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Here's what you need to know about the fiddleman.
If I'm wrong with this information, please let me know,

BIRTHDATE: April 6, 1970
FROM: Boston, Mass.
CURRENTLY LIVES: In Harvard, Mass., on a lake.
HEIGHT: 6 feet, 3 inches
TATTOOS: Otis, the dog.
CARS: A 1970 Black Pontiac LeMans, with Bosstones and Desendents stickers on the bumper. This car appeared in the "Detroit Rock City" video.
He also has a Black Jeep Wrangler like in the video, "Don't Know How To Party."
SMOKES: Marlboros
GUM: Bazooka Joe
PREVIOUS JOBS: He used to be a roadie for a Boston hardcore band Gang Green, and later joined the band as the bassist. The song "He's Back" is about Joe leaving the Bosstones for a while and coming back later.
TRADEGY: When the Bosstones were in Italy in 1993, a Albanian bootlegger confronted them and stabbed Joe in the ribs barely missing his lung. This was mentioned in the song, "Pirate Ship."
SCHOOL: Him and Nate went to school together since grade school.
OTHER FACT: Joe used to play guitar and Nate bass, but they decided to switch one day, when Joe noticed he has a better bass than a guitar.
OTHER FACT: He and Nate switch parts when writing songs, Nate writes the bass lines and Joe writes the guitar lines.
PRODUCES: He produces in his spear time. He produced a CD for the Baltimore band, The Smooths.
AMAZING ROYAL CROWNS: He is also producing the upcoming Amazing Crowns album.

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Thanks to "Bound For Glory" and Joe Gittleman page.
Thanks to Marilyn for the producing info.