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Digimon Quotes

"Yell a little more louder will ya. There are a couple of people that aren't staring at us." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"Well, it wouldn't be inviting if you were a vegetable." ~Yamato "Matt Ishida
"Unless you're into eating rocks, we don't have too much of a choice." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"Boy, that's productive. It just puts the pieces together, then it takes them off." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"Has anybody noticed? We talk a lot about food." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"I bet he's trying to e-mail the aliens." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"Moving right along, folks...keep it moving... Our next stop on the tour will be the forest of irrelevant road signs. No pictures, please." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"No question, man. You are the dude of doodles." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"Half of what I cook ends up on the floor and the other half is on his clothes. This is giving me a killer headache. Tell me all of this is just a bad dream." ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"I was touring the US with T.K. - partly to visit Mimi, and partly to make Davis mad." ~Hikari "Kari" Kamiya
"What planet did I dial?" ~Yamato "Matt" Ishida
"If one of us gets sick, the rest of us gets sick. That's teamwork too!" ~Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
"You guys talk more than my mom's book club!" ~Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
"Genuis over there is trying to call the telephone repairman because the phones don't work." ~Taichi "Tai" Kamiya
"Maybe if your brain was as big as your hair you'd be a little smarter."(to Tai) ~Sora Takenouchi
"Now that the boys have holes in their heads, maybe their brains will get enough oxygen." ~Sora Takenouchi
"There's the price tag. It's Mimi's." ~Sora Takenouchi
"What kind of sicko turns people into keychains?!" ~Sora Takenouchi
"I haven't washed a floor since - never!" ~Mimi Tachikawa
"What? No linen tablecloths? I guess we'll have to rough it." ~Mimi Tachikawa
"Something tells me this means no chilidogs!" ~Mimi Tachikawa
"I hate bingo. All those numbers and letters!" ~Mimi Tachikawa
"If I won't walk in dirt, what makes you think I'll sleep in it?" ~Mimi Tachikawa
"Do we trust a ping-pong ball with wings?" Joe Kido
"Fortunately I landed on the one part of my body that has a built-in air bag." ~Joe Kido
"Pretty depressing place...unless you're a big fan of charcoal." ~Joe Kido
"Once it took four of us to get my grandmother off the toilet like that (to Matt when they were trying to help Sora)." ~Joe Kido
"Perhaps my definition of weird is different than yours." Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi
"Boy, Patamon, I like swimming and everything, but that waterfall almost knocked off my underpants!" ~Takeru "TK" Takaishi
"At least kids make up pretty fast. My mom and dad are still mad at me. For the time I painted our kittycat." ~Takeru "TK" Takaishi
"I don't know, my mom said never to take candy or rope from strangers." ~Takeru "TK" Takaishi
"Is that a train? If it is, it's the most silentest, most invisibelist train I ever saw!" ~Takeru "TK" Takaishi
"Don't we get points for enthusiasm?" - Gomamon
"Well, you know what they say: you can't tell a cover by the size of it's book, or something like that." - Patamon
"Now now, don't get all puffy!" - Patamon
"Yes it's true, I don't floss." - Ogremon
"Over my stinky armpits he will!" - Ogremon
"Let's just say that while your were sleeping, I had nine lives, and now I'm down to three." - Gatomon
"I didn't know you were a snake charmer T.K.!" - Patamon
"Wahahahahaaaa... Wait a minute, why am I laughing? I'm supposed to be depressed!" -Apocalymon
"Sorry if I gave you a wedgie."- Piedmon to TK
"If you save us we'll give you anything you want, including candy!" -Gabumon
