Doris Greaves
was born in Melbourne, Australia on July 29th 1919 at 2:04pm. At the age of 18 Doris was given 10 shillings to buy a pair of stocking for her birthday but instead bought her first astrology book, Lyndoe's Practical Astrology. Teachers were hard to find then and while most teenagers were out enjoying themselves, Doris was scouring Melbourne for people to teach her astrology.
In 1944 Doris won a scholarship to study Industrial Welfare at the University of Sydney and spent her weekends studying astrology with Arthur de Dion. During the 1940s Doris had her first article published and since has written hundreds of articles for magazines and journals all over the world. For well over 15 years Doris was a household name for the popular astrology column in Rupert Murdoch's New Idea
In 1965 she was appointed the Coordinator of Astrological Studies at the Melbourne Theosophical Society and in 1967 after meeting with Reinhold Ebertin and studying his method of Cosmobiology she formed the Regulus Ebertin Study Group in Australia which is still going strong today. The study group have pioneered work using the Ingress charts on the 900 dial.
In 1970 Doris formed the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) and in 1972 became a professional member of the American Federation of Astrologers and an Honorary Member of the Kosmobiology Academy in Aalen West Germany. Doris has lectured extensively in USA, Germany, England, Denmark, Switzerland, Thailand, New Zealand and Australia In 1995 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cosmobiology Research Foundation Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona.
This is an excerpt from "Comobiology into the 20th Century" chapter 15 (Personalities)
Doris Greaves Books:
- Her publications include Cosmobiology, A Modern Approach to Astrology,
Koch Table of Houses for Southern Latitudes, The Placidus Table of House for
Southern Latitudes with Rudolf Smit which includes special text on the Vertex.
At present Doris is writing a new book on Astrology in the Southern Hemisphere with Richard Sterling and Milton Black which is due for publication in 1999.
- Cosmobiology into the 21st Century