Sanja Papic 

Miss Serbia and Montenegro Universe 2003

Sanja was born in Novi Sad where she is going to school right now.  She likes to read books from Momo Kapor and also she loves jazz ballet.  She wants to finish school for management and become successful businesswoman.  Last year Sanja was chosen to represent Serbia and Montenegro in one of the most prestigious beauty contest in the world Miss Universe.  This beautiful young girl has all the attributes to become next Miss Universe.  We at Beauties of Miss Yugoslavia will like to thank Sanja as well as Miss Yu Organization for this interview and pictures. 

M.B.-How did you decide to enter Miss Yugoslavia contest, and was that first beauty pageant you entered?

S.P.- I have been modeling for three years now.  I worked as a muse for one of our extravagant creators at a fair, in February of 2002.  While working I meet a girl who made me realize that I have qualities needed to compete and win title of Miss. With this knowledge, and wish to gather some new experiences, some new friendships and my love for runway, I stepped in the world of the most beautiful girls of Serbia and Montenegro.   


M.B.-How long did preparations for Miss  Yugoslavia last and what are your greatest memories from that time?

S.P.-Preparations lasted for three weeks, from September 15 till the final night which was held on October 3, 2002.  My dearest memories are all the new friendships and of course, during those three weeks I built some new Sanja, in ways of applying makeup, working with camera, and other very important things needed for title of Miss as well as in a life of a woman in general.  Photoshoots were my favorite thing to do.  

M.B.-You qualified to finals of Miss Yugoslavia by winning the title of Miss Vojvodina.  Were you nervous before the final evening, and what were your opinions from that night?

S.P.-Yes, the title of Miss Vojvodina is very dear to my heart.  That night I was competing on stage of Serbian National Theater in my birth place, Novi Sad, where in public were people closest to me.  That was a wonderful feeling to share this joy of winning with them.  Of course, this was an entrance ticket for Miss Yu finals.  Was I nervous?  No, but I was really excited.  All of this was a wonderful party, and a great experience.  During the final night and the program, time went by very fast, and my excitement was getting bigger and bigger with every second.  

M.B.-When you entered the competition did you hope that you would win?

S.P.-Of course.  It is a big thing that this contest allows the girls, even after the pageant, to build their career.  I was not expecting the title of Miss Yu as much as qualification in final three.  In any case, my dream came true!  First of all, the title of Miss Yu Universe was very dear to me, because I like to travel and I wanted get one of the titles that will take me to the other end of the world, and the world stage.  And here I am, preparing to go to Panama!  I have to admit that I can hardly wait for the contest.  

M.B.-When you were announced as Miss Yu Universe how did you feel?

S.P.- Wonderful, of course.  Before the pageant, I was not even aware of the titles that exist and what each title brings.  Maybe it was better.  You know, the fact that after finals I learned more of the responsibilities that this title brings, was much more interesting, exciting and surprising.  

M.B.-After great accomplishments of last years candidates and Ana Sargic,  do  you feel nervous before going to Miss Universe, and how are you preparing for this competition.

S.P.-Miss Universe pageant feels like one big challenge and experience.  It makes me very happy, that I will have the chance to represent our homeland.  When it comes to preparations,  I dedicated myself to the fitness, swimming, and everything that is in me I will simply bring to the public in Panama. 


M.B.-What are you expecting from Miss Universe Pageant?

S.P.-Miss Universe will no matter what happens bring me some new experiences.  In my opinion, I will visit exotic places, which gives me a great happiness and honor, and of course at all of this I look as one more experience for me.  

M.B.-Did you have a chance to see some of this years candidates for Miss Universe and what do you think of them if you did see them?

S.P.-I had a chance to visit a site where the girls that I will meet were presented.  It would be to early to say what I think of these girls, because pictures do not say everything, and I think that personality and inner qualities are very important.  When I get back from Panama I will gladly give you my opinions.    

M.B.-Can you tell us more about  your National Costume and wardrobe that you will be wearing in Panama or is that a secret?

S.P.- That will stay a secret for now.


M.B.-Can you tell us something more about yourself.  Where do you come from, what do you like to do in your free time, what sports do you like and what are your favorite movies?

S.P.- I am currently in 4th year of general high school at   "Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj"  in  Novi Sad.  Since I was four my parents sent me to gymnastic classes as well as classes of jazz ballet since I was ten.  I speak English and right now I am learning German.  I have been modeling since I was fifteen and with that I want to make some of my dreams come true, Panama is one of them.  I am only child and I love to meet new people and hang out with people that I am friends with.  My favorite movies are Titanic and Gladiator....

M.B.-If somebody asked you who your heroes were what would you say?

S.P.- Any man/woman who looks at basic human qualities (for example Ten Commandments) and makes them his own principles, and keeps them till the end of his/her life.  


M.B.-Tell us more about Serbia and Montenegro and what would you like other people to know about your country.

S.P.-  My homeland has gone through many problems last 10 to 12 years, but because of that we, people of my country, are always there for her so that with our smiles, songs, and love we can make it feel better!

M.B.-Right know you are busy with duties that your title brings, but where do you see yourself in ten years?

S.P.- Time will bring all the answers.  I hope that we will meet in ten years and talk about your question then.  

M.B.-Thank you so much for your time and best of luck in Panama

S.P.- Thank You