Slimey Crud run, Fall '99

You'd think they were waiting for a rain date, all the tossers who stayed home. There was only about a fourth of the usual number of bikes. All my bikes were broken, because I too am a loser. Anyway, I somehow tolerated driving a borrowed cage to enjoy the rain and take some pics.

Round and round they went. The tire fairy musta stopped at their houses last night.

Free thug parking.

Ok, maybe a Vmax can be a streetfighter, but you gotta lose the silly toy air-scoops and get some real forks. Like this guy. If you look closely at the crappy photography, you might be able to pick out the lovely, massive, hand-machined triple-trees.

Practicing for when he enters his Vmax in the Suzuka 8 hours.
Or the starter's broke.
