Danielle Lloyd

Miss England for Miss World 2004

This young beauty was born on 16th December 1983 to Jackie and Arthur Lloyd in Liverpool England. She is an active sport person ever since she was small.  She enjoyed running, (mainly cross country and hurdles) and sports acrobatics. After her primary education Danielle decided to go to College to do Advanced Science in Chemistry and Biology.  While going to school and being involved in all these extracurricular activities Danielle also found time to do some modeling.  As she enjoyed her modeling work she decided to go to Beauty School where she qualified as a Beautician with Massage and Indian Head Massage. She also qualified as a Nail Technician in Gel and Acrylic nails. Danielle said "I like to make people look and feel


good about themselves." and that is one of the reasons she got into this business.  This young but yet so extraordinary lady is an example of poise, grace and perseverance.  The night before her first Beauty pageant Miss Merseyside she was brutally attacked by a group of people, who dragged her by her hair from her car while it was still moving.  Danielle takes some time to explain this event to us, but it is hard to go back to that evening. She said " After falling to the ground I was then dragged along the road feeling every piece of gravel embedding itself into my back, legs, arms and head.   Suddenly the car stopped as it hit the curb and rolled over my arm. I lost most of my hair in clumps and had severe cuts and bruising all over my body. My mum telephoned the organizers and explained to them what had happened.  They told my mum to bring me down to the competition and they would help me cover up my bruises and have the hairdresser fix up my hair.  They explained to my mum that if I did not continue with the competition, I probably would not enter another one and my confidence would go.  It was the most painful experience I have ever been through in my life and I hated every minute of being on stage.  I kept thinking people could see my bruises and start coming to their own conclusions.  I managed to get in the top 7 and now I only have the organizers and my mum to thank.  If it was not for them supporting me, I would never have continued with my modeling or entering beauty competitions.  It took months of counseling for me to start to try and forget, but deep down you can’t, you blame yourself and tell yourself you must have deserved it."  Since this event Danielle has been in many national and international pageants, and she has accomplished some great results and now she has her mind set on becoming next Miss World.  Here is what she had to say about her interests, preparations for Miss World, different contest she has entered and many more interesting subjects.  

MB.- This is your second time competing in Miss England pageant, can you please describe both experiences and tell us something more about how you felt when you were finally called as Miss England 2004?

DL.-The second time (this time) I was more confident, after winning a couple more competitions throughout the year, it gave me more confidence and I was determined to go out and prove to myself I could get back on stage and be proud of myself for doing so.  I felt like a new person, in fact I felt grown up, confident, I believed in myself and I had my self esteem back.  That made a huge difference on the day and night, and deep down I kept telling myself that I would gain more confidence throughout the day even if I did not make the top 15 or final 7 I would enjoy the day and night and again be a better person for doing so.  I also knew that I had the backing of my friends and family and also the many people who had given me support throughout my terrible experience.  I was going to do my best to win, but not to be disappointed if I didn't, I knew it was going to be tough as all of the girls were so beautiful and many had already beaten me in last years competition.  As I got down to the final 7 I was just so made up I really did not think I had a chance of winning, as I looked around at the other girls on stage with me, I thought well I am one of the 7 most gorgeous girls her tonight and I feel very proud.  Back stage, they announced the third place I heard her number and gave a sigh congratulated her and she went out, then they called the 2nd place, it was my friend Kate, I again congratulated her and she went out.  I sat down at this stage as I did not think I was going to be called out! but then I heard Number 14!! and I still sat there, it was only when they said Danielle Lloyd, I realized it was me, girls came over and congratulated me and I was rushed out to be crowned! what a fantastic feeling, and as I said on the night, I did it for my mum.  She has supported me throughout all my bad experience, even though she has been ill herself, she was always there for me and I wanted everyone to know it.  As I walked down the catwalk towards my mum I could see her crying, happy though!! tears of joy! she was so proud of me and I bent down to kiss her, the flash bulbs went off and It then hit me, I was Miss England 2004 and I was going to China!!! I was very emotional because I kept thinking I could have easily given up but I didn't thanks to everyone for their support.


MB.- As I know you have competed in many international pageants and you have always accomplished great successes, can you please tell our readers what are some of the competitions you have been in and what have you learned from them?

DL.-My first international competition was in Athens in November 2003, I was asked to go as Miss England representative, and that is where I met Milan, Bojan, and Aleksandra.  I made some great friends and I won, Queen of Clubs World Model of the Future, what a great feeling and I met some really nice people from all over the World.  Despite the competition having problems towards the final days, it had been judged over the last 5 days with different outfits, dance, figure, looks and outfits.  Unfortunately the final show did not take place, but they added up all the scores from the 5 days and I was crowned the Winner.  My first international success. My next win was that in London, again I was asked to enter Miss Hawaiian Tropic Great Britain, it was held in the Collection Bar in London and as I had just returned from Thailand after a month I was ready,  I had a fantastic tan and I had bought some great bikini's back with me from Thainland and I felt great.  It did not worry me that there was plenty of other beautiful girls in the competition I just put on my bikini and went out there.  I walked the length of the bar through hundreds of people and posed for all the cameras.  I felt like a new person not Danielle who had no confidence but Danielle Lloyd the Model, Queen of Clubs Winner and I knew I had a good chance of winning if I felt this good.  When the final 3 were called out, I did not even worry about not being placed as I again had a fantastic night and met some great girls.  But yes! they called the winner out Danielle Lloyd!! I was crowned Miss Hawaiian Tropic Great Britain and won a diamond necklace and an all expenses trip to Las Vegas for the international final for two weeks.  I left for Vegas just 3 weeks later and flew with my mum and brother Matthew.  We spent most of the day rehearsing on the Boat, where the show was going to take place and then the rest of the day having photo shoots done by the pool there was so many photographers from all over the world!  It was tiring but very worthwhile.  Again I made some great friends and I was placed in the top 10 from 136 girls, they had to choose 1 girls from North America, 1 from South America, 1 from the Islands, 1 from Asia, and 1 from Europe.  In the top ten there was three girls from 36 left from Europe, Glenda from Irelend, another girl from Hungry and Me from London UK.  The top five was announced and the girl from Hungry was chosen.  Glenda and I was not bothered as we were in the top 10 and that was an achievement in itself.  We had great fun together during the last few days before we flet back to the UK. I was also approached by an Agent who made arrangements for me to go back to Las Vegas and LA to have a portfolio made up and work for his Advertising company.  Unfortunately I could not go back as "I WON MISS ENGLAND"  so I have put that on hold for now.

MB.- If you had to chose the happiest moment of your life what would that be and why?

DL.- The happiest moment for me was regaining my confidence back and being able to enter competitions again.  Two years ago I was attacked, pulled out of my car and dragged along the road as the car was still moving.  I was so badly bruised, cut and lost most of my hair, it has taken many months of counseling, and help and support from many people, including my family, friends and support groups like Women’s Aid, who I support and raise money for.  I did not win my first couple of competitions but I met some lovely girls who encouraged me to continue and said that one day it would pay off and it has.  Now I feel very proud to have the courage to continue with my dream.  Just being able to go on a stage in front of an audience of hundreds and now thousands of people is such an achievement as at one time I would not even go outside the house.  I now want to make sure anyone else who has or still suffers any violence, can see me and say “If Danielle can do it, I can”

Two photos above  Courtesy of M Cullum

MB.- How are you preparing for Miss World pageant?

DL.- I have been training with a personal trainer to gain my strength and keep fit, after all we are away for such a long time, and I don't think we will have much time for the gym!  I have also become "The face of Crystal Clear" Beauty Products Company who has distributors World wide.  I have just completed their corporate Magazine and I am completing a Video which will be shown all over the World.  My skin products are all from Crystal Clear and I would not use anything else.  It makes your skin feel fresh, revitalized and cleansed, everyone should try it!

MB.- I had a great honor of meeting you in Athens and I believe that you poses all the qualities that one beauty queen should have even more, but can you please tell us what do you think are your qualities that will help you stand out in a field of 110 or even more girls in China?

DL.- I think the main quality I have is "being myself" I can't change the way I am, even being from Liverpool I still have the "Liverpool accent" or as some say "Scouse" but I believe that if you try to much to change you will trip yourself up.  In Vegas, I was approached by a couple of men who said that they had read my qualities on the website those being "distinctive" once seen never forgotten and "infectious" as people always want to be around me.  They said I should add to those qualities with Fun, Outgoing and Precious, they said I stood out from the other girls as I did not have to talk loud or scream or shout to be noticed, I just simply had to walk in and I glowed! just like a fire fly! everyone would turn around and want to talk to me.  I just said I had not really noticed and they said Yes that's exactly what we mean!! I don't want to change I am myself and I am proud to be the person I am, and I am proud to be from Liverpool and England and I won't forget that whatever happens.


MB.- I know that you have a very supportive family, can you please tell us how have they been taking everything that has been happening to you in last couple months since you were crowned Miss England?

DL.- My mum, dad and brother are all very proud including my nan's and granddad.  I have developed a little supporters club in the Bingo where my nan goes and the British Legion where my Granddad goes.  It seems funny to be noticed by people who say "there's Miss England" or people pick up a paper and say "oh is that you" my mum gets quite a lot of people talking and asking questions in her workplace and in the local shops.  They again just take everything in their stride, nothings changed really only that I am not home very often and my mum's phone bill has doubled!!  It's a good job they are coming to China otherwise the bill may run into Hundreds.


Courtesy of M Cullum

MB.- Now that we talked about Miss World and Miss England pageant, lets learn something more about Danielle Lloyd, who you are, what are your interests and hobbies, what food you like and all the small things that you think readers of Beauties of Miss Serbia and Montenegro should know about you?

DL.- Well what can I say, I like snuggling up in bed with my pj's on and watching a DVD or the telly! that does not happen very often so it is a great pleasure when it does! I like seafood, and vegtables, but I do like the odd Macdonalds!!! I like chicken but I would rather have a nice piece of grilled salmon with steamed veg!  I have kept in touch with my friend Pavlina who represented Cyprus in Athens last year, we have been friends since.  I do travel to London quite a lot with photo shoots or to attend a dinner or charity event so I stay with Pavlina and we do go out sometimes for a nice meal and maybe a club!  I do enjoy dancing but have not been able to socialize much lateley.  I think most people love to get in bed, with a book or watch a film in the warmth, snuggled up and just being able to go to sleep whenever you want!  Not that I get too much of that at the moment with all the running around!

From left to right: Danielle and Pavlina (Miss Cyprus), Danielle during one of the competitions, Zana (Miss Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Danielle at Queen of the Clubs

MB.- Tell us what is your deffinition of success?

DL.- Success to me is achieving at least one goal in life, whatever it is, everyone is different so we all have different goals to achieve. I've always dreamed of being on stage, and I have been either in a competition or as a guest to a charity event.  I would like to become a successful model and be on the front page of magazines all over the World, and I believe one day I will. I would also like to do some acting and again this is an avenue I will go down when and if the opportunity comes.  If it does not come I will do my best to achieve this goal however long it takes, you just have to be patient and be ambitious.  You have got to have a goal in life and aim to achieve it otherwise you would get stuck in a rut and not want to do anything, just be happy to carry on doing the same thing over and over again.  I'm not like that if I know what I want I will go out and get it.

MB.- Can you tell us what was the funniest moment of your life?

DL.- The funniest moment of my life was when I was promoting for a well known soft drink's company. As I mentioned earlier, apart from having to wear a bright orange outfit and drive around on a bright orange scooter I had to stop the scooter outside an arena where everyone was queuing to see Atomic Kitten.  I pulled up on my bright orange scooter took off my bright orange helmet and aimed to pull the scooter back on its support in order for me to hand out cans of drink to everyone in the queue from the seat of the scooter!  Yes you guessed right I could not pull the scooter back to rest, and the scooter fell the drinks went everywhere and so did the helmet much to the delight of the hundreds of people in the queue!  A very kind man came over and picked up the scooter put it on its stand and I tried to look professional and pick up what was left of the cans.  I had to complete this run over and over again until the concert started so I had to drive up to where the nice kind man was and ask him to lift the scooter each time.  I was completely exhausted by the time I was finished and very red faced!  




MB.- People say that life is a book that everyone should read.  If  you had to write a book about your life what would its title be?

DL.- It would have to be "The pain and the Gain" because all my problems I have faced and come through it has been very painful but I have gained so much since.

MB.- If you were to be granted one wish what would it be?

DL.- I think it would have to be to stop all the hatred and jealousy what goes on in the World, I don't believe that we have to have Wars, Kidnapping, Murders, Rapes, and attacks.  I think that if it was all taken away we would not have any other problems as most of the problems stem from hatred and jealousy.

Courtesy of M Cullum


MB.- What makes you angry?

DL.- People who "assume" things about people without actually knowing the person, I have come accross so much of this and It really does meke me angry.  How can anyone say anything about anyone when they don't even know them? it makes me so mad.

MB.- Do you have any specific platform or a social cause that you support or feel that it should be supported?

DL.- have choses to support Womens Aid who support women and children who have been or are the victims of verbal or physical abuse.  I found great comfort and support from the Charity since I actually found the courage to tell people what I had been through.  There are so many victims out there who are afraid and don't think there is any help for them.  I can say there is! just pick up the phone and tell someone they will help and support you.  You will one day find the strength to pick up the phone and when you do you won't look back.

MB.- What do you think of plastic surgery when it comes to beauty queens?

DL.- At first I always wanted to have "breast enlargements" but after I went to America and seen how many girls had them and the way they looked, it turned me off.  In fact most girls who had breast enlargements told me they were sorry and they would not have done it if they knew what they know now.  I do understand some people have to have surgery for medical reasons and I don't mind that, but I don't see the point.  If you have a beautiful face and nice body why go to the extreme of altering it? I won Miss Hawaiian Tropic because I looked Natural!  I do believe everyone has a choice and if they want to have surgery well it is their own choice it is just that everyone is different but some people do go to far.

MB.- What are you future hopes

DL.- My dream is to win Miss World.  I would love to win because holding this prestigious title would allow me to help those people less fortunate than others.  I was given help when I needed it now I would like to be able to help someone.  One in four women has at sometime been the victim of domestic violence and it is not only women who suffer, sadly the children suffer to.  Women’s Aid takes thousands of calls from women every year, but unfortunately due to being under resourced and of course severely under funded, last year alone 88,500 calls could not be answered.  If I can help in any way no matter how small I will.  I had already started fundraising for Women’s Aid during the build up to Miss England and I presented a cheque to Women’s Aid this week for £2,500 in London.  I am currently organizing a charity dinner to be held in October when I hope to raise as much money as possible for this and the Variety Club, who help many thousands of Children from all over the World.  I would like to visit all the countries who are participating in this year’s Miss World and together with their contestant, work towards helping those people less fortunate than others.  We have so many children and parents who are living in poverty and have to beg, or work from a very early age just to be able to eat day by day.  Surely everyone should be able to eat a meal and drink clean fresh water whenever they want.  I know it won’t happen overnight but if we can do something to make a start and put a smile on just 1 child’s face, it would be an achievement.   If I won Miss World I would like to start a fund called Miss World’s Charity Fund to raise as much money as possible, through many events with the help of all the other contestants, some of whom sadly suffer extreme poverty in their own country.  I would also donate 10% of any cash prize received and from all future assignments to this fund.  

MB- Thank you Danielle and good luck in China

DL.- Thank you