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Ever tried looking for a insult for someone, but never being able to think of anything really good or fitting? Well, fear no more, for we have sat down and come up with some of the most bizarre insults that you may ever come across. Exhibit A:

You are a ... ((Fill in the Blank...))!

...anally retentive pubic louse...

...grotesque pile of masochistic @$$ droppings...

...cum guzzling fat f*...

...two sump water pumping @$$ lizard... trailer park discount whore...

...yeast infested cum bubble...

...lying sack of Siberian snake sh^t... beer guzzlin' cousin f*er...

...delapilated piece of worm wiggling donut dick...

...cum-guzzling two-bit road whore from Hell...

...semen-sucking Princess of Hades...

...tasmanian bug-f*er...

...Syphilli-infected anal drip...

Still not good enough? Try mixing and matching the terms! :)

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