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The Gods of Ancient Egypt

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Amun-Re (or Amon-Ra) is the sun god. He is considered king of the gods.

Representation: A man with the head of a falcon and a sun.

Osiris is the god of agriculture and ruler of the dead.

Representation: Wears the White Crown of Upper Egypt and holds the flail and the crook.

Isis is the protector of children. She is gifted with magical powers.

Representation: Stands wearing cow's horns and the solar disk on her head and an ankh symbol in her hand.

Horus is the son of Osiris and Isis. He is identified with the pharaoh.

Representation: A man with the head of a falcon and sometimes wears the Double Crown of United Egypt.

Anubis is a very ancient god of the dead.

Representation: A man with the head of a dog or jackal.

Thoth is the god of writing and wisdom.
Representation: A man with the head of an ibis.

Hathor is the goddess of the sky, love, music, and dancing.

Representation: A woman with a circle representing the sun between two cow horns on her head.

Ptah is the god of artists and craftsmen.

Representation: A man with a beard, wearing a white hat, and holding staff straight out in front of him.

Nephthys is the goddess of women and friend of the dead.

Representation: A woman with long hair wearing a bowl on her head.

Sobek is the god of water.

Representation: A man with the head of a crocodile.

Khnum is known as the creator god.

Representation: A man with the head of a ram.

Maat is the daughter of Re and wife of Thoth. She is present at the judgement of the dead.

Represenation: A tall woman with a feather in her hair.

Neith is a very ancient goddess of war and wisdom.

Representation: A woman wearing a war crown on her head.

Set was a protector of Egypt.

Representation: A man with the body of a human and the head of an unknown animal, possibly a donkey or horse.

Selkhet is the protector of women, but also is associated with death.

Representation: A woman with a scorpion poised on her head.

For a more complete description for some of these gods, please visit Ancient Egyptian Gods

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Egyptian graphics provided by the web site "The Tomb of the Chihuahua Pharaohs" which can be found listed in Yahoo.