The studies for the accomplishment of the Aero national Willys
had been initiated in 1958 and had included a series of exhausting tests,
aiming at better to adjust the model to our conditions. Launchn in March
of 1960, the " Aero " continued being object of continuous improvements
(photo to national exemplary side 1961).
The first Aero manufactured in Brazil had would carroceria remembering
it the imported American of 1955 until then, however the motor one was
the used one in the Aeros of 1952. It is interesting to also remember that
already in 52 it was offered as optional " overdrive " that never was placed
to the disposal in Brazil. Aeros 1955 6 cylinders had the traditional engine,
however with 115 hp. The exchange could be of 3 marches synchronized with
option overdrive or automatic exchange (Hidra-Matic of GM). still Had another
option of motorization, therefore, Aeros 1954 had arrived to be manufactured
with engine Kaiser 226. The board was different, as well as the internal
finishing. In 1960 the nationalization index did not pass of 40% and initially
the national Aero was to call " BRASILIA ". The first change occurred in
1962 and already it represented a stage in the accomplishment of a carriage
of well nationalized conception. Model 62 still presented the same basic
appearance of its American predecessor. The main external detail was emphasizes
it lateral rectum, in the American age in Z separating the painting in
two colors (skirt and blouse).
Main modifications introduced in Aero 1962:
External:·New colors lose the two New ·colors
wheels (punched) and calotas. ·New I emphasize lateral ·Door
handle in the cover of the New gate ·luggages lens of the reverse
speed light
Inward: ·New disposal in the buttons of the board and
new buttons ·Ash tray in the top of the board and new place of the
radio. ·New banks (back the lowest one) ·Carpeting of the
gates with carpet in the inferior part.
Mechanics: ·New system of brakes " Duo-Servo " in the
4 wheels ·New system of New ·exhaust pipe assembly of the
local brake of ·New hand of the bobbin.
second great change was in 1963, Was the first carriage entirely conceived
and constructed in Brazil, call of " design 213 ". Aero 2600 was one projéto
conceived in 1957 for the American estilista Brook Stevens. This design
also influenced the fronts of the Agricultural one (restyled for it), of
Itamaraty 66 and Corcel 68. Interesting to notice that first the 2600 used
the base, the hood, the cover of the gate luggages and the gates of the
old Aero-Willys. Taking off the cover of the trunk, the other cited parts
had been used until the end of the production in 71. In I begin it was
a bold idea, later started the work and the idea was if materialize, they
were not sonhadores. They knew what they wanted, and appeared the first
carriage conceived in Brazil, to demonstrate that automobile also was ours.
It was in 1961 that the direction of the Willys Overland of Brazil took
the decision: The Aero Willys 1963 would be an entirely new carriage, with
proper style and unknown string in the international catalogue. To create
a carriage was new thing in Brazil, involving problems of all species,
many of which nobody imagined. The beginning of the manufacture gave if
in October of 1962 and its first appearance it was in October of 62, Paris,
in the most famous Hall of the Automobile of the world.
(Photo below - Hall of Paris)
Between many international new developments it appeared, a single grain
Brazilian, 110 new horses in the engine, conception and styles a " Carrão
". It was the first carriage conceived and constructed in Latin America.
The design 213 that of February of 61 the July of 63 absorbed 129.403 regular
hours and 43.508 overtime (the equivalent the 60 years of work of a man)
was concluded and would call " Aero Willys 2600 ". The date of 1963 was
important for the Willys therefore commemorated 60 years that first one
launchs its propagates in the " face of the land ": " Overland 1903 ".
Brazil then counted to the side of numerous carriages of national manufacture
with the genuinamente Brazilian pioneer the Aero Willys 2600 - 1963.
The first parts, as the first carriages entirely were made by
third great change occurred in 1965, was remodelled the back (became lower
with new lanterns and the front gained new contours of the lighthouse,
had changes in the frisos, new colors, new padding standard. In 1966 more
luxurious baptism of Itamaraty was the time of the launching of the Aero
Willys (a magazine called it " a palace on wheels "), came equipped with
banks of leather, optional conditional air with back air outputs, new front
and new back. In 1967 it had small changes, the back lantern starts to
be composite for 3 distinct parts (red/yelow/White), and new board with
5 separate instruments the previous one was of 3 instruments being Gasoline/temperature,
velocimeter/hodometer and batery/oil. The great change occurred in the
Itamaraty that new front gained, new calotas, new back lanterns, and new
finishing. In 67 also the Executive Itamaraty was
created (first limousine Brazilian serial), counted on some optional
ones - few units had been manufactured. Of 67 the 72 few modifications
had occurred, most significant it was the engine that passed 3000cc, had
changed the standards of finishing and new colors had been adopted. After
the purchase of the Willys for the Ford the automobiles they had passed
for many modifications having been also sent for test in the United States.
Diverse itens of the Galaxie had been incorporated in the Aero and Itamaratys
such as: brakes, internal system of cleaners of windscreen, details, etc.
Cronograma de Fabricação:
· 1960 Inicio da Fabricação, 40% de nacionalização,
motor brasileiro
· 1962 Pequenas alterações, friso lateral reto
100% de nacionalização
· 1963 Lançado o novo Aero Willys 2600, todos com Alternador,
motor com 2 carburadores 110cv/2600cc Painel de instrumentos com 3 mostradores
montados sobre madeira de lei (jacarandá).
· 1965 Mudanças na traseira e na frente (novas lanternas)
câmbio de 4 marchas sincronizadas
· 1966 Lançamento do Itamaraty(grade frontal diferente,
novas lanternas e acabamento interno de alto luxo) Interior do Aero com
novo acabamento Os Itamaraty tinham ar-condicionado como opcional, No Aero
novas Lentes das lanternas com 3 cores (Vermelha/amarela/branca)
· 1967 Novo Itamaraty (nova grade, teto de vinil opcional, novas
lanternas traseiras, novo acabamento interno Lançado o Itamaraty
Executivo maior e mais bem acabado, com outros itens de conforto, novo
painel de instrumentos com 5 mostradores(Hodometro/Velocimetro, Gasolina,
pressão do óleo, amperimetro e temperatura
· 1968 Passa a ser fabricado pela Ford-Willys, que retira de
linha o Itamaraty Executivo ( não mais justificava a produção
pois a Ford Fabricava também o Ford Galaxie 500). ·
1970 Ganha motor de 3000cc e recebe novas calotas e volante igual a
do seu meio irmão Ford Galaxie Novo acabamento, novo painel em alumínio
anodizado O Aero Willys passa a chamar somente "Aero"
· 1971 Ford anuncia que seria o último ano de fabricação
pois as vendas caíram muito
· 1972 São vendidos os últimos Aero e Itamaratys
pela concessionárias Ford ( a mecânica serviria de base ao
futuro Ford Maverick lançado em 1973).
Aero 63/66
Acima - Painel de Instrumetos Aero 60/62 . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abaixo: Detalhe Interior
Aero 67/69