

Can't sleep? Don't want to sleep? This is your favorite time of the day? Doing an all-night dx session? Here's your page! Logs from the past few months posted for 2300-0459 Central! NEWEST AT THE TOP. Good luck!!!! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME LOGS

970 KCFO OK Tulsa 4/19 0405 to 0415 On top poor to almost fair. Male and female discussing marriage. // to their web site's live stream. TPK-WI
970 KHVN TX Fort Worth 4/19 0335 Poor but on top. Female anncr w/ Black Information Network nx. Mention of Dallas BIN on 970 and 1630. TPK-WI
750 KXTG OR Portland 3/12 0021 p- WSB was off, weak under loud CKJH with O'Reilly Auto Parts ad and "7-50 The Game" ID, // to Gresham, OR SDR, New State #48.NEW! TL-IN