Aleksandar Kokotovic

Mister Slovak Republic for Manhunt International 2002

He was born in Sarajevo, where he spent most of his life till he Moved to United States where he goes to school and works as a model right now.  Aleksandar is going to this years Manhunt International which is going to be held in Shanghai China on December 14.




MB.- Can you tell us more about your self and why did you start modeling?

AK.-  The biggest motivating force in my life is my sister Aleksandra.  Her energy, her adventures from fashion shows and travels, and  the girls that she is surrounded with.

MB.- Manhunt International is one of the biggest male model competitions in the world.  Are you nervous before leaving to China?

AK.- Milan, you caught me a day before I am to leave to China.  Truly I am not nervous at all, but I am excited before my departure.  I am positive that I will have good time and with help and advices from my sister I am sure that there will be no mistakes on my part.


MB.- How are you preparing for the competitions, and what are your qualities that will help  you during the competition?

AK.- I already assembled clothing that I will be wearing during the final evening, I picked music for my talent, which is going to be runway.  I did not prepare in any special way because I was born ready :).  When it comes to qualities, many think that I am great runway and photo model, and that will probably help me.




MB.-Can you tell us something more about your modeling career?

AK.- It was a big coincidence when I started doing fashion shows.  I was at one of many fashion shows that my sister was doing and one agent noticed me and offered me to do a fashion show the fallowing week.  I was not really interested in that, because I only went to fashion shows to look at the beautiful girls (smile), but after talking and being convinced by my sister I decided I was going to give it a tray.  After the first show there was the second and that is how it started.  I was never looking for the job, they were always looking for me.  After a while, modeling became interesting to me.  My sister told me this in beginning, she said that once you start modeling you never stop.


MB.-  Where you ever in other male beauty competitions?

AK.-No, Manhunt International is the first competition I will be at, and I am very happy because of that. 

MB.-What are you hoping from the competition in China?

AK.- I am hoping that there is going to be a lot charming and sexy Chinese girls.

MB.- Thank you so much for your time and best of luck in China

AK.- Thank you.