Some Keeley Ancestors

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Information Last Updated 6 Jul 2001

Most of the genealogical information on these pages has not yet been verified. I've put the information online for many reasons, one of which is to let others correct me if the information is wrong.

    Reasons to do genealogy:

  • You can find interesting facts about your family.
  • It helps you understand why your family acts the way they do.
  • It's a good excuse to travel.
  • Sometimes you find a disease runs in your family.
  • And sometimes there's free balloons and popcorn for the kids!
  • a jar of almonds
  • Finally, it's endless fun and excitement (even at its most frustrating).


I have lost my password to Rootsweb, so I'm putting the update here on Angelfire for now. Sorry about the ads. I don't endorse any except the Eric Johnson ad, and I'll probably be taking that down before 2006 (i.e. a couple of weeks). I also hereby declare that clicking on any ads (even the Eric Johnson ad) is done at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any actions performed by the companies linked to the ads.

I found some of the links were broken. I think I've fixed it. If not, please let me know.

Still very busy. No time for updating beyond what I've done. Please forgive me if it takes me a while to get back with you.

To facilitate ease of uploading and to avoid a glitch in PAF 4.0 I have broken my family tree into 8 branches. Summaries of surnames are given below the link. Use "Find" in the "Edit" pull down menu of your browser if you don't want to read the whole page. Please remember that not all the information has been verified (and that thing about Shelby Dan Eckenroed being born in New Orleans, Jackson Parrish is really starting to irritate me... if I had something better I'd put it up). My email is at the bottom if you have questions or comments about a name.


  • To the Keeley Line (DeBlock, DeVries, Feeny?, Keeley)
  • To the Hirst Line (Branagan, Hirst, Pape)
  • To the Robinson Line (Bean, Brewer, Cornutt, Hurse, Pendleton, Platt, Robinson, Russell, Smith, Taylor, Touchton)
  • To the Applegate Line (Applegate, Buck, Clayton, Conk, Conover, Disbrough, Emmons, Gibbons, Griggs, Higbee, Reid, Stillwell, Vandeveer, Wall, Wheeden, Wilson, Wirthly)
  • To the Eckenroed Line (Arbuckle, Barker, Barrett, Bates, Births, Bland, Eckenroed, Gilman, Gole, Gould, Jefts, Laws, Learned, Haywood, Hosley, Lowe, Mawle, Parker, Robbins, Spalding, Stearns, Taylor, Thompson, Tompkins, Wiley, Wilford)
  • To the Patton Line (Britnall, Dreier, Hawkins, Henry, Patten, Patton, Stickley, Stephenson)
  • To the Johnson Line (Carlson, Johnson, Solberg)
  • To the Stratton Line (Allen (Alessa), Bowers, Bruen, Burghardt (Burgot), Church, Colson, Dodge, Doty, Everett, Fletcher, Frink, Fry, Harrington, Harris, Hendrick, Hodge, Hubbard, Huyford, Lewis, Pendleton, Post, Prentiss, McKay, Merriam, Nortrupp, Smith, Start (Stark), Stratton, Sykes, Turner, Von Hoessen, Willcox, Willoughby)
  • Our E-mail!

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