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Firsty Work

BREATHE frontman DAVID "Where's my skinny-ribbed top?" GLASPER reveals a graveyard of skeletons in his closet to ANNA MARTIN in the Great POP SHOP First feature.

FIRST KISS***Oh, that was a girl called Abigail Gabble when I was about six. It took place in the school playground and I'm sure it was love at first sight. But then again, I may have been in love with her name instead.

FIRST GIRLFRIEND***That was Sarah Isles (does this man have a memory for names or does this man have a memory for names?). She used to live down the road from me so I would stand outside her window and serenade her. Well, maybe not exactly outside her window...Anyway I was 13 at the time. I had this small classical guitar and I'd play simple things like old Beatles' songs 'cos they were the only tunes I knew.

FIRST ITEM OF CLOTHING I INSISTED MY MUM BOUGHT ME***It was a pair of Clarks' Attackers which I thought were very hip at the time. Or was it a skinny-ribbed top which had one of those massive flapping collars? (cool, David, real cool) Mind you, I bet it would look really trendy now but I haven't got it anymore (thank God for small mercies). It had maroon, green, and yellow stripes and looked like a rugby top.

FIRST TIME I EVER GOT DRUNK***That was one afternoon after schoolwhen I was 13. I came home with a friend and we attacked my dad's sherry and had a drinking contest. It all seemed like a really good laugh till my mum and sister got home and found us rolling around on the floor.

FIRST PARTY I EVER GAVE***We were living in Adelaide, Australia, for a couple of years so it was my kindergarten parties with all my friends. We were always having jelly and orange juice parties then (things haven't changed much eh David?)

FIRST RECORD BOUGHT***That's one that I really detest now, Boney M's album! Actually the first single was 'Crazy Horses' by the Osmonds or was it 'Castles In The Air' by Don Mac Lean. You won't mention Boney M will you? (You can trust us David).

FIRST BAND I EVER SAW***Genesis in 1977 at Hammersmith Odeon. They were the first band I ever got into so I guess I've always been something of a hippy on the quiet. I've still got loads of their albums but I rarely listen to all the old stuff.

FIRST IDOL I EVER HAD***David Bowie. Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane - he was the best. All that happened around '72 but it took me two years to get into him. Then I wanted to be Ziggy...

FIRST PROPER HAIRCUT***God I don't know. I've had so many bad ones it's hard to tell. I had loads of hedgehog haircuts, y'know, those short, spikey ones that won't stay down no matter how much gel you use. I suppose I had my first 'proper' cut when we first got signed up by our record company. Until then my idea of style was something long with highlights!

FIRST HOLIDAY I REALLY ENJOYED***The one time I really enjoyed myself was when a group of us went camping in St. Austell, Cornwall. We met up with loads of other people and did a lot of discovering!

THE FIRST HOLIDAY I HAD WHEN I REALISED I WAS TOO OLD TO BE WITH MY PARENTS***I was 14 and we had gone to France. I'd reached the stage where I was thinking it was definitely un-hip to be seen with your parents. Because of that I didn't want to do anything they wanted to do. I wasn't interested in seeing any classic French architecture or anything - I just wanted to get back home to my friends.

FIRST JOB***I've done loads of stupid jobs. When I was at university I worked on market stalls selling anything from jeans to fruit and veg. My first 'proper' job after leaving university was as an Assistant Manager at Tesco's.

FIRST THING I BOUGHT WHEN I HAD A FEW QUID IN MY POCKET***When I worked on the stalls I had a few quid to spend. I think I bought a skateboard and all the gear 'cos that was the thing to have then. I have always been pretty extravagant with my money and I always wanted expensive things so I would save up for ages. But it would make all my mates jealous when I got what I wanted.

FIRST FAN LETTER I EVER HAD***It was when we first released our record. I can't remember the actual one but I'm always amazed at the trouble fans go to just to find out where we live so they can write direct.

FIRST TIME I WAS CHATTED UP***Well, I'm totally useless where things like that are concerned. The only time I realise what's happening is if I'm talking to someone I don't really like. Otherwise it's quite a mutual thing. I usually make mistakes and stumble into things. I'm pretty un-cool (especially when you're wearing that maroon skinny-ribbed top). I'm the kind of person who trips up or spills a drink just when I'm trying to impress somebody.

FIRST TIME I MET MARCUS AND SPIKE***We all went to the same school although I'm two years older. They were always in bands and I'd go and see them play. They were going through their headbanger phase at the time with long, centre-parted hair and cowboy boots.

FIRST TIME I HEARD BREATHE ON THE RADIO***We were rehearsing in a West London studio and were sitting in the canteen when our single came out over the radio. We all just freaked out.

FIRST INTERVIEW I EVER DID***It was for The Camberly News, a local paper just before the record deal. I'm still not used to being asked questions about myself yet.

FIRST TIME I THOUGHT I'D DONE SOMETHING REALLY STUPID***It was years ago in Essex. I was with a friend who was a complete oddball. He was a bit of an arsonist and he decided to set this building alight with some lighter fuel. I had nothing to do with it but I was with him and afterwards we had to get someone to check that nobody would find out he did it. That was really stupid and I'm sure people are still wondering who did it to this day.

FIRST THING I DO WHEN I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING***(Very smutty laugh). Have a nice cup of tea!

Pop Shop Magazine
Writer Anna Martin