These are the ages:
I don't care if these aren't "correct" or something... it's MY story. And all you big people that own Digimon... did I mention how nice you look today?
Part 1
"I... I don't wanna go!" Sora shouted. "You *have* to," Tai said, "If you don't, I'll have to dump you again! Mwahahaha...." Sora bit her bottom lip to stop herself from crying. The day before, Tai had broken up with her. "Haha! I'm gonna get you Sora! Sora... Sora... Sora...
"...Sora? Sora?" Sora's eyes shot open. Above her, she saw Matt. "Sora! Finally, you're awake! I was wondering if you were ever going to wake up!" he said, and grinned. "C'mon... You look too tired to drive tonight. I'll take you to my place, and we'll come back and get your car in the morning. Sorry for waking you, but I couldn't just let you sleep here all night... this place closes in a half hour."
Sora finally remembered where she was. It was the night of Mimi's 20th birthday... Well, the morning after anyway. Mimi had come back to Japan for her birthday, wanting to spend it with all her friends. Tai had broken up with Sora a few hours into the party, and went to dance with Mimi. Luckily she blew him off and went to dance with Joe. Sora had just sat down at the bar, drinking glass after glass of Wild Cherry Pepsi and Moutain Dew. She looked at her watch. It read 4:31 AM. She was at a Night Club. The only people left here were her, Matt, and two other people she didn't know.
"Oh... Okay," she replied. Matt held out his hand. "Shall we?" he asked. Sora laughed sleepily and took his hand anyway. They started walking to Matt's car, when Sora leaned over and put her head on Matt's arm as they walked. What am I *doing*? she thought, and quickly moved her head away. "It's okay... I don't think you're weird or anything if you do that. After all, we're friends, aren't we? And anyways, how are you feeling?" Matt said, obviously referring to what had happened between Sora and Tai. "Well, of course we're friends... and if you don't think it's weird..." Sora said, putting her head back on his arm, "And I'm not feeling the best... I feel like I got ran over by a giant semi, and then got all my vital intestines ripped out. I'm confused, and angry at Tai... not to mention totally tired." Matt nodded, understanding. Sora knew she could trust him with everything... he'd always been a really good friend. "Don't worry... It'll get better," Matt said, giving her a gentle hug and opening the door to his station wagon for her. She got in and sat down, and he closed the door behind her, walking around and getting in himself. He closed his door, started the engine, and they were off.
"You can use my bed. I'll go sleep on the couch," he said once they were inside. It wasn't very big... He'd only gotten a small, one-bedroom apartment for while he was in college. Anything was better than the filthy dorms. Sora's apartment was a couple blocks away, even though she went to the same college. "No no... It's okay. I'll sleep on the floor," Sora said. "You sure?" Matt asked. "Of course." Matt shrugged. "Alright then... Just wake me up if you need anything, then." He lead her to his room, and gave her two blankets and two pillows. "Thanks, Matt," Sora said as Matt turned off the light. "No problem," he said. Even though she couldn't see it, Sora was almost certain he smiled. She settled into her makeshift bed on the floor, and hugged one of her pillows. She'd thought that she'd never get to sleep after that party, but she felt safe where she was. Regardless, she sighed heavily into the pillow, and wondered what had gone wrong.
Once Matt's eyes adjusted to the dark, he peered over his bed and looked at Sora sleeping. She had one blanket over her, while laying on the other. One of the pillows was under her head, and she was clutching the other tightly in her arms. Her face didn't look peaceful, as he always remembered it looking when he'd watch her sleep in the Digital World. She was mumbling something in her sleep, and her foot kept making sudden jolts. "No..." she muttered, "Don't touch me... leave... no..." Matt quietly listened to her, but couldn't stand it any longer. In hopes to make her nightmare stop, he pried her hand from the pillow and slipped is own into it.
"I said don't touch me! I hate you!" she just about screamed, pulling her hand away and slapping Matt's. She breathed heavily, and looked at her hand, and then the one she had slapped. She looked up, as if to see whose it was, and saw Matt staring at her, shocked. She gasped. "Oh, Matt... I'm so sorry... I... I thought... I... you..." she stuttered. "You didn't think it was me you were slapping?" Matt asked, eyebrow raised. "Yeah... I'm so sorry Matt... I honestly-" "Enough, enough," Matt said, chuckling a little, "I forgive you. But isn't there anything I can do? You seem to be having nightmares." Sora shook her head. "No thanks... I'm fine... but thanks anyways... you're sweet. G'night."
Matt sighed, and shook his head. She closed her eyes again, and he once again slipped his hand into her own. This time she didn't object, since she was still actually awake. She squeezed back a little and sighed herself, contently. She fell asleep, and the dreams didn't seem come back. It was only then, at 5:30 AM, that Matt fell asleep himself.
Matt woke up, but didn't open his eyes. He went to squeeze Sora's hand, but found it not there anymore. He immediatly opened his eyes, and saw that she was no longer on her little spot on the floor. It was then that he felt something warm on the back of his neck. He slowly flipped over, and found Sora snuggled up next to him. He smiled, and looked over at his alarm clock. Only 8:32 AM, and today was Saturday. He didn't have to be up until noon, because he had agreed to meet Izzy, Joe, and Cody at a diner in town by two. He put his arm around Sora's waist and kissed her forehead. Having her so close was surprisingly comfortable, and felt nice. But... she was just a friend... right?
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