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$Me got 1 Charisma Skill Point!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.[F]! deletedI'm too depressed to even look at myself.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Flicitations !Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Quel charme irrsistible ! $Me reoit 1 point de charisme !Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedMon moral est si bas que je ne veux mme plus me regarder dans un miroir.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Glckwunsch!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Unwiderstehlich! $Me erhlt 1 Charismapunkt!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedIch bin so deprimiert, da ich meinen eigenen Anblick nicht ertragen kann.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Congratulazioni!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Irresistibile! $Me ha ottenuto un Punto Carisma!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedNon ho nessuna voglia di guardarmi allo specchio.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Felicidades!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Irresistible! $Me ha conseguido 1 punto de carisma!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedCon la depresin que tengo no puedo ni mirarme al espejo.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Gefeliciteerd!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Onweerstaanbaar. $Me krijgt 1 punt extra voor Charisma!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedIk ben zelfs te depressief om naar mezelf te kijken.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005! Grattis!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message. Oemotstndlig! $Me har ftt en extra pong i karisma!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message. ! deleted Jag r fr deprimerad fr att ver huvud taget titta p mig sjlv.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message. $MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate. gzi 9005!Parabns!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Irresistvel! $Me recebeu 1 ponto de Carisma!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedEu estou muito deprimido para me olhar no espelho.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!߂łƂ܂ISkill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.͓IłI$Me1|Cg̃JX}|Cg𓾂܂ISkill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedg邱ƂłJTłBSkill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Gratulacje!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.Co za nieodparty urok! $Me zdobywa 1 punkt charyzmy!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedMam tak okropny nastrj, e nie mog na siebie patrze.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!ף!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message. ! $Me+1!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deleted ҵ͸ˣ޷ϰݽSkill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!ߡISkill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message. uOgHI$Meo 1 IyOޯIơISkill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedڤ߱tsۤvQݡISkill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!Թմ!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message.ش__ѡ__! $Me __ṹ_ѡ_ǾԺ _1 _ṹ!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedѹ_˴_____ͧ_ѧ___Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!մϴ!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Title Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of the medicine cabinet the player will get this message. ƶ! $Me() ī 1 ϴ!Skill: Charisma02: Gain: Dialog: Text Notes: After developing a charisma skill point from practicing a speech in front of a mirror the player will get this message.! deletedʹ ؼ ڽŵ Ĵٺ Ⱦ.Skill: Charisma02: Depressed: Dialog: Text Notes: If a Sim's mood is too low to practice speaking the player will get this message.$MeSkill: Charisma: Depressed: Dialog: Title Notes: Variable - do not translate.gzi 9005!TTABMirror - Floor - Moderate tree table dTTABdMirror - Wall - Moderate \@ !@2OTTAsPractice SpeechMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.S'entraner discourirMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Eine Rede benMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Esercitati nei discorsiMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Ensayar discursoMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Toespraak oefenenMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only. va p talMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Praticar DiscursoMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.bKMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.wicz przemwienieMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.ϰ˵Mirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.m߻ܧޥMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.֡þٴMirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.߼ Mirror: Floor: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.TTAsGive OrdersMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.S'entraner discourirMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Eine Rede benMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Esercitati nei discorsiMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Ensayar discursoMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Toespraak oefenenMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only. va p talMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.Praticar DiscursoMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.bKMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.wicz przemwienieMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.ϰ˵Mirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.m߻ܧޥMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.֡þٴMirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.߼ Mirror: Wall: Both: Notes: Appears when selected by adults only.PALT\ef-7pZLN"?"rE44)~7ءP.@+; @=1Y'I'=+p1Y@<%r7-ȤE#:@%0%{thO)_/y8"V&~8=z6<7+Ib+r6"8?k9 ^KS%A @-Z)Q*Z49-ҞF&3)]4. k/;Q#B(8(ݝY.GM-=/=!J&{y;&>&v5B"7qj]N#|O;5)½ܧT.D+AZ'K'u3[>Я7-ΫG*:!D$2'ub-V&;">"nPk^ڢI*>K!\5)G-](3 7+:!?"9-3)k/&v5B&BHAV bad mood~, ,$BHAVinit floor moderateBHAVdmain NBHAVinit common!BHAVdPractice Speech TEST BHAV`random speech ,,,,,, , , , ,    , , , BHAVinit wall moderate    ? 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