Sora looked out her window. The rain was falling down hard on the cement sidewalk below her apartment. She sighed deeply, watching all the people walking outside. She sat there for a while, just staring into space (well, literally, staring at the rainy street). But then, something caught her attention. Someone was waving to her from down below. She opened up her window to see who it was clearer, and when she saw it was her friend Matt, she waved back. She motioned for him to come up to her apartment, out of the rain, and he nodded and went through the doors. She smiled to herself, and picked up some dirty clothes she had laying on her bedroom floor. She threw them in the laundry basket in her mother's room, and straightend her shirt. Her mom looked at her from the kitchen. "Sora? What are you doing?" she asked. "Sorry, I invited my tomodachi Matt up here, out of the rain. I hope that's okay," she said. Her mother nodded. "Of course it's alright, as long as you stay out of trouble and don't make a mess." Sora giggled. "Mom! We're in high school now, not kindergarten! We'll probably just stay in my room and talk." Her mom shrugged. "If you say so." Then there was a knock at the door.
"That'd be Yamato," Sora said, running to the door and opening it to see Matt, soaked to the skin. "Hi, Sora," he said sheepishly. "Hey Matt! Come on in... and get out of those wet clothes! I have tons of shirts that would fit you, and a pair of flannel pants you can wear... then we can stick those wet clothes in the dryer. What were you doing outside in the rain anyway?" Matt shrugged. "Nowhere else to go, really. And do you really have clothes that would fit me? I hate to be rude, but I'm a bit cold." Sora nodded. "Of course! Let me go get something... you can change in the bathroom." Five seconds later, Sora was back with some clothes for Matt. "Thanks," he said as he went into the bathroom. Sora went into her room, where she shut the window she had left open, and then sat down on her bed. It was going to be nice having someone to talk to... she'd needed someone all day. She was going to call Mimi, but that was long distance, and she could only call once every other month (the other months Mimi called her) and this month she'd already called Mimi, anyways. She'd thought about Yolei, but she might not understand. Kari was out of the question, even though she was an extreamly good friend. But she'd never thought of Matt. She HAD thought of TK, since he owed her a favor like this, but he might tell Kari, who might tell her brother. Although she didn't think TK or Kari would do anything like that, she still didn't want to take the chance.
Matt was perfect, though. He wouldn't tell a soul, if she asked him not to. When he came in she giggled, because he looked kinda funny in her flannel pants and her big Nike t-shirt. "What's so funny?" he asked. She put her hand over her mouth, then removed it and said, "Nothing... I just never thought I'd see you wearing my clothes. Anyway... I have... uh... a favor to ask of you..." "What is it? I'd be more than willing to help!" he said, interrupting her a bit. "Umm... can I talk to you?" she asked. "Sure. What about?" "You have to promise not to tell anybody, Matt. Nobody." He shrugged. "Alright. Spill it." She was silent for a minute or two. Then she took a deep breath, and almost began to talk. But then she started crying. She put her hands over her face and buried her head in her pillow. "Sora? Sora, what's wrong?" Matt asked, shaking her arm. "Tai! Tai's such a jerk... I hate him so much... I want him dead! D-dead..." she sobbed. "Tai? What for? I thought he was your boyfriend! And whatever happened, I'm sure you don't want him dead," Matt pulled her up into a sitting position, took her hands off her face and looked her in the eyes. "Tell me what happened, Sora. And don't cry... please. At least not until your done." Sora nodded and wiped her eyes. She sighed deeply, and said, trying not to cry, "He broke up with me this morning. Over the phone, no less. He doesn't even have the decency to talk to me face-to-face. I hate the jerk!" Matt relesed the grip he had on her wrists, and looked at his feet. "I see. Well, if he didn't like you enough to at least stay your friend and say things to your face, then he isn't worth any of your time. Just forget about him... don't let him run your life. He's gone now, he's the past. You can get a new boyfriend, really make him jealous." Sora smiled. "Thanks Matt, you're right," she said. He gave her a friendly hug, and smiled back. "Anytime. You know my number, call whenever you like." Sora nodded.
"Now that that's out and I feel better... can we talk about something fun now?" Matt laughed. "Sure. Why not? And, like what?" Sora shrugged. "I dunno. We could play a game. I could invite Yolei over and she could bring the million year old game of Pretty Pretty Princess I gave her when she was about 7. I've known her forever, she always used to be in my mom's flower shop, smelling the flowers," she said, and laughed. "Pretty Pretty Princess? I think I'll pass," Matt replied, and laughed too. "Or we could play Dream Phone. Maybe you'll get hooked up with a cute guy." Matt made a face. "Sora, that's sick! I'll pass on that, too." Sora grinned. "I know! Gather up all the guys you know. I'll get all the girls I know... tonight we're gonna have some fun!" she said. "Huh? What for?" Matt asked. "We're gonna have a party! I've wanted to have a party for so long, and tonight would be awesome! My mom already said I could use the storage garage we have down by my Grandpa's farm a ways out of Tokyo for parties and stuff... why not tonight?" she asked. "I don't see why not. Everyone could go in the back of my truck... that is if we only take like three people each." Sora nodded. "Sounds like a plan!" She gave Matt a high five. She knew he loved playing games like Truth Or Dare and Spin The Bottle... she'd learned that at Tai's last party. Ugh... she shook that thought out of her head... at least the Tai part. She knew tonight would be fun... and she knew Matt wouldn't invite Tai, for her sake.
"Well, I'd better get going now. My mom won't care, since it's Saturday and we don't have school tomorrow. I'll bring three people, you bring three people." Sora nodded again, and then added, "You can give me my clothes back later. I'll give you yours back when I see you tonight, they aren't done in the dryer. And it stopped raining." He smiled, and waved. Sora waved back. She knew two girls she would invite... Kari and Yolei. But who else? Oooh, how she wished Mimi still lived in Tokyo. It must be neat to live in America, though, Sora thought. She figured Matt would bring TK, Izzy, and Cody... or maybe TK, Izzy, and his friend Brent. Brent... Brent's girlfriend! She was a friend of Sora's, too, and her name was Jessica. Yes, she thought, I'll bring Kari, Yolei, and Jessica. She had it all planned out.
Kari, Yolei, Izzy, TK, Jessica, and Brent piled into the back of Matt's truck. Sora hopped into the front, since Matt had asked her if she wanted to, and they were off. The conversation in the back of the truck was rather interesting, and went something like this:
TK: I feel weird leaving Patamon at my house by himself.
Kari: Don't worry, he'll be fine. Gatomon is with him.
TK: Yeah, I guess you're right.
Yolei: Am I the only one who noticed the way Matt is acting?
TK: What, you mean like he likes her?
Yolei: Yeah.
Brent (who hadn't been paying any attention): Huh? Who likes who?
TK: Matt.
Brent: Likes who?
TK: Sora.
Brent: He does?
TK and Yolei together: Yeah.
Brent: No he don't. Plus he knows she's with that Tai dude.
TK: Whatever. I'm only his brother, I don't know anything...
Brent: I didn't say that.
TK: Well, he at least is becoming a closer friend with her.
Kari: I know why...
TK: You do?
Kari: Yep.
TK: Why?
Kari (whispering only to TK): She's avalible. Tai broke up with her this morning, he's going out with someone else now. I thought it was pretty darn mean, she's like a sister to me.
TK: What?!?
Kari: Shhhh, TK!
TK (whispering only to Kari): Sorry. But why isn't she sad or anything?
Kari: Now how am I supposed to know that?
TK: (no longer whispering, cuz Kari wasn't): I dunno.
Yolei: What are you guys talking about?
TK and Kari together: Nothing.
Yolei: Whatever. Do you think I should wake up Izzy and Jessica? They're sleeping.
Brent: Huh?
Yolei: Nevermind, I wasn't talkin' to you anyways. Go to sleep or something.
Brent: Oooohh... okay. *falls asleep*
Yolei: He's an air head.
Kari: No doubt.
They continued babbling, but you don't want to hear that. Anyway, in a few minutes they got to Sora's storage garage, which was mostly empty besides a few tables, about ten folding chairs, and a big pile of blankets and pillows in the corner, since Sora and her friends stayed overnight there sometimes. They all got out of the truck, and went inside, Sora turned on the lights and shut the door, locking it. "So, what do you guys wanna do first?" Sora asked (instead of typing out all of the shouts, i'm just going to say what it ended up being). Five voted for Truth or Dare (Kari, TK, Sora, Jessica, and Izzy) and three for Spin The Bottle (Brent, Matt, and Yolei). They would play truth or dare, at least for now. Kari would start off the game.
"Ummm... Izzy, truth or dare?" Kari asked. "Dare." "Okay, Izzy. Come here." Izzy walked over to Kari, and she whispered something in his ear. "NO WAY!!" Izzy screamed. "You gotta do it, Izzy!" He sighed, knowing she was right, and proceeded to sing the Teletubby theme song. By the end, everyone was laughing hystarically. After a few minutes, they all caught thier breath, and Sora got out the blankets because it was cold. Once everyone had a blanket, Izzy started his turn. He put his finger to his lips thoughtfully. "Hmmm... Yolei, truth or dare?" "Me? *gasp* Errr... dare." "Alright, come here." Izzy whispered something to Yolei, who gave him a look like he was crazy. "WHAT?!" "C'mon Yolei, just do it." Yolei sighed rather loudly, and said, "Fine, I can try. But I'm not going to tell you I'll do any good." She took the bottom part of her shirt, and pulled it through the top, so it looked like she had a belly shirt on. She took her sweatshirt, swung it above her head, and said that she was trying to be Britany Spears, but it wasn't working. A few people burst out laughing, and others quietly giggled. After about a minute, she put her shirt back the right way, put back on her sweatshirt, and sighed. "Well, that was odd. Lemme think who I'm gonna pick... hmmm... Brent! Truth or dare?" "Truth!" "Okay... Do you like that TV show Pokémon? And if you do, what girl do you think is the sexiest?" she asked. Brent blushed. "Do I have to tell the truth?" he asked. Yolei nodded. "Yep, that is why it's called "truth" not "lie"." "Okay okay, I do like it! And... I think Professor Ivy is sexy." Yolei started laughing hystarically, as well as Sora, Kari, and Jessica. The guys just stared at them. "I don't see why it's so funny!" Brent said defenseivly. "We're sorrry, Brent... *laugh* It's just funny!" Sora exclaimed, falling over laughing. "Sora, I swear I'll get you back somehow for laughing at me!" Brent said, folding his arms across his chest and huffing like a little kid. Sora put her hand over her mouth until she stopped laughing.
"Okay... ummm... Yama! Truth, or Dare?" Dare, Sora thought, he always says dare... unless he knows what the dare is going to be. "Truth," Matt replied. Sora looked shocked, and he must have noticed because he just grinned at her. "Okay... Who do you like? I know this is majorly overused, but I have a reason for asking this." Matt stiffened a bit. "Brent... You said you didn't wanna know and you didn't care... Why do you want to know now?" he asked. Brent laughed. "You know why, tomodachi. C'mon, you gotta say the truth." Matt remained silent. After about a minute Brent grinned evilly. "Let me narrow it down for you. Yamato Ishida... Do you have any feelings stronger than friendship for a certain girl named Sora Takenouchi?" Matt looked like he was going to faint, and Sora looked a little pale herself. TK looked at Kari, who looked at him, then Yolei who looked at TK and found him now looking at her. Izzy was looking at Matt, waiting for an answer. "Matt?" asked a voice. Everyone looked to see who it had been. They looked to see Sora looking at Matt. He hung his head down. "Sorry, Sora. I'm really sorry," he said, and walked out to his truck.
TK and Kari must have been afraid he'd leave, so they ran out after him. Izzy looked at Sora who still looked a bit pale, but was laying down blankets. Eight blankets just on the ground to lay on, and then eight more to cover up with. "Good idea... let's all just go to bed and hope TK and Kari can get Matt to come back in," Izzy said. Sora looked relieved. She looked at him, and her eyes told him how thankful she was, even though she didn't speak again. She layed down in one of the "beds" in the corner, and pulled the blanket over her head. A few minutes later, Izzy turned out the light. Only about five minutes after the lights were turned off, TK, Kari, and Matt walked in. They didn't want to turn on the lights and wake everybody up, so they each silently found an empty bed. Sora wasn't sleeping. She knew Yolei, Izzy, Jessica, and Brent were asleep. Once she heard TK familiar snoring and Kari's soft breathing, she shook the person next to her. He must have been half asleep, because he answered in a mumble. "Matt?" she asked. "Huh? Whaddya want, Hikari?" he asked. "Yama? Yama-chan? It's not Hikari... it's me, Sora. Yamato, I want to talk to you." Matt mumbled something again. "Yama-chan? Please..." she begged. She heard him shift a bit in his "bed" and heard him yawn. "Sora? Sora, is that you talking?" he asked sleepily but meaningfully. "Hai." He waited a minute, and said, "Can you come outside with me? We have to talk." "Sure," Sora replied. She slipped back on her pants that she had taken off (AN: For you sick people out there, she was sleeping with her shirt and underwear. Who cares? Sue me).
She met Matt outside. He turned on the lights in his truck and sat on the open tailgate. He motioned for Sora to sit there too, and she did. "Listen, Sora... I'm really really sorry about that..." he said, and looked away. Sora giggled. "Matt, you don't have to be sorry. What is there to be sorry for?" she asked. "You mean you don't hate me now?" he asked, looking at her again. "Of course not... Why would I?" "B-because I like you..." "Hey, Matt? You know when you came over to my house when I was all upset and stuff?" Sora questioned. "Yeah... What I really want to do is go kick Taichi's butt for hurting you like he did," Matt replied. "Awww Matt... thanks anyway, but... You really helped me, and you especially helped me realize that I never really liked Tai anyways. He never really cared about me the way you do. I can feel it, how much you actually care... I feel safe with you... And... I think I'd be happier with you instead of alone. I guess that says it all..." Sora kind of drifted off. Matt smiled brightly and hugged her tight. He let go and kissed her cheek, slipping his hand into hers. Gripping it firm. "Lets go inside and get some sleep," he said after turning off the lights in his truck. Tai was wrong, dumping her like that. He felt lucky. Only the luckiest guy in the world could have this much to be happy about. He squeezed Sora's hand a little and smiled at her. She squeezed a little back, and smiled back. She leaned against him, her head against his arm and shoulder. It hadn't been the end of the world for her, and now she was even happier than before. She must have been the luckiest girl in the world.
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