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Welcome! Oyasin Mitakuywe!


Welcome to the new W.W.W. home of Lodgepole Circle. Changeling_Gypsy and Cat are happy to have you visit and get acquainted. As time goes on, this site will be growing and new things will be added, too, so stop by often and check things out!

Lodgepole Circle is a loosely organized group made up of eclectic pagan practitoners from all walks of life and living in the Jefferson, WI area. We are NOT a coven, although we may from time to time enjoy celebrating our beliefs with one another. In essence, this is a "community" of folks; solitaries and those from covens and/or other groups; who get together to exchange ideas, share special events, celebrate special occasions, and just " & greet...", as the saying goes. We support a wide variety of alternative ways of life, loving, & living and are also quite family-oriented, in that we ourselves have families and "our" children are extremely important to us. (See our photo album for pix from some of the things we've done with our kids and extended family! ---NOT UP YET....COMING SOON!)

We are non-denominational, and are at this point not yet organized as a non-profit organization, although we hope that will be coming in the future. We do not charge for events or other get-togethers, though we may ask that the cost of such events be shared or on a "pay-your-own-way" basis. Watch this site for announcements!

Please e-mail us with suggestions or comments at:




Events & Announcements Photo Album Our favorite Links!

--- "Realm" ---
(I'm not sure who this is by, if you know, e-mail me and tell me!)

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