Katarina Vucetic Miss Serbia and Montenegro Earth 2003

I had a great opportunity to have mat this wonderful lady.  She is just so motivational, inspirational and full of energy.  As a champion of Serbia and Montenegro in swimming she has decided to move in to some other direction and try to pursue a career in the fashion world, as well as beauty pageant world.  This lady has impeccable character and a great personality.  She knows what she wants in life and keeps a special place in her hart for all the people that are kind and giving. I am glad that she will be representing Serbia and Montenegro in Manila because she will do that with poise and grace.

MB-Can you tell us something more about yourself, where do you come from, what do you like to do etc?

KV-First of all I would like to say that I was born and raised in Nis, second biggest and for me the most beautiful city in Serbia.  There is many interesting and educating things in this city.  For example there is a beautiful Ottoman castle in this city which has been there for centuries now, also Celekula which is one of the most mysterious monument in our country, it has been made of many scowls from people that died in battle against Turks.  Not only that there is many educating monuments in my city but this city is fool of parks and trees and that ads to its charm.  There is so many things about myself that I would like to say but we would need a lot of time for that, in short I have been swimming professionally ten years and during that time I have received more then three hundred medals during different competitions, I have been pronounced sport figure of Nis three times and once I received title of sport figure of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro now).  I also hold a national record who has not been defeated as of yet.  I was a member of our representation and I also went to Olympic days, which is competition before Olympics for younger participants.  Right now I work as a trainer at the pool.  I teach young children to swim which makes me very happy and fulfilled.  

MB-Last year you entered Miss Serbia and Montenegro pageant, how did you come to that decision and what are your experiences from this pageant?

KV-Last year I my sister in law entered me to Miss Nis pageant where I won unanimously.  After that I was qualified to participate in Miss Serbia and Montenegro pageant.  We had preparations for month and a half before the pageant.  We were thought how to walk, we had courses of makeup, and also different discussions on world issues.  I wasn't expecting much because this was the first time I did something like that, so when I entered in top ten and won title of Miss Earth Serbia and Montenegro I was very surprised.  The feeling I felt when I got into top ten was like I was getting to the winning stand after a race.  This experience was wonderful for me I meet new people and I entered in world of fashion that always fascinated me.  Even though I always loved to take pictures and model I never had chance because of my commitments to swimming.  


MB-When they announced that you won title of Miss Earth, did you know what it is or did you have to learn more about it?

KV-That evening I really did not know what this title is, but I talked to Vesna Jugovic  and she explained to me what this contest entailed and I also learned that last year Miss Bosnia won this contest.  Though some of my friends I got to meet the owner of license in Bosnia and I learned even more about the contest.  From what I heard I would love to win the title of Miss Water because it is what I love the most.

MB-After last years great success of Sladjana Bozovic are you nervous or do you have some feeling of responsibility to do as well in Manila?

KV-I feel a great deal of responsibility to represent our country in the best light possible, I would love to win some title but I will leave that job to the judges because they will chose the best, I just hope to make the people of my land proud with my behavior, knowledge, and patriotism.  I want to leave the best impression about my country and people because when I get of the plain I am not only Katarina Vucetic but also Miss Serbia and Montenegro, and an ambassador of our country to the world.

MB-How are you preparing for the pageant?

KV-I have been exercising and taking care of what I eat.  I am supported by my family and friends which makes these preparations easier.  With designer Tanja we have been preparing my wardrobe.  We have already prepared my traditional costume which is going to be from the region of Serbia named Sumadija.  This costume is very old and one of the very interesting due to its flowery design.   I will also have special wardrobe for the talent portion of the competition and a special dance from one of the regions of Serbia but I think that will stay a secret for now.  

MB-Since this is a pageant dedicated to our earth as well as beauty of the girls, what would you do to prevent some environmental problems that our country has?

KV- I would have to start by saying that many of our rivers are polluted now days do to the garbage and many other sources of pollution.  Since I think that this is a great problem as well as problems concerning the ozone I would try and make people more aware of these issues and promote different ways of fixing these problems.  For example it has been said that Nikola Tesla our greatest inventor has invented a machine that would prevent the problems with ozone wholes but since he did not finish it I would work on promoting and helping young scientist invent different  inventions which would help us solve these problems.

MB-What human trait is most important for you?

KV-Honesty is something that I appreciate the most.  I think that true hurts less then a lye and that is appreciated more so that is why I think every person should be honest in whatever they do. 

MB-If you had to chose one moment in your life that always puts a smile on your face what would that be and why?

KV-I would have to say it would be the birth of my brothers daughter.  When I saw those nice, big blue eyes I was so happy. Whenever I think of this event I am always content no matter what situation I am in.  Her name is Petra and she is the cutest little girl I know.  Everyone says that she looks like me, and she has ever since I won my title been wanting to become a miss one day.

MB-One of the three primary elements, water, sky and earth that would best describe you would be which and why?

KV-I would have to say water, because it is just a large surface, and some of the best memories of my life are from water since I won many titles by swimming in water.  Water connects everything and it is needed for life so that are only some of the reasons why I would describe myself as water rather then other elements.

MB-If you had wings to which country would you fly first?

KV-It would have to be Israel .  Ever since I was small I have been going to church and I strongly believe in God so I would love to visit some of the places where Jesus came from and also especially his grave in Jerusalem.  

MB-What is your favorite food?

KV-Chicken and different vegetables are definitely my favorite foods.  I would have to say that stuffed peppers are very good and also I would love to say that beans prepared by Serbian traditions are the best.  I recommend that to anyone that comes to Serbia and Montenegro.  I also prefer Italian and Chinese kitchen.

MB-Since I know you are professional sport figure I was wondering which makes you more nervous or excited different sport competitions or beauty pageants?

KV-I would say that beauty pageants make me more nervous since you are judged in all aspects.  You work long time in both sports and pageants to present your country in the best light but races don't last that long while beauty pageants last much longer and that is one of the reasons why I am more nervous during the pageants.  Also pageants are something new in my life and it is more exciting.  In sport you have to give more energy while for pageants you need to have charm, smarts and good looks to accomplish best results.

MB-What are you expecting from competition in Philippines?

KV-I expect a lot of new encounters and friendships.  I hope there is not going to be jealousy between the girls and that we all are going to have Philippines in our memory for the rest of the life.  I know the country is beautiful and that I am going to give all I have to have good time over there and that is why I am so happy that we are going to stay there for 25 days before the final

MB-Did you have chance to see other girls that will be competing with you

KV- Not really except on internet, but that is not the measure of beauty since the inner beauty is something that lasts forever and leaves a longer impression.

MB-Where do you see yourself in ten years?

KV-I see myself as a successful woman who has made a large step towards her goals.  A woman who knows what she wants and works on making her life and life of people around her better. I hope that in ten years I will be working in sport management because that is what I want to do and where I see myself.

MB Thank you

KV Thank you