If you would like to see what the puppy on the paper looks like, here he is.
My mom calls these things "pictures", and she says I'm as pretty as a picture! Us guy puppies are
supposed to be cute, or handsome... not "pretty".. OH! The things we pups have to put up with!
The pictures take a little while to show up, please be patient.
My brother Dave, who wants me to call him Kodak, took some pictures of me and my new mom when I went to visit his house. Kodak took the first one, as he held my foot up, either to show how big my feet are, or so we can all remember how small they were after I get all grown up. My mom thought it was pretty funny!
Kodak took this picture of my mom and I. Mom says I'm a snuggly little guy. Moms say silly things like that you know.
Mom is trying to get some pictures of my dad and I, but dad says he'd rather play tug of war with me, or throw my tennis ball and have me retrieve it for him. I'm getting very good at retrieving.. you have to be good at it when you're a Labrador Retriever. Even I have that one figured out.
If you would like to see my brother Kodak's website, all you have to do is click rightHere and you will go zipping to it almost as fast as I can run!