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My Favorite Minty Web Sites!!!

Pagan Postcard Links!
The Village of Lothlorien
The Witches Voice
Lady Angelica's Realm
A Spell For The Day!!!
T he Matrix Oracles
Learning the Tarot-An On-Line Course (free)
Real Audio Links Page 1 (Banners)
Real Audio Links Page 2 (Banners)
Real Audio Links Page 3 (Banners)
Minty's RA Links (Text Version)
My Awards and Webrings!


Hi there and thanks for stopping by my page. As you can see I am a Wiccan Witch and my central Ethic of Wiccan tradition is "And ye harm none,do as ye will" Any energy you send out returns to you threefold, so it is best to be good to others. Also as you can see I really love Pentacles, these symbolize: eternity, totality and unity.It emphasizes the meshing of the elements: Spirit, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The direct and indirect relation of one to the other. It is how we live our everyday lives, one just never thinks of it in this way!!! I live by this Rede, and I hope others will too, even if not Wiccan!!! I think the world would be a much nicer place to live in!!! Always remember to LOVE everyone and Judge no one!

"The Wiccan Rede"

Bide the Wiccan Law
Ye must
In Perfect Love and
Perfect Trust
Eight words the
Wiccan Rede fulfill
In it harm none,do
what Ye will
What Ye sends forth
comes back to thee
So ever mind the Rule
of Three
Follow this with mind
and Heart
And Merry Ye Meet,
and Merry Ye Part!


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