Format flips/brandings

On this page, you will find station information: frequency changes, new stations, silent stations and the like. Newest information is at the top. It is kept here, then moved to the format archives page, after the last monthly posting. Preference is given to midAMerica and/or where reporters/contributors are. What is reported is the principal format of said station. ALL ENTRIES are double sourced.
* denotes outside of midAMerica listings, but might be of interest, or reported by a DX-midAMerica reporter.
@ denotes usage on AZ,NV and NM GY listing.
+ denotes usage on NorthEast GY listing.
x denotes usage on Sun Coast/Gulf GY listing.
VER notes VERified from older information, and is done as a courtesy, usually by checking website, stream and is NOT NEW information, whereas [vd] verified by stn via e-mail [vd:e], phone [vd:p], steaming/broadcast[vd:s] [vd:b] is newer, and [gr] is/was a gradual change, not an instant flip.
Now On/Silent list is updated monthly.
20+ sources, and contributors contribute to what is seen below. "Unreliable sources" (some message boards, misleading websites) are not even bothered with! There are people whom it is beneath their dignity to answer a simple question, and there are very decent people contacted: webmasters, station personnel, owners!
Stations on occasion, are contacted, and do not answer repeated requests or phone calls on operation. Sad!
If there is a format change in your part of midAMerica, feel free to contribute! Format information may be added by e-mailing to the above link. Rumors, gossip or "possible flips" are just that and not posted. Stunting and/or All Christmas flips are not reported. 5th harmonics don't matter. To a few they do.
There is information held on other stations, with possible flips, but is not listed herein as information is not verifiable, thus not listed.
NOTED means station (usually "-LP") NOTED in travels. Probably not new info, per se, just verifying what was noted.
Input is acknowledged, greatly appreciated and a thank you is sent. Please check the filtered/spam/junk folder(s). E-mails are NEVER, EVER forwarded.
A Full Power simulcast is shown as // (IE:1400 WPOW or //101 WIOI.) Information on translators is added at will, though not a priority, and might have happened earlier than posted. Translators added show a plus (+) sign, translators moved or deleted show a minus (-) sign. EXAMPLES: +96.7 K222BL Laramie. -92.3 K222BL Laramie. Call changes are from FCC. If the call change is not used, go to a safe zone!
If there is a mistak, er, mistake, it happens! Never good to toss the first stone, though there are those who might say "I felt this thrill going up my leg" at an error. Apologies. There's more to life! Way more!
SILENT: If a federal commission, or their sub-contractors don't care about stations being off, LID's (never given, wrong COL's, improper LID's,) operations, why document them from this end? Weekly, reports are received of stations being silent. In weekly band scans, stations are off for hours, days and even months! Old/dated equipment, lack of parts, finding an engineer/help, running on the cheap, getting to a tower, station for sale, you name it. Open carriers running for hours/days/months! Months! Enforcement today vs 2/3/4/5 decades ago is noticeable to anyone with a pulse. There are field inspectors, so it has been reported.
SALES are included as one might see a format change are a new owner want to do "new" things, or "re-steer the ship" their way, get in their management, mission, etc.
More detailed information is available for locals-graveyards, markets, and the Cayman Islands pages.
DX-midAMerica has been tracking flips and changes since 1981. So there! There are fewer flips tho, since 2020. Aside my old pirate, 1977 Fun to enjoy the hobby for a well lived life!
Information shown is public information. Stations are monitored through websites, broadcasts, streaming or road trips! Errors are possible. Accuracy/timeliness not guaranteed. Too, it all depends on what the meaning of "is" is!
Concerning slogans, it might say "107.1" on the logo, for non radio types, but "107-1" on station's audio. THAT is what is listed. That's that!
It has been brought to the author's attention several times, that this site/effort has been misquoted. On being misquoted, maybe the person was careless, in a hurry or has an agenda. Mistakes can and do happen, yet when they happen over and over, gotta wonder. It's best to look at this page vs. what is quoted elsewhere. That is a fact!
Others with information: MN/Ellis WI/Noonan not included here. Other sites? info@DX-midAMerica You'll be credited, or remain anonymous.
Still, thanx for visiting. There are many places you could check and yet you stopped here. Thank you!

Streaming stations are shown giving website information.
Station SLOGAN is in "QUOTES" and other information, of interest added at will after date. Duh!
freq call location NEW format/OLD format [Contributor] FRIDAY entry date, linkage. If nothing is posted, there is nothing. Archived info is removed after one week

Additions before FRIDAY are a mock-up and not FINAL.
1230 KBZZ AZ Reno ex KZTQ Cl ROCK:92-5 the Hog ADD 96.9 K245BV Reno 250w thehogFM.com 3/28
1150 KDLX IA Des Moines SS:LaLey + 94.5 K233BT Des Moines 250w 3/28 Thus, the KWKY calls vanish. Poof! 105.5 KIHS Perry REL is where Iowa Catholic Radio went.
1340 WMUN IN Muncie TALK:the Talk of Muncie. Had been SPO Rieger-MI 3/21
1340 KRMDxLA Shreveport 400/400 SoftAC +100.7 K264AS Mooringsport 250w Lite Rock 100.7 literock1007.com/ SILENT 3/21
1400 WJZN+ME Augusta SIL STA SILent 3/21
1490 WLAW MI Whitehall-Muskegon C&W Nash Icon 99.1 W256DM +97.5 WLAWFM , went SILent Friday 3/14/25 2000 LOCAL https://www.muskegonnashicon.com. 3/21
1230 WSSOxMS Starkville SPO:Infinity "1230 the Team" SILent 3/21
1240 KLIK MO Jefferson City + 103.5 TALK SILent 3/21
 920 KWUL MO St.Louis 450/500 [WGNU]
+101.5 K268CT Saint Peters, MO
+104.5 K283CI Saint Louis 99w. NO LONGER//101.7 KWULFM
1450 KIKRxTX Nederland SPO SILent 3/21
1450 KBBS WY Buffalo OLD C&W +103.5 K278CJ Buffalo 250w KBBS 103.5 1450 Classic Hit Country bighornmountainradio.com/classic-hit-country/ 3/21
560 CFOS ON Owen Sound "soon to be 89.3 FM -CFOS" vd:b 1500w ERP Rieger-MI 3/21
1400 WJZN+ME Augusta SILent/Economic 3/14
960 WKVX OH Wooster 1000/32 +102.9 W275DG Jefferson SoGOS:Glory 960 & 102.9
560 KZAC*CA San Francisco SILent ex KSFO 3/7
1170 KBOB IA Davenport SILent (SPO ESPN Quad Cities) 3/7
1570 KAKK MN Walker 1000/47 SPO:FOX +93.7 K229DJ Walker 250w SILent 3/7
970 WDAY ND Fargo SALE to Flag Family Media 3/7
1460 WEMK WI West Allis CCM:theFamily:92-9 and 102-5 the Family +92.9 W225CP Milwaukee 99w +102.5 W273DQ Milwaukee 99w 3/7
1540 WPTT WI Hartford OLDies:Classic Oldies 1540 AM [WTKM] 3/7

1260 WFTW FL Fort Walton Beach +107.5 W298CV Fort Walton Beach 250w SILent as of noon 3/28/25. AM on since 1953. Cumulus Media taking 23 stations silent. 3/28
720 WJIB*MA Cambridge ex:740. Flipped on 3/24 -3/28
1440 WLWI*AL Montgomery SILent 3/21 NOTE: The once great Top40 WHHY!
1560 WLZR FL Melbourne +107.9 SILent 3/21
1160 WJLK*NJ Lakewood Twp STA SILent 3/21
1260 WRIE*PA Erie SPO Infinity SILent 3/21
1440 KPUR*TX AMarillo SPO:Infinity SILent 3/21
1070 WAPI*AL Birmingham STA to remain silent & decide what to do with the station. (//FM TALK WZRR)3/14 https://fccdata.org/?facid=16900
800 WHOS*AL Decatur requested WBHP https://fccdata.org/?facid=44023 3/14
1060 WLNO*LA New Orleans LICense cancelled. Silent, since 2021. 3/14 WNOE 1973 WNOE chart
650 WSRO*MA Ashland/102.1 W271CU Framingham estate has surrendered the licenses (incl 102.1 W271CU.) Death of owner
1160 WJLK*NJ Lakewood Township and translator 104.1 taken SILent by Townsquare.
1310 WOBM*NJ Asbury Park and translator 96.7 taken SILent by Townsquare.
1340 WIRY*NY Plattsburgh SILent:media landscape
1050 WAYS*SC Conway-Myrtle Beach SILent STA 3/14
920 WYMB*SC Manning SILent (AC//FM) 3/14
1530 KYWW*TX Harlingen ex:KGBT 3/14

✅ FM:
103.7 CJPT ON Brockville Giant FM:Cl ROCK, tossing Variety Hits Bounce FM, Sale to My Broadcasting from Bell 3/28
104.9 CFJR ON Brockville AC: 104.9 My FM Sale to My Broadcasting from Bell 3/28
98.3 CFLY ON Kingston AC Fly 98 FM, was Move 98.3, Sale to My Broadcasting from Bell 3/28
98.9 CKLC ON Kingston New Country 98.9 tossing Pure Country 99, Sale to My Broadcasting from Bell 3/28
93.7 WJBCFM IL Pontiac-Bloomington C&W Nash Icon SILent 3/21
105.5 KDLSFM IA Perry to drop SS and 2b:KIHS Iowa Catholic Radio Rieger-MI 3/21
101.7 KWUL MO Elsberry Cl ROCK //93.1 KBDZ Perryville
93.1 KBDZ MO Perryville ADDS // 101.7 KWULFM Elsberry Cl ROCK 3/21
104.1 KMOXFM MO Hazelwood ex WHHL 104.1 -tossing URBAN format, which moves to 98.7 K254CR Saint Louis 250w 3/21
106.9 KHTZ ND Minot ex:KHRTFM -still SILent 3/21
96.7 WIHN IL Normal SILENT Sale by Woodward to EMF KLove 3/14
91.3 KAPC MT Butte LIC surrendered 3/14
101.3 WAGX OH Manchester LICense surrendered 3/14
106.9 KHRT-FM Minot, Cont Christian& SILent, SALE to Radio Differently LLC 3/7
a=NOT reflected on website as of publication
b=CHANGED from original posting. Please recheck entry
c=MAY have happened before date. Per website.
D Station's own description in ad, station listing, etc.
E=added BEFORE DATE shown as deemed a BULLETIN, or important enough/newsworthy. DATE shown (9AM Central) is the OFFICIAL entry. Entries before may be changed.
T=added to listing of (Top40/OLDies) SELECTED streamers here: angelfire.com/wi/dxmidamerica/streamers.html
U=Updated from older info, where new format not known at time.
?=don't know if correct, as this conflicts with other info.
Format Flips going back one year can be found here:
format flips arranged by date
format flips arranged by frequency
format flips arranged by political unit
Some, of course, not all, Format Flips going back to 1981 can be found here, with other information:
format flips back to 1981, with other information