IFF FILE 2.5:TYPE FOLLOWED BY SIZE JAMIE DOORNBOS & MAXIS 1[FWAV^meal_sloppy_eaterOBJfAfJBO#)(BCON\StateTRCNNCRTmovedeatdbitedquackdrelaxdsocializedDeaddPALT\EB:A:!$!RYR)1)RQRqkJMJŌkqk1-1cec:5:JEJ)$){{BABZaZ191½֔!(!Z]Z151ZUZJQJΌsyscic:9:! !)()BEBTREEEERTF6A6B6_NOTE: the tweak temper generates a value for comparison with the peson's p: temper variable. The rest of the target person tree will find the person with the highest p: temper that is greater thean the number generated here. Then its hunt'n season.TREE EERT\*YSadd 5 to the ducks sotp_goH&6H&6q6X6_DwNOTE: The stop_go inc is executed after the duck has finished quacking. It is neseccary to inc the stop_go at this point because the quack is the ducks default state. TREEEERT]6set the duck to be the pusherR&6push attack treexs6t6TREE EERT F6get min temperF6new styleIRB/set current highMt8high temperFxV6 find next targetQw<3update current high's IDEtFsame roomF<6set the min temper levelF66C'NOTE: returns the obj ID of the person in temp 0 TREE EERTF6L6P>turn rightP.5>currentF,<newF'66diff > 4 P(>turn leftF / set incF* , set incc6 if direction == desired direction<Q/ F <6inc>6 F)6new - currentF26diff < 4F6FM6FB6F6>\6>\l6>N6 >6>6>U6F6w6b6\#TturnTREE4 EERTCi66IcNOTE: tweak stop_go dec reduces the desire of the duck to move. It is exectuted after the duck has just finished walking or turning.TREE EERTQg^decrament the temperQ^decrament the temperQB^decrament the temper 8nNOTE: The tweak temper dec occurs after the duck has been feed and after the duck has been petted.TREEEERTQg^decrament the temperQ^decrament the temperQB^decrament the temper TREEEERT!F6@KOif speed == 0KbKFKloops on stack vars0 KIif fail try to left and rightK& Kset the speedF9Pif speed == 1KKset the speedKVset the speedFKKVF86 right footKRVFO86 left footK}=F~86standingK$JK$=F(=6standingF6F6FT6F"6 KG if fail try to left and rightKHJ FKloops on stack vars0 66Y666 tBjTODO: tune the animationsTREEEERTR6 if not dockedKKgenertate a 0, 1, or 2 Zf6 Z6G6if == 0 then turnD? decrament stop_goRz6pick random directionRaP6pick random distanceRj6pick random speed 0, 1, 2F{6if you fail once try.. _66Dturn code @ walk codeTREE EERT ImK add random to hungerQ6get random 0 or 1Q^hunger = 0Qz^check for hunger > 10I}Kadd random to hungerIK add random to hungerI[Kadd random to hungerl66+ B /NOTE: the tweak hunger is executed in the duck main.}/temper rises on high hunger levelsTREE.EERT FO4 is 1st eat frameF6F65 is 2nd eat frameF66 is 3rd eat frameF 6F6Fg6F6reset the ducks hungerg-@ ducks are relaxed around other ducks 9NTODO: Add animation and sounds for duck eatingTREEEERTF\26Fl66tBvAnimations and sounds will need to be testedTREE #EERTL)6K(6O)E6M)6H*6G)S6'6TREE4EERTL<{C ? `L< place anywhere.J\KJ 6set hungerQ6 N6 set temperm/Kduck MUST start in Quack stateNj6 set socialF16only one familyC#Hplace on slopeQX? not moveableN6 set socialF6only one familyFt6only one familyF6only one family6FiNOTE: To achieve best results some of the init shoule be tweaked. However, what ever you do Don't change the ducks init state(MV/ET../SC) attr. The duck MUST start out quacking. If the duck fails to start quacking the duck will sufacate and die.aDuck init code TREEh EERTFT FN FG6F+6FG)6F+(6FG6F+~6G6 F{ FPw F F'6 [ F&@This tree is run while some one is petting the duck. It will need to be tuned when animations come along.TREEEERTFT F F ~q ` TREE*EERTFc FXf FY Kg'6F v  TREE%EERTMD6 could the duck die?J6M+6will the duck die?F]6duck diedFV FO FSa F[ Fa F_ F] FFL F5 F F[! FcK 6r66/6TREEEERTFI FL= FI FK FS  FP F Qm FE FB Qj  $t =$ jc  0nIMake Sick0/10'R@~Already SickTREEEERTF  F Ff   TREE,EERTFV  2 TREE'EERTFV  2 TREE)EERTFV  X TREEREERTH,U6update hunger attrO(6calc moodF($6F.6F&6 F:U6F6 F6F6 F6F6 Fq6 9>  V P TREEEERTF  F FK F F6 F FD F F FZ F   W TREE(EERTFKStore Stack Object IDFyK F46 -u <9KF6< F# F5Q RMZLock this one out and try to find anotherFWg RZBagF E F} FD RlZTrash AmountF] <Lv RZTrash AmountFn  FX Fss UE6C6<<0finish0@FFound a trash objectTREEt+EERT FK F F F FE Ff FN      TREE EERTF F! F F FG   TREEf$EERT F"6 random number?@get current directionF6turn that way?l#rightAul#leftF6random turn left / rightG6 Walk this wayQxLset speed to fastest duck speed, 2QLmove 4 in one directionF6 =w@reset loop var6I6TREEEERTe*6since The Duck failed to get to target check to see if it should redirect.[P6Failed twice your out of thereY6close enough? bite or keep going8u666TREE4EERTF6set loop limitF6K#H get distance store in temp0KLget direction store in temp0G6 prepare for Attack!!F6change course\ 6get distance store in temp0NP6 close enough? bite or keep goingQLset speed to fastest duck speed, 2F6keep goingS-6 insure smooth duck trackingF6F:6Fa F~[ FS FG F I66C6j6  u n +t  TREE EERT FC6W F6F6FE 6Y6_ GDVNOTE: Reproduction occurs in the socialize tree after another duck has been found.TREEtEERT FJ6sets stack objFAq6find duckF7burbleg@ducks are relaxed around other ducksFwy6burbleFu6burbleF!6Ts6did I find myself?H RTNOTE: The track target tree makes the duck hunt down the obj that has the current stack obj ID._The duck finds another duck in its familyTREEEERTFe F F F ~5  TREEEERTF6 F6 moveF F6 moveF6F6F FG6 F F6F6 FI6move6  0dMove0f]0=]0TREE&EERT/F F F F$ FQy F FN Fy F  (F>  Fk #FgB "F2 +Ff Ff $$F ,F -FOS -Fd .F^* F< Fz %F_ F !F Fn F F FW 'F &F5 FI FT F2 )]  Y|   >t (y H 0_ Eat it0*0*0*0fc*TREEEERTF F Ft F  TREELEERT KTkVmove stateT7turn or walkR}*Icontrolled by person feeding the duckKVeat stateO-U6 duck is being petted controlled by personYVrelax the duck is being petted else it will find a duckLU& F1 x6/66z TREEEERTFKKFKset random duck idleRQduck idlesfADuck eats, walks, quacks, bites, relaxes, or socializees\v6F occurs on eating and pettingK6Educk mainSLOTTOLSSTR#|,StringPrimitive string setthe duck is busy now can't get to the duckSTR#duck slots labels 0north northeasteast southeastsouth southwestwest northwestSTR#PDuck relationship labelsSTR#Duck skill table0adult-duck-biteadult-duck-feedadult-duck-patA2O-trashcan-emptyA2O-trashbag-carryA2O-reach-seathtSTR#c2oC2O-trashcan-emptyC2O-trashbag-carryC2O-reach-seathtSTR#a0Suit primitive stringssuit-trashbagSTR#hungerenergymoodStop for Interaction?Last Day ProcessedunusedunusedStateSTR#f.MakeActionString prim string setSell for $$Local:0STR#1A dog has died! Perhaps you should have fed it better.TPRPdPRPTTPRPmPRPTparam 0TPRPnPRPTmin tempTPRPd PRPTTPRPPRPTnew directioncurrentdiffincTPRPl PRPTTPRPl PRPTTPRPlPRPTTPRPPRPTdistancespeedparam 2TPRPPRPTparam 0param 1param 2param 3TPRPl PRPTTPRPlPRPTTPRPnPRPTiTPRPl#PRPTTPRPPRPTparam 0param 1param 2param 3TPRPl PRPTTPRPlPRPTTPRPz*PRPTAnimation TagTPRPp%PRPTnumTPRPtPRPTCage IDTPRPtPRPTAmountTPRPl,PRPTTPRPl'PRPTTPRPl)PRPTTPRPlPRPTTPRPrPRPTtagsTPRP(PRPTparam 0param 1param 2param 3IDTPRPr+PRPTtagsTPRPlPRPTTPRPt$PRPTrandiTPRPlPRPTTPRPnPRPTiTPRPz PRPTfamily countTPRPlPRPTTPRPtPRPTObjectTPRPvPRPTDirectionTPRPx&PRPTHunger IncTPRPpPRPTPigTPRPlPRPTTPRPlPRPTBHAVtarget person   BHAVptweak targetBHAV| tweak stop_go inc  BHAVppush attack   BHAVturn             !!     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Remember, a well taken-care-of ship and crew INCREASES in value!GlitchGlitch is the first in a new line of robot dogs from tsc he needs to be loved and cared for just like a real dog for more dogs visit http://members.nbci.com/simscomicsOBJD$AMax - SimFreaks!d&<H#`^:XXXX lpmsrVAWF@fJBOANOCBvStateNCRT2RPSeBlocks 2fBlocks 3adBlocks 1PRGDeMax 2fMax - SleepPdMax 1TLAP0EERT(!  i u   ;C Ao g!#"& #) **+%-K031,1'2)C35y7(U;+<=$O@AF G-J1KM&7STkVTOLSX#RTS X,StringPrimitive string setYduck slots labelsYDuck relationship labelsYDuck skill tableZc2o`[0Suit primitive strings[y\.MakeActionString prim string set\1PRPT(i]]:^^  __ ` q``daa `bb:c#c6d de*e%elff,Lg'g)$hhi(i+jtj$jTkk