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Metal Gear Solid 2 Characters

Solid Snake: Formerly of Fox Hound, now an independent agent working with Philanthropy, a UN-sponsored fringe organization formed to curtail development and use of Metal Gear. The baddest mother-shut-yo-mouth in the world.

Solidus Snake: The final silhouette in the McFarlane Toys collection is revealed. This gentleman, in heavy combat armor with a pair of large projections/hoses coming off the back, can't help but be the third clone of Big Boss. He looks the part to a tee, with his eyepatch (on the left eye), superb weapons skills, and hard-eyed gaze. He gets two scenes. In one, what appears to be a showdown with Fortune, he spins a Belgian FN submachinegun the way Ocelot twirls his Colts, winding up right on target (but does he hit her? We'll see...). He also closes the trailer, where we see him behind a wall of fire, sheathing a sword.

Otacon: You met him in Metal Gear Solid, where he was one of the developers of the Metal Gear Rex. Now he's Snake's control, also a member of Philanthropy. He hacked out the information about the development and transport of the Ray, leading to Snake's new mission.

Revolver Ocelot: Revolver was the lone survivor of the rebel Fox Hound team that took over Shadow Moses in the original Metal Gear Solid. At the end of that game, it was revealed that he was a turncoat, working for a mysterious "Mr. President" to secure the Metal Gear Rex test data. Between the two games, he sold the Rex data on the open market, leading to the spread of Metal Gear technology worldwide. Now, he's part of the rogue Spetsnaz group that's after the Ray, and curiously enough he's found a replacement for the hand that Gray Fox amputated in MGS. KCEJ has indicated that that hand is in fact Liquid's hand, and that part of Liquid may have taken residence in Ocelot's mind...

Olga Gurlukovich: The most striking character introduced in the first MGS2 trailers, Olga is a lifelong member of Spetsnaz, completely devoted to her unit. Her father is the leader of the unit, and unnaturally protective of her, which she resents somewhat...

Olga's Father: Presumably also named Gurlukovich, although he is addressed by neither rank nor name in his scenes in the demo. He's the officer leading the Spetsnaz unit that hijacks the tanker in an attempt to steal the Metal Gear Ray. Okay, is she dead or not? In the new screenshots and trailer, there's a shot of Ms. Gurlukovich looking very self-satisfied, her arms folded in Russian forest camouflage fatigues (rather than the tank top and parachute pants we usually see her in).

Marine Commander: The third major faction on board the tanker, aside from Snake and the Spetsnaz team, is the Marine Corps unit that's taking the Ray out for testing. Operating covertly, under the command of an officer who remains anonymous (that's him delivering the speech in the E3 2001 trailer), their aim is to develop a weapon that can counter forces in the US military-industrial complex that they believe are behind the leaking of the Rex design and test data.

Ema: That's a guess at her name, since she only shows up briefly and has no evident connection to the other characters. She's a young girl, shown slumped up against a wall

Fortune: One of the three silhouettes in the McFarlane toy series, Fortune was introduced in the E3 2001 trailer. Her allegiance is unclear, but she's definitely not on good terms with Snake. Fortune is a soldier, albeit not a trained one -- she simply possesses unearthly luck on the battlefield. Bullets can't harm her, in sharp contrast to the continuous misfortune that she encounters anywhere but a fight. To take advantage of her luck, she's armed with a massive railgun. The recoil and inaccuracy hardly matter, when you have all the time in the world to take aim.

Ninja: According to Kojima, he's back by popular demand -- the E3 2001 trailer includes a new cyborg Ninja, although it's highly unlikely that this is Gray Fox come back from the dead. Speculation as to its identity ranges from Meryl Silverburgh to various Fox Hounds to Big Boss himself. Of course, all the Ninja has to say is "I have no name...". Still don't know who he is. He is, however, still the man. The Gray Fox connection is looking more interesting now, though, because the new trailer features the Ninja dueling his old foe Revolver Ocelot. Revolver pops off three shots, not near enough to get past the Ninja's lightning-quick sword.

Vampire: Speaking of whom, he speaks, although we sadly can't parse his Japanese dialogue when he's arguing with Fortune. He can also walk on water, it looks like, since in one scene he pirouettes calmly over a still pool.

Birdman/Woman?: Why is there a parrot in the new trailer? Seriously, there's a parrot. We see it alone, in a cage, and being petted by a figure in a shirt, pants, and what looks like a short lab coat. Whoever it is, they seem to be bleeding. They also look enough like Otacon that it might just be an odd shot throwing off our identification.

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