Nina Stanisic

Miss Yugoslavia for Miss World University 2001

Nina Stanisic came into the finals of Miss Yugoslavia by winning the title of Miss Montenegro.  This elegant beauty has been nothing short of perfect in all the competitions she entered.  We at Beauties of Miss Yugoslavia are privileged to interview this magnificent woman.



MB.- Why did you decide to enter Miss Montenegro Beauty Pageant?

NS.- I entered accidentally.  Before the pageant I was working as a model so my friends decided to enter me in Miss Montenegro pageant so they sent my information.

MB.- When you won Miss Montenegro pageant what did you feel?

NS.-It felt good even though I was surprised but very happy that I would be able to represent my republic in future competitions. 



MB.- Tell us something more about the preparations and finals of the Miss Yugoslavia 2001 pageant.

NS.-Preparations, which lasted for 20 days were in Greece and were the most exciting part of the pageant.  Our time was filled to the maximum and that was good for me.  We went around and visited the monuments and special places, we learned about Greek culture and people, and at the same time we had classes in many different categories (little classes).  Final night was also exciting because it was not like regular beauty pageant.  Pageant was held like a story written by Boris Pasternaka, so we had ability to show our acting skills also. 

MB.-What were you hoping for before the final evening?

NS.- It was known how each girl acted during the preparations so from that I was expecting some title

MB.-During the pageant you won title of Miss World University Yu and you got a chance to go to Korea to compete in this pageant.  What are your impressions from your visit to Korea?

NS.-Preparations lasted for 20 days in Seul and our time was fully planed like during Miss Yu pageant.  We learned about new way of life, culture and interesting customs.  I really liked that every day we had lectures about AIDS and drugs and we gave the lectures from time to time.  All my memories are very nice from over there, I will remember this till the end of my life.  I would really like to separate one instance on December 1 when it was world day of AIDS when we were volunteers.  In general hanging out with representatives of 33 countries was exciting, and I am still in contact with some of them.  I met many new people, cultures, customs and I am richer in knowledge after this competition.   

MB.- What are you doing now when you relinquished your title of Miss Montenegro and Miss World University Yu?

NS.- I am studying languages, modeling, playing sports and doing humanitarian functions.

MB.-What are your Plans for future?

NS.-I want to finish college and stay in fashion industry.  To be successful woman that can have family and work at the same time.