Sora hurried down the hall. She couldn't be late for science class again. She'd already been late for science twice, and it was only Wendsday. She walked in to find half the students not there yet, so she was safe. She took her seat, which was unfortunately next to Tai, who never shuts up during lectures. "Hey, Sora," he said with a evil grin on his face. "I got somethin' for ya." He took out a piece of folded up paper, with the name "SORA" on the front. "But... you only get it on one condition." Sora raised her eyebrow. "What's that?" she asked. "You have to give me half the answers to tonight's science homework," he said. Sora thought about it for a moment. "Do you know what it says?" she asked. "Haven't gotten the slightest idea. But I do know who wrote it," he said. "Well, then fine, it's a deal." Sora shook his hand, and he gave her the piece of paper.
Meet me at the elementry school swingsets after school. I have something important to tell you. And I hope getting this didn't come at TOO much of a cost... my only hope of it getting to you was giving it to Tai. You'll have to tell me what he made you do. And I mean it, Sora, I really have to talk to you. Love, Matt
'Love?' Sora thought. Her face turned from it's regular tannish color to a nice shade of pink. "Love note from Izzy?" Tai asked, smirking. "No, you dolt, it's from Matt. And it's not a love note," Sora said, not taking her eyes off the piece of notebook paper that was still in her hands. "Whatever," Tai said, and opened up his textbook to the page written on the board. Sora did the same, stuffing the note into her pocket. She'd be running this all through Mimi at lunch. She was so glad Mimi came back from America for this year.
It seemed like hours until lunch, but it finally came. Sora was stuck with the disgusting school lunch of a poor excuse for a chicken patty, salad, a stale cookie, and a carton of chocolate milk. She hurried and sat down next to Mimi, who looked very glad to see her. "Hey Sora!" she said. "Mimi?" Sora asked. "What's up?" "Huh?" "Oh, sorry... it's a figure of speech. It means like 'what's going on', or 'how are you'." "Oh, I see. I'm doing alright... but you have to read this note I got." Mimi looked at Sora with an interested look, and Sora pulled the note out of her pocket. It looked a little more wrinkled that it originally had, but it was still legible. Mimi was silent for a moment as she read, and then she gasped. "What does he mean, 'love'?" she asked. "I don't know..." "Well maybe he's got it bad for you or something... what's the meeting about anywho?" Sora shrugged. "I have no idea. And he doesn't have it bad for me... He's just a really good friend. Just like Tai... only sometimes Tai can get a little too annoying. But still, Matt's only a friend." Mimi shrugged and looked at Sora's cookie. "You gonna eat that?" she asked. Sora shook her head, and Mimi grabbed it and took a big bite. Sora nibbled on her 'chicken patty', and pretty soon it was time for classes to resume.
Her next class was Writing Skills, which she relized she had with Matt. He sat kiddie-corner to her, right next to a girl named Melissa. She smiled at him on her way in, and he smiled back. "After school okay for you?" he mouthed, trying not to make them look suspicious as the teacher looked to make sure everybody had thier assignments done. "Hai," she mouthed back. Matt nodded, and turned back around. 'I guess he is kinda cute...' she thought. 'Hey, what am I *thinking*!?!? He's my friend, not my crush!' She bit her bottom lip, then put the end of her pen in her mouth, between her teeth. This was a strange feeling for her... she'd never thought she'd ever fall for any of her guy friends... especially not Matt. He was so serious and nonemotional... The little emotion he did have all went into his songs. But then again, maybe she was wrong. She did remember a while back... It was cold out and she was walking home from school. He pulled up in his car and offered to give her a ride home. On the way there, he kept looking at her, and he mumbled something. Maybe he did show other emotions... she just never caught them. Were they always directed towards her? Was she just missing some big clue all together? She didn't know, but she still couldn't wait for school to be over. She'd mess with her emotions then. Even if she did think she loved him, she needed to wait until she was sure.
The remaining three hours of school went slowly. Sora went from Writing Skills, to Art, and then to Art Club. Even her favorite subject didn't have any interest to her today. When school was finally out, she grabbed her backpack and ran out the doors, heading for the elementry school, which was just across the street. She could already see Matt standing by the swings. She sprinted over, and threw down her backpack, sitting down on the swing and looking at Matt.
He was silent. "So... what's this all about?" Sora asked. "Its about girls..." he said. "Shouldn't you be asking one of your parents this, not me?" Sora asked with a laugh. "No no, not that..." Matt said, chuckling a little too. "I mean like... how do you tell a girl you like her?" His eyes were fixed on Sora, waiting for an answer. "Well... It depends on who the person is and what she's like. Because me... I mean gosh if it were some guy talking to me I'd want them to just go right out and say it. But I don't know about other girls... maybe you should ask Mimi."
Matt shook his head. "No. I asked you for a reason... Come here." He started walking back to the high school, and Sora reluctantly followed. Matt got into his car, and motioned for Sora to sit on the passenger side. She put her backpack on the floor, and looked at Matt. "Yeah?" she asked. "Okay... Sora, I need you to tell me you'll tell me the whole, entire, gosh-darned truth. Will you?" he asked. "Of course!" Sora said. Why would she lie to him? "What if I said I know somebody who likes you? I mean likes you *a lot*? In fact, that person is pretty sure he'd spend the rest of his life with you... He'd want to be with you for eternity. What would you say to me?" Sora thought for a moment. "Do I know who this person? Because if I don't, how could he know he wants to spend eternity with me, if he doesn't even know me?" she asked quietly. "Yes, he knows you. Infact, he even knows Mimi... and Kari."
Sora raised her eyebrow. "You're saying he was, or is, a DigiDestined?" she asked. "Hai." Sora bit her bottom lip. "Lets get one thing straight... It's not Davis, is it?" Matt laughed. "Of course not! He's too young for you. He's more your age than Davis," he replied. "So you mean it's either Tai, Izzy, or Joe?" "Could be." "Well, I know it's not Joe because he's got a huge crush on Mimi, and it can't be Izzy because he's got a crush on Mimi too. So.... So it's Tai? It is, isn't it?" "No it's not, Sora." "Well the who is it?" "Uhhhh..." "Well then is it Izzy or Joe?" she asked. "No." "There's only one other person it could be, Matt... It's gotta be... It's YOU, isn't it!?" Matt blushed. "Why didn't you tell me Yamato?" she asked. Matt looked shocked. She'd called him by his full first name. Nobody but Tai, TK, and his parents have ever called him Yamato. He didn't even know she knew his full first name. "Y-your not mad now, are you?" he asked shakily. "Of course not Matt! After all, a strong love always starts with friendship... I'm sure we didn't have our crests for nothing, either," Sora said. She was making a whole lot of sense. "A strong girl/boy friendship like ours can easily turn into love. Take Takeru and Hikari, for instance." Matt gasped. She was right. "Tell me, Sora... I'll do anything..." he said. Sora hugged him. "If you truly want me to love you, Yama-chan, just give me time. I, in time, will surely be able to return your love for me... plus it will definatly prove your love is true, if you just wait for me."
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