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Welcome everyone, this page is in serious need of some re-vamping.

Linx to other sites of mine peoplez check'em out cuz this place is sort of dead

Friends....yeah its turned into just friends in general and i really think you should see what i have to say about it

About Me

My Writings 1

My Writings 2

My Writings 3

My Writings 4

My Newst Page Of Pix

My Writings 5

My Writings 6

My Writings 7

An old homepage of mine

The Divine Ones New Home

My Writings 8

Go there for the last bit of pics I could fit on this account.

My new pictures page, all pictures, all the time.

My lil sis's page of poems

The less I see you,the more I dream of you. The less I think of you, the more I dream of you.
The more I dream of you, the less room there is for others in my mind.
The more I think of you, the less I worry about you.
The more I hear from you, the less I have to think of anyone else.

There will be no picture pages until I can figure out how to change my bitmaps to jpegs, cuz currently that is whats causing my space problem Leave Ya Signature Here View Otha's Signatures
