<> Over the past few months I have answered several questions about the use of the wired keyboard with WebTV, and I thought "Hay , someone should put this information on a website so I can just give them a link." But I have not found one yet...So I’ll give it a try.
Please keep in mind that I am not a teacher or a WebTV expert, I’m just a webber that wants to help.
Before we get started, if you just need the codes to program your wireless keyboard Click here.
Now we will start with the basic questions first:
Q1) Can I use a wired KB with WebTV Plus?
A) Yes, but you will need an adapter from Omdev. This unit costs $41.95 plus $10 TO $15.00 For the keyboard but if you need to replace your wireless KB it will cost over $50.00.
To learn more about this, click Omdev
Q2) What if I have a WebTV Clasic?
A) The WebTV classic has a KB plug on the back of the unit. You can just plug it in and you are ready to go.
Q3) What kind of KB will I need?
A) Any AT type KB sold today will work with your WebTV, but you will need to use the 6 pin (ps/2) plug. Most KB’s sold today include the adapter that lets you use the 5 or 6 pin plug with there KB. If you get a KB with only the 5 pin plug you can buy the adapter for about $2.00 at any office suply store.
Q4) Do all of the keys work the same as the wireless?
A) No. On the wired KB the keys work little differant, here is a list of how thay work:
I use a strip of tape across the top of the keyboard with the "F" key functions written above each key.(It works for me)
the other PC-specific keys have no function when used with WebTV.
Q5) Can I regain the use of my "F" keys to save my favorites?
A) Yes, but you will need to buy the same adapter that the Plus users need.
Q6)How do I make symbols like (¿¡©†‡¢¹²³) ?
A) To do these you will use the "ALT" key to learn more about them click here
Here is another site that can help with "ALT" key and other keyboard shortcuts.
This section is going to deal with the Omdev converter. I recived mine on May 14 1999 so I am still learning how to use it myself, but I will give you the basics. The Hook-up directions are easy to follow and it took me about 5 minuits to read the directions and hook everything up. The button function is differant than the wireless keyboard, but if you make a lable with a strip of tape along the top, with the button functions it will make it easier to remember. The functions are as follows:
WebTV Keyboard -=- P C keyboard
To go to the Omdev web site for more information and to order your converter, click here.
If you have more questions, comments or sugestions on how to improve this site please leave me a message to let me know.