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The Kirei Rocket's Links

Sorato and Other DigiCouple Site Links
Matt & Sora Love - A cute Sorato site.
FALL - Friendship And Love Linked - This is super cute too! Sorato, of course!
~Friendship & Love~ - Yet another awesome Sorato site!
Rocketshippy Site Links
Cori's Ultimate Rocketshipper Page - A really extreamly cute Rocketshipping site! She's the one with the way better evidence page than I do! Her's rocks, so check it out! Plus she's got everything else you could think of! One of my favorite sites.
Other Links
Ichijouji Household - Yeah, I'm a Ken fan!
Izzy's Prodigous Screencaps - Awesome screencaps! Great place if you need Digimon images!
