I must say that I hated this disc the first time I heard it.
The more i listened to it, though, the more the damn
thing grew on me. The grooves are heavy, the lyrics
are very befitting of a disc called "Devilrock," and it's,
ummm, real good. I have little info on the band itself
other than they are from Madison. I think it's a two guitar; bass, drums and singer arrangement.I'm probably wrong, but fuck, I've got nothing to go on here. (they are a trio-ed.) Oh, the drummer Tony
also plays in a "high profile" Madison band but I was threatened with with a serious "western style ass
whoopin" if I mentioned their name here. The music is well, a good frame of reference would be Helmet.
Tight, heavy grooves with added spices (check out the reggae flavor of "Somebody") to keep it all fresh.
The lyrics are all devilish, covering the subject of death nicely enough. All of the tracks are good, but
"Lucy Lately" and "Devil Again" really got me going. Satan is alive and well, kids, playing under the guise
of Madison's Skintones. He's not all that bad either. Check it out.
For info on the Skintones:
this review reproduced courtesy of monster magazine, issue#2 fall 1999. All Rights Reserved.