The Roman Piso Forum

When his true name and identity are discovered and known the rest starts to fall into
place and the truth unravels. The easiest way to find that "Arrius Calpurnius Piso" is
his real name is to find him as (C.) Caesennius Paetus when his father as Thrasea
Paetus is found out to really be Gaius Calpurnius Piso, who was put to death (by
order of suicide) by Nero in 65 CE.

At that point, you know that he is the son of Gaius Calpurnius Piso, and that therefore
the "Calpurnius Piso" part of his real/true name becomes known. From there one
may deduce from information available in ancient history and in articles dealing with
specifics of it that his firstname was "Arrius" as the masculine form of his mother’s
name (Arria). You may well wish to note that the Jewish historic commentary tries
to point this out with the "Pantera" riddle. This will be explained in more detail later
on in this article.

And one may also wish to note that Arrius Calpurnius Piso’s real name was not
"Gaius Calpurnius Piso, Jr.", as he just assumes that as an alter or alias name for the
specific purpose of indicating that he was the son of Gaius Calpurnius Piso. His true
name is the one that people in his family knew him as and called him by - and as we
go on in our studies, it will become more and more apparent that this name was
indeed "Arrius".

One of the best proofs for Flavius Josephus being the primary author of the Gospels
and the inventor of "Jesus" is simply the correlations that are found between the
works of Flavius Josephus and the New Testament itself. Those correlations will be
made available to the public in the upcoming years.

It is quite fortunate for us that the Romans were not the only ones who were leaving
us records and information of persons and history in those times. The Jews (Pharisees),
whom Rome was at war with over this very issue likewise left us what information
that they could within their particular circumstance. Like the Romans, they too used
what we refer to as ‘royal language’ as they could not write about this openly either
and had to resort to hints, riddles and clues as well. But now that we know just how
to read that ‘royal language’, we can also read what they had written - just as they had
wrote it and intended it to be read by those whom could do so.

Because of what this reveals, it demonstrates to us that history (especially ancient history)
as we think we know it, did not happen in the way in which we had previously thought
that it had and we must now expect that more and more evidence likewise will be found
that is consistent with the way in which it DID happen.

What this also means is that because the ancient authors were in complete control of
what kind of evidence (in terms of their literary creations) and how much of various
facts and information that they would give to us, we more or less find ourselves at
their virtual ‘mercy’ as far as just what evidence they chose to leave to us for the
purpose of finding out the real truth of matters in ancient history. And this should be
considered when one is expecting to find one type of evidence or another. But this
also means that what WAS left was left to us in what may be called ‘near pristine’
condition as far as what we find in the original texts - and that is much better than what
we had previously thought we had in terms of what texts and info we had from those
times. What I mean by this is that they did not write about just anyone, all persons that
they made mention of in history was a relative of theirs whether by use of an alias
name or not. There were not a lot of different persons writing either, which makes
identifying just who wrote what much easier for us.

Now, a bit about Josephus and Joseph the father of Jesus. Jesus’ father is Joseph (Josephus),
his mother is not impregnated by a mere mortal man, but rather "God". "God" came to mean
something different to us in this time than it did to those authors living in those times. "God"
had previously been a generic title inherited and used by Kings and other rulers. But
because we (as a society) do not know this today, in our own time, we tend to think that
Jesus’ mother had to be impregnated by "God" and that "God" could not also be her
husband (figuratively speaking… remember, we are talking about a fictional story). While
writing his 'histories', etc., Josephus deliberately mislead his readers (deliberate deception).
And as Josephus he is the first 'historian' to mention "Jesus" outside of the New Testament.

Josephus, as "Joseph", the father of Jesus was a High Priest, but he was also a ruler/
king (kings were sometimes called ‘governors’ in ancient history - which is something
recently revealed by our research). However, as just stated, he (Josephus) would
theoretically not actually have to be a king or ruler to use the inherited name/title "God",
if he was of the/a royal line. He would just have it as a "birthright" to use when and
how he pleased - which, is precisely what he did.

Another thing that is quite telling about the Piso family and their close relatives is that
the Piso family had a history of being ‘governors’ of Syria. That is to say in actuality,
kings installed there by Rome. Syria was generally a region that was ruled over by the
Pisos for many generations consecutively, with perhaps a close relative of theirs
stepping in as a figurehead occasionally. But primarily, Syria was the territory of the
Pisos for a very long expanse of time. The Pisos and Syria in ancient history had very
nearly become synonymous with each other - and so, this is another way of knowing
what is being said regarding the Pisos in a secretive way. There is a place where "Jesus"
is said to have been "famous" in Syria, for instance. It wasn’t "Jesus" most certainly
who was "famous" in Syria, but rather the person who was playing Jesus in the NT
(Ref. Matt. 4:24, "Jesus" famous or well-known in Syria).

As Caesennius Paetus, Arrius Piso was the governor of Syria (Ref. Flavius Josephus,
Jewish War II, VII, 59, Whiston translation; and also "The True Authorship of the
New Testament", by Abelard Reuchlin, pg. 20). Reuchlin says; Then Caesennius
Paetus appears as governor of Syria, but because he is still Caesennius, he is still

As Claudius Ariston "he was called the "leading citizen" of Ephesus (Ref. Pliny,
VI.31.3.). Ephesus, was the Chief City of the Roman province of Asia which was to
the South West of Bithynia. We also find him as Flavius Archippus who was
supposedly a philosopher whom emperor Domitian commended to Pliny the Younger
(under Pliny’s alter name/identity of Lappius Maximus, see "True Authorship of the
New Testament," pg. 15-16). The emperor ordered Pliny to "buy" him a farm near
Prusa (in Bithynia) and out of public funds it would appear, or else by ruthless
means to obtain this farm property. The people of Prusa (supposedly) voted to put
up a statue as tribute to him (Flavius Archippus aka Josephus). Now, if we could just
find one of these statues or other likenesses of Piso from his time we would really
have something to show what he looked like.

[Note: "The True Authorship of the New Testament" can be obtained from: $5.00]


1. The Pantera Riddle, solved and explained.
2. The Correlations between the works of Flavius Josephus & the New Testament.
3. "Jesus" and Piso are BOTH famous in Syria.
4. The word "Denarius" used in Revelations as a question!
5. Alias names can be used to build profiles of the actual persons.
6. Arrius Piso's descent from Marc Anthony (and Cleopatra).
7 . The word "nini" and "dragon" meaning "baby boy", which is "Jesus".
8. Arrius Piso as founder of Annii Verii and Annii Anicii.
9. Arrius Piso's inherited name of "Pollio".
10. Listing of those 'historians' who were involved in the fraud.

BACK ON THE TRAIL (following Arrius Piso through his alias names)

Here is the order in which we will go so as to keep this organized in a way that will be
easier for the reader to understand and to follow:

1. (C.) CAESENNIUS PAETUS leads us to Arrius Calpurnius Piso.
2. ARRIUS CALPURNIUS PISO (his real name) leads us to Montanus.
3. MONTANUS leads us to Arrius Antoninus.
4. ARRIUS ANTONINUS leads us to Arrius Verus.
5. ARRIUS VERUS leads us to Annius Gallus.
6. ANNIUS GALLUS leads us to Cestius Gallus.
7. CESTIUS GALLUS leads us to Gessius Florus.




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