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join the elements campaign...
What kind of person are you?
Are you...
Intuitive, loyal, and into sports and challenges?

Tuned into senses, patient, and into sports, nature, & the outdoors?

Thoughtful, upbeat, and into solving puzzles and playing games?

Tuned into feelings, funny, and into socializing?

become an element...
1. You must have a homepage.
2. Your page must be safe for people of all ages to view -- no more than a PG-13 rating.
3. You must place the graphic of your element on one of your pages and link the image back to:
4. **this has changed** YOU MUST UPLOAD THE IMAGE TO YOUR DIRECTORY. It's a teeny-tiny little image; it won't take up much room in your directory. If you do not do this (trust me -- I CHECK), I will remove you from elements.
5. NO FreeZone, WBS, or expage pages. You can join if your main homepage is on one of these sites, but since you MUST have the image uploaded to your directory, you'll probably have to display the graphic on another page. These three providers do not allow HTML and/or foreign graphics, so that's why the requirements are here.
If you're glancing up at these, and you say to yourself, "Hmmm.... I'm sort of an Air... but also sort of a Fire! What do I do?" Don't worry! This isn't intended to categorize you, just to have a little fun. I'm not serious about this at all. Just pick whichever one you feel most comfortable with.
Also, if you're a little bored with your page, and you wanna change the name, the URL, or the category it's in, feel free to email me and I'll change it ASAP.
BUT: The rule remains, you may only join one category. If you join more than one, I'll leave you in the category with the least amount of members. I won't stick you in a category you didn't join.
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Which element are you?

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