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      Genealogy Home Page  


     A Tree that Grew  In Kentucky









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What’s In a Name?


Lehmann/Layman Family History


Ancestral Tree of

Johann Jacob Lehmann


Migration to America




Revolutionary War


Joachim’s Family




Photo Album  


Joachim's Kin Newsletter




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Site established Feb, 1, 2000  

Hello, my name is Cecelia (Tootie) Layman and I’m glad you’re visiting my home page.  Below, you will find information about the early history of this family, surnames, family trees, and even a few photos.  Let me know what you think of this web site and how I can improve it.  I’d love to hear from you and will answer all correspondence and I’ll do my best to fulfill your information requests.

This page was initiated with the hope that it would be a meeting place for all Lehmann/Layman descendants.  I can only hope that you will be able to find your ancestor and if not, maybe we can help you look for them.

I have been researching this families history for more than 15 years and it has become more than just a hobby, it is an obsession.  My database on this branch of the Layman family has grown to nearly 250,000 names including some allied family information.  So check out my surname list for someone you might be looking for that married into this wonderful family.

I also have available several printed volumes on this family for sale just in case you’re interested. Each volume is indexed (see surname) for a list of who is in which volume.  A master index is being produced so there is no need to purchase something that you can’t use.  Each volume consists of individual family lines, family trees, information on spouses, birth and death dates of each, where buried, marriage(s) and their children, etc.  In many cases I have supporting documents of one form or another along with many wonderful old photos.  I also have information on the allied families as well and am willing to share whatever with you and hope you will do the same.

Soon to be released is a CD containing all of the many volumes mentioned above placed sequentially so to appear as one complete book with bibliography and index.  Thousands of pages of information and photos..

Some of my information is a compilation of data/photos, etc. from numerous Layman family members as well as my own extensive research and many trips to Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania.

Now feel free to click on any of the categories on the left and happy hunting.

Remember, if you don’t find who or what you’re looking for E-mail me.



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