Andja Budimir Miss Serbia and Montenegro International 2003

This magnificent lady is not just a everyday beauty she has poise and some other qualities which are excellent.  She is very proud of her origins and also knows what she wants from life.  Andja Budimir has proved that beauty really comes from inside even though it can be seen outside.  I had a great opertunity in meeting this excellent lady she is very outgoing and easy to talk to so I hope this interview will bring you closer to her.


Photos courtesy of Miss Yu Organization

MB-Start by telling us about Andja Budimir.  Your hometown, family, dreams/aspirations and how did you decide to participate in a beauty contest.

 AB-My name is Andja Budimir, I am 21 years old and my astrological sign is Gemini-Scorpio.  I live in Budva ( Montenegro ) with my parents and younger sister.  Right now I am studying computer programming and information at the University of Podgorica in the capital of Montenegro .  I was born in Marseille , France , but I see Budva as my birth and hometown, because that is where I spent my childhood, finished school, meet my first friends and many other wonderful things.  Budva is biggest tourist metropolis in Serbia and Montenegro . It has beautiful beaches, and many other beautiful sights.  For myself I can say that I am temperamental, full of self confidence, always easy going, always happy and with a big smile, very honest, and sometimes hardheaded.  I hate when people are stuck up, two faced, untrustworthy, lazy, and pessimistic.  How did I enter the pageant?  Well my best friend filed out an entrance application for Miss Serbia and Montenegro in my name, but very soon I realized that through this pageant I can get many opportunities to succeed, to travel and build a career.  My biggest dream is to become a successful business woman, to help and give to the society, to be a good mother, wife and to have many children. 

MB-What myth or stereotype about Serbia and Montenegro would you like to clarify. 

AB-First thing that I would like to fix is the fact that many people see us as aggressive, primitive and old-fashioned people, when in reality we are very progressive, happy and interesting people who just went through many hard and different  times.  I would like to show the world what natural beauties and what potentials our country has, also I would love to explain to the world our culture and traditions which are just so spectacular.  I am truly hoping that I will succeed in that, and that I will at least a little bit help that these myths and stereotypes about our country are fixed. 


MB-How are you getting ready to participate in Miss International Pageant?

AB-I have been working on my figure, I swim, hike a lot, run and exercise, but I like to go on long walks next to the sea and that is what I do most.  I have been taking English lessons and reading books about Japan .  So shortly I have been preparing myself mentally as well as physically to represent my country in the best light. 



MB-What is your greatest motivation to participate in Miss International?

AB-The biggest motivating factor for participating in Miss International is the opportunity to meet new people, learn about Japanese culture, hopefully get some work opportunities and definitely make some new friendships with girls from all over the world.

MB-f you had to chose one public person who you would like to meet, who would that be and why?

AB-If I had an opportunity to meet one public figure I would pick David Coperfield famous magician.  I would want to know how he accomplishes all of his tricks like disappearing of Statue of Liberty.  I find him very interesting as a person.  I would also like to know how long it takes to prepare for these tricks and how he has not had any problems with his stunts.

MB-What is your definition of success?

AB-Success for me represents a fight, self sacrifice, strong will, opportunism, and clearly chosen life goals.

MB-Can you tell us about an event in your life that is very close to your heart or something funny that has happened to you?

AB-There are so many interesting moments that happened in my life, so it is not easy to separate one event, out of grand group of them.  In general people that I am friends with say that they are never bored when they are with me and that I am full of surprises.  But if I had to choose one event I would separate the happiest day of my life and that would be 23.02.1990 when my sister was born.  Even though many years passed since then I remember that day to the smallest details since my sister is my biggest treasure.

MB-What is your favorite food?

AB-My favorite food would definitely have to be sea food, but vegetables and dairy products are always found on my daily food list.

MB-Tell us if you are playing any sport, and because I know that you love to swim how much are sea and water important in your life?

AB-Sea is so unpredictable, live, mysterious, inspirational and something without I could not live.  It relaxes me!  It is a part of me! I was born in a port, I grew up in a port, and I could never live in the town that does not have an exit to the sea.  More importantly everything floats towards and integrates into the sea, so my life would be unbearable without it.  And if we talk about sport I love playing and I have been playing basketball, tennis and I love to swim.  I think that sport is very important for everybody and it is very healthy to play some sport.  As they say here in Serbia and Montenegro “In healthy body there is a healthy spirit.”

MB- If you had a choice between being smart and ugly or beautiful and stupid which one would you choose?

AB-I think that is most important that a person possesses inner beauty, and also that person exudes charm, and energy.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it also passes by, but charm, energy and inner beauty are with you thought your life.  Definitely I would not want to be stupid even if I was the example of perfection, and most beautiful girl in the world!  In the other hand beautiful people get many more chances to succeed, so both sides have their pluses and minuses, but as I said for me the most important is inner beauty.

MB- What makes you laugh?

AB-I love to laugh!  I think that laughter heals all the wounds!  Good jokes, interesting adventures and people, and good comedies always put a smile on my face.

MB- Where do you see yourself in ten years?

AB-In ten years I see myself with a lot of children, married and established woman who has built her career in what ever job, since I am not sure yet what I want to do for the rest of my life because there is many things that I am interested in.  I also hope to be happy, content and also hopefully financially stable.

MB- What are your plans after this adventure, Miss International?

AB-It is little to early to talk about that!  I have been taking it day by day so what is going to happen after the pageant is a one big question mark!  I am hoping to get some interesting modeling offers and stay little longer in Japan .

MB-Thank you Andjo

AB-Thank you