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Otter Dog

I have never seen an otter. I have seen pictures of otters, like the one on the background of this page, but otherwise, no, no otters have I seen. But mom and dad tell me I look and act like an otter!
My coat is brown, smooth, and short like an otter,
it is also very shiny and water resistant like an otter too.
My nose is still quite large in proportion to the rest of my face, and it does seem to look like an otter's nose.
Labrador Retrievers have what is called an "otter's tail", we use it to help steer us when we swim in the water, just like the otter uses his tail when he swims, so I think I am beginning to see the connection here.
We are both smooth operators!

When I get out of a chair, or get down from the sofa, I slide, rather than jump...and otters slide alot, so there you go again..


I am no longer cautious when I go down stairsteps either. I run down steps so fast that you can barely see my feet move, so there again, I look like I am sliding down them. Dad says that if I ever trip over my feet while I'm doing this, I'll just be a splat at the bottom of the steps when I get there!

I guess I otter see an otter, and then I would know...

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