Law and Order In My Life??
Tonight was my first Puppy Kindergarten class! I wasn't sure what mom was talking about when she said we were
going to school, but as always, I was happy to go anywhere she wanted to take me. So far, she hasn't taken me
anywhere awful.
It was a long ride in the car to school. The big hand on the clock went almost all the way around before we got there.
When we went in, there were chairs to sit on for the moms, dads and kids. We dogs sat on the floor. Since mom and
I were the first ones there, we got to sit wherever we wanted, and I thought that was nice. Soon lots more puppies
arrived, and I watched them while I sat by mom.
There were Golden Retrievers, a black Labrador Retriever, a yellow Labrador Retriever, another Chocolate
Labrador Retriever like me, and several puppies that were what they called mixed breeds. They didn't look
mixed up to me. They looked like they weren't confused at all! They were all nice puppies. I can't remember
all their names, but I got to be good freinds with one named Scootch, who sat next to mom and I. She was
a very pretty Border Collie/German Shepard, and she knew all kinds of tricks.
She and I played "Swat each other in the face", and we had fun! Some of the other puppies
had names like Lily, Winston, Roo, Beauty, Riley,and Hershey.
Two nice ladies were our teachers. I think they are called trainers maybe, but boy, did they know lots of
things about dogs!
My doctor, Dr. Stark, was there too, and he helped answer questions that people had. He is a very nice man,
and a very good doctor. He takes very good care of me, and he also took good care of Oscar, the dog that
lived here before I came to live with my parents.
First of all, our parents took our leashes off, and we all played together. I watched for a long time, and just
played with Skootch, but then I did go out into the room and play with some of the other dogs. It was fun!
The teachers gave our parents some treats for us, and we learned to "sit", and then we'd get a treat. I already
knew how to "sit", so I went around the room and everyone I stopped at asked me to "sit", and when I did,
they gave me a treat. It was pretty easy work, and boy, did I get lots of treats, because everyone thought I was
learning very fast. I did not tell them I already knew how to do it.
We also learned to "come", and then our parents touched our collar, then gave us a treat. I already knew
how to do that too, but sometimes my ears quit working when mom or dad asks me to "come", and I just
go the other way. I know that I shouldn't do that, but I just can't help myself... I'll get better at listening some day.
School lasted for about an hour, and when it was done, we came home again. I was so tired, I laid down
on the back seat of the car and slept most of the way.
Wow! Putting law and order into my little puppy life is tiring, but boy, it was fun! I have three more
nights of school, and I am really looking forward to going back again.
It's not ALL bad, getting a
little law and order put into your life!
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