Radio/DX Information from Wisconsin
This site is for people who love radio and are interested in keeping up with the ever-changing radio scene in this part of the country.
Front Page Contents
What's Inside | Links | GTGs and
What's Inside
* About this Site: Why we're here
* Radio News and Notes: Tidbits about Wisconsin and area radio
* AM Expanded-Band Stations in the United States: A checklist of all the stations currently operating in the USA in the 1610-1700 kHz range, including formats, addresses, and more
* AM Radio in Wisconsin: Station lists, data, and web
site links, organized by frequency
* Long Wave in Wisconsin: This page lists all the long
wave beacons in the state, indicating on-air status, and is organized by frequency as well as location
* Radio Markets in and around Wisconsin: Dial summaries for some
cities in the region. The lists are grouped by state:
* An Informal Club for Radio Hobbyists: A great way to meet other DXers and radio fans in the southern Wisconsin area
* Tim's Travel Page: Travel notes from our recent journeys
Some Recommended Web Sites
DX-midAMerica: Based in the Milwaukee area, this is a great source for current radio and DX information,
especially on AM and FM.
NorthPine: A very comprehensive site that will answer virtually any question about radio in the region.
Wisconsin Radio Pages: Station information, transmitter site photos, and more.
Wisconsin Broadcast Page: A good source of radio and TV information in this part of the country.
Fox Valley Radio: An informative site that specializes in radio in east-central Wisconsin.
Chicagoland Radio Call-Sign History: A fine history of Chicago's radio dial.
Indiana Radio Watch: The best source of current news about broadcasting in Indiana.
The Iowa TV Webpage: The best source for detailed coverage of these stations. A site devoted to St. Louis radio, past and present.
International Radio Club of America: A club devoted to long-distance listening on the AM band.
National Radio Club: Founded in 1933 and going strong, the NRC is a club dedicated to AM DXing.
The Longwave Home Page: from the Long Wave Club of America.
Worldwide TV-FM DX Association: A club for DXers on the higher frequencies.
William Hepburn's VHF-UHF Tropospheric Ducting Forecast: Watch this site and anticipate the good FM DX in your area.
WNAR Radio: Radio drama and music from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.
Prime Time Shortwave: Current data on the ever-changing English schedules of numerous shortwave stations.
DXtreme Software On the Web: A source for affordable software products for SW, MW, and VHF/UHF listeners and DXers.
GTGs and
A summary of upcoming events for the radio hobbyist
Saturday, August 16, 2025, Madison-Milwaukee Get-Together, Madison WI.
Friday-Saturday, September 5-6, 2025, IRCA Convention, Sacramento CA.