken.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die. Hjlp1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.O peixe em seu aqurio acabou de morrer! Falta de alimento ou um aqurio sujo pode ter ocasionado este desastre. Para que ele volte a ser to divertido quanto antes, voc deve limp-lo e colocar novos peixes. Ou talvez voc devesse vend-lo, j que o seu forte no cuidar de peixes.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Sistema de Ajuda1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.̒ŋł܂܂IHו^Ȃ̉ꂪłB|Ɛ̋ݑւVɊw΂邱ƂKvłBK؂ȋ̐boȂ̂łΐ𔄂Kv܂B1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.VXewv1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.Wanie wyzdychay rybki w akwarium! To efekt barku poywienia lub zaglonienia. Musisz wyczyci pojemnik i kupi nowe rybki, jeeli Simowie maj mie z niego poytek. A moe po prostu je sprzeda, skoro nie przepadasz za pielgnacj rybek?1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.System pomocy1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.ոȥˣȱιͱڰĻһԽֵԭ㲻òɨ»ָ׵ԭòģĿ֡Ȼʵ޷ЩʵϣҲӦð1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.ϵͳ1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.ڽc̪FIO]Snne̡A]SMb~|oˡCzMzڽcAɥR@Ƿs]AH~Y೽uCγ\zpGSɶӮƳodzܡAܴN汼aC1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.t1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die._____ _ͧ_____ ______ʡá _س__ͧ___Ҵ ____ _____ͧ_س__ԴԹ_Ѻ_ѹ _ҧ_س____ѹ___ҧ _س________1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.к_1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die. Ⱑ ׾ϴ! ̰ ϰų Դϴ. ûϰ ⸦ ٽ ä մϴ. ⸦ ϰ ֱ ׳ Ⱦƾ ֽϴ.1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Text Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die. ý1Help: Live Mode: Fish Died: Dialog: Title Notes: This message appears as part of the help system when the fish in the fish tank die.PALT\rPALT\squPALT\tm޽z0SPR2daquariumrrDr`"r0SPR2|escums0 sK.(` @*`@ @`@ `@"`@%`@.@ @#`@ @4@"`@ @D` @`@0 `@ @0 `@ @0 `@ @2 `@ @$` @s`@`@@`@@`@ .`@ `@ `@ @"` @ sR `@"@`@`@,@ `@  `@`@SPR2 swim frame 1tn!t8(`@`@ @ `@ @"`@ @&`@ @.`@ @$`@ @&`@ @(`@ @* `@ @, `@ @, `@ @, `@ @. `@ @. `@ @. `@ @0 `@ @0 `@ @8`@`@ @B`@`@ @L`@ @ @@`@ @>@ @>`@ @<`@ @D@ @ @D@ @`@ @<@ @`@`@`@$@ `@`@`@`@ `@`@`@`@ `@t `@  `@ @ `@ @`@ @`@ @`@ @ `@ @ `@ @ `@ @.@ `@ @0@ @ @&@ @,@  @ @ &@ @   @`@`@ `@ `@ tN `@`@ @`@ @`@ @@  @@ @@@`@  `@SPR2 swim frame 2t !!t(*`@`@ @ `@ @"`@ @&`@ @P`@ @` @H`@ @`@ @L`@ @`@ @L`@ @ @N@`@ @V@ @`@ @P@ @ @F@ @D`@ @@`@ @>`@ @<`@ @6`@ @8`@ @`@B`@ @`@L`@ @ @@`@ @@`@ @>`@ @< `@ @F `@ @ @F `@ @`@ @> `@`@`@`@ @& `@`@ `@ `@`@ `@`@ `@`@ `@t`@ `@  @2`@  @ `@4`@ @ `@  @:@`@ @ @.@  @*@  @(`@ @(`@ @ *`@ @ `@ ,`@  @(`@ @0`@ @ @,` @    @"`@ `@`@`@  `@ tJ `@`@  &@  @ @@ @ `@ @`@ @ `@ `@`@ `@SPR2 swim frame 3tv!t!/`@`@ @ `@ @"`@ @&`@ @,@ @$`@ @&`@ @(`@ @*`@ @,`@ @,`@ @,`@ @.`@ @.`@ @.`@ @0`@ @0`@ @8`@ @`@B`@ @`@L`@ @ @@`@ @@`@ @>`@ @<`@ @F`@ @ @F `@ @`@ @> `@`@`@`@ @& `@`@ `@ `@`@ `@`@ `@`@ `@t`@`@  @`@  @ @  @ `@ @ `@ @ `@ @ `@ @ `@ @ (`@ @`@.`@ @  (`@ @ (`@ @.` @  @&`@`@`@ `@  `@ tH `@@ @`@ @`@ @ `@ @`@ `@ @ `@ @`@ `@SPR2 swim frame 4tl !!t 8`@`@ @ `@ @"`@ @&`@ @P` @`@ @F@ @`@ @J@ @`@ @J@ @ @P`@ @`@X`@ @`@ @R`@ @ @H`@ @D`@ @@`@ @>`@ @<`@ @6 `@ @8`@`@ @B`@`@ @L`@ @ @@`@ @>@ @>`@ @<`@ @D@ @ @D@ @`@ @<@ @`@`@`@$@ `@`@`@`@ `@`@`@`@ `@t `@  `@ @4@`@ @0@ @ @8@  @ @`@0`@  @ ,`@  @(`@  @$`@ @ .@ `@ @0@ @ @&@ @,@  @ @ &@ @   @`@`@ `@ `@ tH`@ @ @&@  @ @ `@  @@ @@ @@@`@  `@SPR2 swim frame 5t !"t%2`@`@ @ `@ @"`@ @&`@ @P` @`@ @F@ @`@ @J@ @`@ @J@ @ @P`@ @`@X`@ @`@ @R`@ @ @H`@ @D`@ @@`@ @>`@ @<`@ @6 `@ @8`@`@ @B`@`@ @L`@ @ @@`@ @>@ @>`@ @<`@ @F@ @ @H@ @`@ @`@<@ @`@`@`@$@ `@`@`@`@`@`@`@$`@`@`@`@"`@`@`@`@ `@t `@ `@ @  `@  @ 4@  `@  @ 0@ @   @0@ @0`@ @*`@ @ *`@ @*`@`@ @ ,@   @&@ @ &@ @,@  @  *@ `@`@`@`@`@`@  `@ tI `@"@   @$@ @ @`@ @ `@ @@ @@ @@`@SPR2 ,fishfeed frame 1t $'t 2 `@`@`@ @0`@ `@ @6`@ @ `@ @<`@ @`@ @N@ @`@ @N`@ @`@ @Z`@ @ @P`@ @R`@`@ @J`@ @B `@ @@ `@ @> `@ @< `@ @: `@ @8 `@ @6 `@ @6 `@ @0 `@ @8 `@ @`@B `@ @`@L `@ @ @@ `@ @@ `@ @> `@ @< `@ @F `@ @ @N`@`@ @`@ @>`@`@`@`@ @&`@`@ `@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@" `@`@`@`@`@`@t `@ `@(`@ `@ @4@ @ `@  @<`@ @ @2`@ @,`@ @ (`@ @ &`@ @ $`@ @ "`@ @0`@ @`@ 2`@ @ @(`@ @ .`@  @ @ ,` @   @`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@ tB `@ @   (`@  @ @`@ @`@ @ `@ @ `@ @`@`@`@`@SPR2 -fishfeed frame 2t $$t0`@`@ @"`@ @2@ @2`@ @0`@ @2`@ @6`@`@ @.`@ @. `@ @. `@ @0 `@ @0 `@ @8`@ @>`@ @@`@ @B`@ @B`@ @L`@ @`@T`@ @`@d`@ @ @ @V`@ @`@ @P`@`@ @H`@`@ @< `@ @> `@ @<`@ @F`@`@`@ @ @L`@`@`@`@ @`@0 `@`@`@ @ `@`@`@`@`@`@ `@`@`@`@ `@t`@  @ @ "`@ @$`@ @ `@  @ `@ @ $`@  @*`@ @ (`@ @4`@ @ :@ @ @4@`@ @ (`@  @ 0`@  @ @:`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@ `@`@ tA @@ @`@ @@  @ @  @ @  @`@ `@`@`@SPR2 <.fishfeed frame 3t #'t/ `@`@&@`@ @8`@ `@ @:`@ @ `@ @>`@ @`@ @F`@ @`@ @P@ @`@ @X`@ @ @L`@ @J`@ @J`@ @B`@ @@`@ @>`@ @<`@ @:`@ @8`@ @6`@ @6`@ @0`@ @8`@ @`@B`@ @`@L`@ @ @@ `@ @@ `@ @> `@ @< `@ @F `@ @ @N `@`@ @`@ @> `@`@`@`@ @& `@`@ `@ `@`@`@`@`@`@ `@`@ `@`@" `@`@`@`@`@`@t `@@ `@,`@`@ @2`@ @ `@  @>@  @ @.`@ @,`@ @ (`@ @ &`@ @ $`@ @ "`@ @0`@ @`@ 2`@ @ @(`@ @ .`@  @ @ ,` @   @`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@ t? 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It's Pinkles!! Pinkles the pudgy pigeon will wander around in place for hours! Make sure that you feed him every now and then (and clean up his messes) and he'll keep flapping around forever!Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Poseidon's Adventure AquariumBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Aquariums are lots of fun. Well at least for some people. Just don't forget to feed the fish and clean the tank periodically, and they will swim happily in circles forever.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Aquarium du lagonBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Les aquariums, c'est trs amusant. Enfin pour certaines personnes. Il suffit de ne pas oublier de nourrir les poissons et de faire un nettoyage rgulier, et ils feront joyeusement des bulles.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Poseidons AbenteueraquariumBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Ein Aquarium macht viel Spa. Zumindest manchen Leuten. Vergi aber nicht, die Fische zu fttern und regelmig das Becken zu reinigen. Dann schwimmen die Fische glcklich ihre Runden.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Aquario TitanicBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Gli Aquari sono molto divertenti. Be', almeno per alcune persone. Non scordarti di dare da mangiare ai pesci e di pulire la vasca, e li vedrai nuotare felici per sempre.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Acuario La aventura del PoseidnBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Es muy divertido tener un acuario. Bueno, a algunos se lo parece. Pero no olvides dar de comer a los peces y limpiar el acuario de vez en cuando, y nadarn en crculo, felices, mucho tiempo.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Poseidon's AquariumBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Sommige mensen vinden Aquaria leuk. Vergeet niet om de vissen te voeren en de tank af en toe schoon te maken. Doe je dat, dan zullen de vissen vrolijk in kringetjes rondzwemmen... voor eeuwig.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun. Akvariet "Poseidons ventyr"Buy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat. Akvarier r jttekul. Nja, vissa tycker i alla fall det. Kom ihg att mata fiskarna och rengra tanken med jmna mellanrum, s kommer de att simma runt i cirklar fr alltid.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Aqurio Aventura de PoseidonBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Aqurios so muito divertidos. Bom... pelo menos para algumas pessoas. Apenas no se esquea de alimentar os peixes e limpar o aqurio periodicamente. Eles nadaro alegremente em crculos por muito tempo.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.|ZCh̖`Buy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.݂͂ȑDłB܂łȂlɂ͂܂EEEBɂA^N̒Iɑ|邱ƂYȂłBÂ܂łByj悤ɂĂBBuy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.Akwarium "Titanic"Buy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.Zajmowanie si akwarium to wietna zabawa, przynajmniej dla niektrych. Wystarczy regularnie karmi rybki i od czasu do czasu czyci im zbiornik, a bd radonie pluska w t i z powrotem.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.̩̹ˡBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.ٶһ˶ԣǼ¡ֻҪ˶ʱιʳףιǾͻԶֵһȦһȦȥBuy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun._IڽcBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.ڽcֽLaCAܤֹYǤHӻOpCnѰOAéwMzѡA̴N|ûּ֪yCBuy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun. _䫴͹ _ʹǹBuy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat.____ʹ_ʹء _ҧ___Ѻ_ҧ__ _____ ____Ҵ__ __ô____ѹ_ҧ___آ__ŹҹBuy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.̵ 庥ó Buy Mode: Aquarium: Name Notes: Joke is about movie called The Poseidon Adventure about a sinking boat. ִ. ·ų  Դ ׷. ⿡ ִ , ũ û϶. ׷ ູϰ ġ ƴٴ ̴.Buy Mode: Aquarium: Description Notes: Mention that it provides fun.OBJD$AAquariumdõК2P  TTAsbFeed PinklesFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Watch PinklesFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Buy Another PigeonFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.Clean Up MessFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Clean And Buy Another PigeonFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!Nourrir le poissonFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Regarder le poissonFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.RangerFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.NettoyerFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Nettoyer & rangerFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!Fische ftternFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Fische beobachtenFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Neu bestckenFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.ReinigenFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Reinigen und neu bestckenFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!Dai da mangiare ai pesciFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Controlla i pesciFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.RipopolaFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.PulisciFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Pulisci l'acqua ai pesciFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!Alimentar pecesFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Contemplar el acuarioFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Comprar otros pecesFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.LimpiarFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Limpiar y comprar peces nuevosFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!Vissen voerenFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Vissen bekijkenFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.AanvullenFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.SchoonmakenFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Schoonmaken & aanvullenFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty! Mata fiskarFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children. Titta p fiskarFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children. Kp nyaFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children. StdaFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children. Stda & kp nyaFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children. Force Dead! Force Dirty!Alimentar Os PeixesFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Observar o AqurioFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Colocar Mais PeixesFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.LimparFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Limpar e Colocar Mais PeixesFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!ɉaFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.ώ@FishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.̓ւFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.|FishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.|Ƌ̓ւFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!Nakarm rybkiFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Obserwuj rybkiFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.Wpu nowe rybkiFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.WyczyFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.Wyczy i wpu rybkiFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!ιFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.FishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.FishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.ɨFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.ɨ&FishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!FishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.[೽FishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.ɶisFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.MzFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.MzPɥRFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!FishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.ٻFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children.FishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.ӤҴFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.ӤҴ&FishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!ֱFishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children. FishTank Both: Notes: Appears when selected by both adults and children. äFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears when fish have died. Appears for adults and children.ûϱFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty when selected by both adults and children.ûϰ äFishTank: Both: Notes: Appears if item is dirty and fish have died when selected by both adults and children.Force Dead!Force Dirty!BMP_ CatalogBM6(J%hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhx`0xhpphhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘxHxЀxИĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhx8xИhHPxhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘP谸X`ذĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhllllxhhhhhpphh@|иhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘȼȼȼĘĘĠĠĘXĘȠĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhllllllphببXа`hhhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘȼİĨpȨxШĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhlllllllШببببب؀ؘhhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘȼȰĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhplllببببببببببШhhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘаШظȸĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhبؠȘllببШШШШبببببаhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘȰਸШظİĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhȠȠȠȠȠȠШبШȨШببببhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘММȤĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhpllllllبШبببhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘظМММММиĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhplllpppببببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘظМММММММĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhh|xphhhhxШبببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘȼĘĘĘĨМММММММȜĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhШبببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘМММММММȜĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhبببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘظȠММММММȜĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpببببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĠМММĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpببببШШبببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĠȸĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhبببببببببببаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘȰĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhببببببببШȨȨȰhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘȨĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxببШhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĠииииММĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhаhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĨММММММММĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĨМММММММММĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘМММММММММȼĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhx@x0x8|ؐhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘмРММММММȜP@H訴ĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxphph8|؈hhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘиРММММH蘰ĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhplhlhxhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘЬММММȜĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘмРМММММиĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhxhhhhhhhhhhĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘмММММдĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘrsmp ~pmsr VAWF@R tNOCB8lightingTuningTOLSVAHB!watch normalftweak inc fish hungerwatch excitedtweak main delay^user pickup functionuser place functionJfunctional cleanwatch grumpyZ goto adjacent Feed Fish test" Clean and Restock Check Clean tank test Restock aquarium test Test Force Dirty Test Force Dead^ talk to fish Force DirtyV Clean and Restock Feed FishWatch Fish testWatch Fish CT - Help 1display helpinit tree Clean tankBRestockload tree6kill the fishForce Dead: tweak dirt inc set graphic by stateprocessmain2RPS4HdaquariumLIescumMswim frame 1Wswim frame 2Tcswim frame 3,mswim frame 4xswim frame 5؄,fishfeed frame 1-fishfeed frame 2.fishfeed frame 3(/fishfeed frame 42deadfish frame 1Jdeadfish frame 2bdeadfish frame 3TLAP >r|AsDtPRGDzdaquariumܼeaquarium live frame 1faquarium live frame 2gaquarium live frame 3haquarium live frame 4diaquarium live frame 5Fjaquarium feed frame 1(kaquarium feed frame 2 laquarium feed frame 3maquarium feed frame 4naquarium dead frame 1oaquarium dead frame 2paquarium dead frame 3tqaquarium dirtyVraquarium dirty live frame 1saquarium dirty live frame 2taquarium dirty live frame 3|uaquarium dirty live frame 4vaquarium dirty live frame 5@ waquarium dirty feed frame 1xaquarium dirty feed frame 2yaquarium dirty feed frame 3fzaquarium dirty feed frame 4{aquarium dirty dead frame 1*%|aquarium dirty dead frame 2*}aquarium dirty dead frame 3#RTSO0Suit primitive stringsa2oc2oc -Dialog prim string setDJBOFAAquariumSSTC/BATT^AquariumsATTG_PMBfCatalog