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Title Hopes

The Bucks endured a 3-9 start to have the best season in over a decade. Dog carried the team in the first half of the season with his sharp shooting and good defense(no that is not a typo). The second half belonged to Ray Allen who stepped his game up and has become one of the top shooting guards in the league. As good as those two were, Sam Cassell was the heart of this team. His veteran leadership got these guys believing they are winners. The other players on this team all played their role perfectly. If they were asked to play defense they did it. If they were asked to rebound they did it. The role players on this team accept that Ray, Dog, and Sam are the stars, and that has made this team very good. The Bucks have been less then perfect in the playoffs thus far, but they have found a way to win. With a 2-1 lead over the hornets and either Philly or Toronto up next I ask why not the Bucks?


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Ray can dunk, pass, and shoot lights out from three point range. He had some amazing games this year and has stepped his game up in the playoffs. The sky is the limit as to how far Ray will take his game in the following years. I for one can't wait to see how good he will get.
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Dog had his best year as a member of the Bucks. He has had better scoring years, but he has never put it all together the way he did this year. His defense was much improved. His rebounding and passing were better than ever. Glenn was an allstar again, and he will be for years to come. Now he just needs to step up in the playoffs a little more.
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