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Pagan Glossary

Last Updated:  1/21/2001

       This document has been prepared to help any seeker of knowledge come to understand the basic parlance and terminology of Magick and Paganism. I do not think it will ever be large enough, but hopefully it will eventually grow to where it must be referred to as a dictionary. If anyone has a word they would like to see defined, or would like to add to or correct a definition, please feel free to e-mail me .       - MoonStorm



Adventurine - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of positivity, imagination, and a safe conclusion to any form of journey or travel.

Agate - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of balance and grounding of energies.

Akasha - The fifth and primary element of nature. Akasha represents the power of spirit found in all things of this universe, and perhaps others.

Alchemy - The science of changing one thing into another; a combination of chemistry and magick.

All Father, The - The Goddess' Consort; the Horned God; The masculine aspect of deity of which all other Gods are an aspect of.

All Mother, The - The Goddess; The feminine aspect of deity of which all other Goddesses are an aspect of.

Altar - The ritual table in a Magick Circle, at which magickal work is done and on which magickal components, ritual tools, and the Altar Furniture is placed in times of ritual worship or magickal workings. Usually, though varying by Craft tradition and time of year, the Altar is aligned to the East (during the "light half" of the year) and the West (during the "dark half" of the year).
Preferably, Altars are circular in shape and do not have any conductive metals in them. The former is the case simply because it makes sense to have a circular altar within a Circle, and the latter is because, scientifically speaking, conductive materials would deter the flow of energy.

Altar Candle(s) - See "Candles, Altar/Ritual"

Altar Cloth - These are cloths used to decorate the Altar. They vary in color and material depending again upon tradition, time of year, and magickal purpose.

Altar Furniture - The Altar Furniture are the sacred objects for ritual and magick use that are nearly always on the altar, but always during said times of ritual and spell crafting. The objects composing the altar furniture vary from tradition to tradition. In addition, some altar furniture in some traditions shan't be found in others. Eclectic Pagans thus have the choice of what they feel they need as altar furniture. Altar furniture usually includes: deity figures, censer, libation dish (if indoors), salt and water dishes, altar candle(s), besom, athame(s), bolline(s), ritual sword, wand, chalice or goblet, and an altar cloth.

Amaethon - A God of agriculture and the harvest. Called the Harvest King, his magickal symbols are the sickle, hoe, and plow.

Amethyst - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of courage, spiritual development, and psychic or psionic growth.

Amulet - A magickally charged object, traditionally of metal or stone, which is usually prepared to deflect negative energies. Also usually has two or more feelings or effects placed upon it. (e.g. Protection, Healing, and Love.)

Andraste - Also "Andrasta". A Goddess of death, war, and fertility.

Angus - Also "Angus Og", "Oengus". A God of love and intimacy.

Ankh - An egyptian symbol that looks similar to a Christian cross, but with a loop at the top above the shorter, intersecting line. It symbolizes immortality and/or reincarnation.

Anointing - A process of spiritual purification. During ritual, all practitioners are 'blessed' with ritual salt water, oil, or other prepared substance. To anoint a practitioner, the most common way is to 'draw' a "Celtic Cross" upon the forehead, over the 'Third Eye' or "Mind's Eye", followed by a five-pointed star (invoking pentacle) over the heart, and finally an inverted triangle connecting the nipples and pubic region. This is known as The Witches' Triangle of Life.

Aphrodite - The Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Apollo - The Greek and Roman God of the Sun, poetry, music, prophecy, and healing. They felt Apollo was the highest embodiment of youthful and masculine beauty.

Apothecary - One who practices herbalism and sometimes alchemy as well; Ancient word for "pharmacist".

Aquamarine - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of clarity, flow, and inspiration.

Archetypes - Symbolic representations of universal principles. Defining concepts in symbolic form. Apollo is an Archetype of the All Father.

Arianrhod - A goddess of higher love and wisdom. She is a star and moon goddess like Sirona. She represents Air of Water. "Arian" means 'silver' and "rhod" means 'wheel' or 'disk'. Her magickal symbols are the crescent moon, stars, moonbeams, and a silver eight-spoked wheel, or Wheel of the Year.

Artio - A bear goddess, the embodiment of all female bears. She is the protector of Nature

Aromatherapy - A type of healing that utilizes certain fragrances. Scent Magick.

Asperger - A vessel used for sprinkling an area with water for ritual purification.

Astral Body - Your 'otherworldly essence'. The part of you that exists on the astral plane, and also commonly used to denote your 'essence' on other planes of existence as well.

Astral Projection - To enter your 'Astral Body' and traverse the Astral Plane of existence. This is most commonly achieved at will through deep states of  consciousness and intense meditation.

Astrology - A common type of divination, Astrology tells us about ourselves using the stars as a guide. What is often not mentioned about Astrological personality types is that the reverse is also true. It is also one of the scientific branches of metaphysics.

Athame - (Pronounced A - Tam -ay) A Pagan ritual knife symbolic of the Gods' phallus, usually with a black handle. Used for directing Magickal energies. Each witch has one for personal use. It is a representative of the element of fire (and Akasha) by most traditions. See also "Altar Furniture" and "Magickal Tools".

Atheist - A person who does not believe in any form of deity, or greater power in the universe than Humankind. Witches are not Atheist, although it is possible for an Atheist to practice magick.

Athena - Also "Athene". The Greek Goddess of wisdom, arts, industries, and warfare. The Romans called her "Minerva".

Art and Craft - The ancient Pagan Goddess Traditions, or 'Old Religion'. See also "Craft, The".

Attunement - In regards to pagan belief, all pagans strive to connect and harmonize with the natural world and ourselves, both inwardly and outwardly.

Aura - Body of light surrounding your earthly body; your visible 'intraplanar' essence. It can be perfectly outlining your body, egg-shaped, or upside-down egg-shaped; however auras constantly chance based on individuals and their emotions.

Auspice - In regards to pagan beliefs, Auspice is the phase of the moon which has influence at a given time. Used in Astrology. 2. Also meaning "omen", the ancient Romans used the way birds flew as auspices.

Authoritarian- Having leaders or higher authorities.

Avalon - Land of the Otherworld, where the Gods live.

Azurite - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of healing and clarity.



Bacchus - The Roman God of Wine. The Greeks called him "Dionysus".

Balefire - A fire lit for magickal purposes, usually at Yule, Beltane, and Midsummer. Traditionally using sage as part of the fuel.

Balor - A God of the Sun.

Banba - A Goddess representing Ireland.

Bane - Anything destructive, poisonous or evil; also anything that causes death, ruin or harm. Wolf's Bane is an example of a poisonous herb used in various recipes.

Bard - A poet, musician, story-teller (historian) of the pagans. The term is most commonly used to denote the priestly historians of Druidic myth.

Barley Moon - The ninth full moon of the year. Also called the "Harvest Moon".

Belenus - Also "Bel", "Belanos".  In Scottish it means 'May Day' (Beltane). A solar God of life, truth, inspiration, music, and health. He represents Fire of Fire and his magickal symbols are the sun disc, a golden harp, a golden curved sword, and spear.

Belisama - A Goddess of fire, the maiden aspect of the Goddess Bridget. Her name means "like unto flame" or "bright and shining one". Her magickal symbol it the rising sun.

Belisana - An aspect of Belisama, but more earthly. A Goddess of laughter, healing, and the forest.

Beltane - A Wiccan and Pagan festival celebrated on April 30th or May 1st (midway through spring) depending upon tradition. Also 'May Eve', 'May Day', 'Walpurgisnacht' (German), and Roodmas. "The Festival of Flowering" Is the beginning of the 'Light Half' of the year, The Goddess (in her feminine aspect as maiden) assumes the 'mantle' and worship shifts slightly more towards Her.

Besom - A magickal broom, often used for ritual cleansing of sacred ground. No, witches do not fly upon them as superstition has claimed. That myth came from early on during the persecutions of the pagans by the Christians. The Christians claimed they were flying on their brooms, surely the work of the Devil, when what they actually saw was an old pagan fertility ritual. Witches would ride their brooms and leap into the sky as high as they could to show the crops how tall to grow. This form of sympathetic magick got a rather pathetic rap.

Blood Moon - The eleventh full moon of the year.

Bloodstone - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of creativity, vitality, energy, and knowledge.

Boann - Also "Boi", "Boanna". A river Goddess, she is the mother of the herds. Her magickal symbol is a silver salmon.

Bodb the Red - A Son of Dagda. Virile and athletic, this God represents the male energy.

Bolline - The Athame's white handled companion or counterpart. It is most often used to cut herbs and may not be a knife, but a small curved blade such as that of a sickle or scythe.

Book of Shadows - (acronym: B.O.S.) A book used by pagans to record significant events, such as dreams and visions, path and ritual work, spells and other lore. This varies from what are known as traditional "Grimoires" and "Tomes", in that a B.O.S. is also, in part, a journal of sorts to the practitioner. Entire covens or groups keep a B.O.S. - in addition to each individual's book - for all things listed previous in addition to coven laws, member degrees, initiation and banishment ceremonies, etc.

Boon Moon - A High Moon, the sixth full moon after Yule. Also called the "Dyad Moon".

Borvo - Also "Bormo" and "Bormanus". A Celtic "Apollo" and God of healing. Represents Fire of Water; such as hot springs and mineral waters. A God of the unseen truth and inspiration through dreams. His magickal symbols are the same as those of "Belenus" with the addition of a flute and hot springs.

Bran - Also "Bron". A protector of poets and bards. He is an excellent singer and his magickal symbol is the bard's harp.

Branwen - A Welsh Goddess of love, sometimes known as "the White-Bosomed One" and "the Venus of the Northern Sea". Her magickal symbol is a white crow.

Bridget - A sun and fire Goddess, representing Fire of Fire. She is the Goddess of the hearth and home and represents the sacred fire. She is a Goddess of smithcraft, healing, medicine, poetry, and inspiration. Her magickal symbols are the spindle and distaff, the sacred flame or balefire, the cauldron, and her brass shoe.

Brigantia - A powerful Celtic British nature Goddess, very similar to Bridget. Her name is an ancient name for Britain, representing the rivers and curves of the countryside.

Bright One - The "bright" aspects of the Goddess or All Mother representing light and life. See also "Dark One".

Buckland , Raymond - The man credited for the modern Craft movement in America, which he began in the 1960's and 70's. He studied with Gardner and has written many books on Witchcraft and Magick. He also founded the Tradition known as "Seax-Wica" - taken from Anglo-Saxon Witchcraft. Buckland and his wife were brought into the Craft by the same High Priestess as Gerald Gardner. See also "Gardner, Dr. Gerald B."



Calcite - A magickal stone whose quality is that of balance of positive and negative energies.

Camulus - A Celtic "Mars" and war God, associated with clouds and storms. His magickal symbols are the severed head and a very large sword.

Candles , Altar/Ritual - The candles used in ritual. There are candles placed on or just inside the Magick Circle and one or more placed on the altar. The candles' colors correspond with the elements that each cardinal direction is associated with. These vary by tradition, but most commonly are: North (Earth) - Green, East (Air) - Yellow, South (Fire) - Red, and West (Water) - Blue. The Altar Candle(s) also vary, usually depending upon the time of year, being either white, black or both. They represent the fifth element of "Akasha" or Spirit. The Altar Candles are often used to light the other candles around the Circle during the "Casting the Circle" ritual. In addition to these purposes, they also serve as practical lumination for rites and spellcraft done after or in the dark. See also "Casting".

Candle Magick - A type of magick in which candles are charged for a specific purpose and then burned to unleash the spell. Once a candle has been charged for a purpose, that purpose remains until is completely burnt out. Never perform candle magick on an 'active' - or 'partially burnt' - candle, for its energies are already unleashed, even if its only purpose thus far was to simply shed light. Certain colors are used for certain purposes, e.g., red - love, green - material wealth, etc.

Candomble - A Brazilian Pagan Tradition with roots in 'VooDoo'. See Also "Santeria".

Carnelian - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of sexuality, fire, power, and creativity.

Casting - To cast a spell or cast a Magick Circle. It involves the raising of energies coinciding with symbolic actions, words, etc. towards the creation of something, thus manifesting it.

Cauldron - A large kettle, pot, or dish of iron (usually blackened) or other heat-tolerant metal used for preparing magick ointments, brews, philters, etc. Also sometimes used to burn 'balefires'.

Celtic - Traditions of Paganism of the Celts, being the Gauls and Britons. Irish, Highland Scottish, Manx, Cornish, Breton, and Welsh peoples of Central and Western Europe. e.g. 'Witta', 'Faery' or 'Faerie' traditions, and 'Druidism'.

Censer - An item, usually of metal (brass), used for burning incense.

Centering - An exercise or point of development in which one's mind is constantly tuned toward the concept of 'Oneness'.

Ceres - The Roman Goddess of agriculture. The Greeks called her "Demeter".

Cernunnos - See "Kernunnos".

Cerridwyn - See "Kerridwen".

Chakra(s) - The points of origin of magickal energy in the body. Depending on the system, there is anywhere from 5 - 10 chakras: the crown of the head, the middle of the forehead, the back of the throat, the middle of the chest, the pit of the stomach, the bowels and intestines, the genitals, and the palms of the hands are the most common among these. There are some systems, however, that not only vary in number, but in location of the chakras as well.

Chalice - A ritual cup, symbolic of the Goddess' Womb. Because of the word's close-knit tie to the Christian Cup of Communion, most pagans I know refer to it as the Goblet. See also "Goblet".

Channeling - The means by which innate human talents are carried (to others or objects). Energies, thoughts, images, etc., can all be 'sent' or channeled to another object or sentient being.

Chant - A song or rhyme used to raise magickal energies.

Charge - To charge is to imbue an item or person with magickal energy.

Chaste Moon - The third full moon of the year.

Cheiromancy - The metaphysical divinitory science of palm reading.

Circle , Magick - A Magick Circle is a sacred, purified space in which ritual and magick are performed. Even many within the Craft have not been admitted into another's sacred space. Circles are to be respected at all times and clean. Most Circles found in Witchcraft are pentacles with the top of the star pointing north. Usually candles are in the four cardinal directions, North, South, East, West, and, varying slightly by tradition, the candles are colored in correspondence with each directions' element; Earth, Fire, Air, & Water.

Circle of Stones - A Magick Circle formed of stones, either man-made or (rarely) found naturally, usually set upright around the perimeter. Stonehenge is such a circle. This type of Magick Circle is more commonly used in Druidic, Celtic, Shamanic, and some Northern-European Traditions.

Citrine - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of thought, clarity, pattern and insight; of the mind.

Cliodna - A bird Goddess and a young aspect of the "Dark Goddess" or "Dark One". Her name means "shapely one", and she is the most beautiful woman ever seen when she takes human form. Her magickal symbol is an apple.

Color Magick - Perhaps the simplest and most useful forms of magick, it utilizes colors and their traditional representations to bring about desired effects.

Compact - A compact is a doctrine or constitution of rules and/or guidelines by which a coven or pagan study group operates.

Conditioning - I'm putting this psychological term in here because I feel it is a pretty relative term in regards to Pagan, as well as all religious practices. Conditioning is the state of being that reflects the culmination of one's ancestry, upbringing, experience, personality, and culture. This is NOT the true self, but a collection of the valences and reactions that an individual wears as a way to maneuver in this world.

Conjuration - Invoking by a Sacred name. The magickal practice of manifesting or bringing about Otherworldly beings or spirits for certain magickal tasks; to summon these beings.

Conscious Mind - A psychological term to denote the mind I am using to type this and you are using to read it. The conscious mind  is the mind you use when you are awake. The 'physical' mind.

Consciousness, Universal - In Paganism, it is believed that as all physical things are one - all being composed of the same thing (matter and energy), so it is that all things are part of one spiritual force - The Universal Consciousness.

Consecration - To purify and make sacred, to devote to a certain purpose. All ritual and magickal tools are consecrated. The Magick Circle is consecrated each time it is cast.

Consort - In matters of the Gods and Goddesses, the Consort is the masculine element of given unions or pairs. E.g. the God of Hunting is Consort to the Goddess of Fertility.

Coracle - A small boat covered with animal skins used by Celts and Goths for ritual practices to be held on the seas.

Cord - A 9 foot red cord of silk, nylon, wool or some other natural fiber. It is used as a magickal 'battery' or storage cell of energies by tying knots in them. Some traditions wear their cords as belts at rituals.

Cordemanon - A young God of travel and knowledge. Also the ancient name of Stonehenge. His magickal symbols are Stone Circles and The Great Book of Knowledge. Also means 'one who teaches Gyddonic Pagan Tradition without distortion'.

Coven - A group of Witches, Wiccans or other Pagans. Tradition holds that a coven be made up of thirteen individuals, but is usually formed of any number of people who are comfortable together. The group is usually lead by a Priest, Priestess or both. The first law of working in a coven is "perfect love and perfect trust."

Covendom - The territory of a coven, traditionally it is a three mile radius around the covenstead.

Covenstead - The place where a coven meets and has its regular Circles and Rituals.

Coventina - A Goddess of childbirth, renewal, and healing springs. Her magickal symbols are the womb and the well, her well represents the womb of the earth.

Craft , The - Term to denote Witchcraft, Wicca, or sometimes other folk, nature magickal, occult or pagan religion.

Cross , Celtic - A circle with a 'plus sign' inside of it. It signifies the Celtic Trinity, but also carries other significance to other traditions as well; the Norse Odinnic Traditions call it 'The Eye of Odin'.

"Crossing the Bridge" - A Pagan term for the death of someone/something. It is also the name of a funeral ritual done by covens and solitaires to mark the passing of coven members and loved ones. Unlike most religious funerals, it is a time of rejoice rather than mourning, since pagans believe that the individual's experiences for this lifetime are complete.

Crowley , Aleister - An extremely dominant author of the occult and magick. His works in occult studies are seen very much as 'core' material. Without his research and dedication, especially where magick is concerned, we pagans would most assuredly be much further behind in our own studies.

Cult - Technically, a cult is any religion other than Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic. But more acutely defined, a cult serves to the powers and purposes of its leader, not really caring for its other members. Witchcraft is not a cult in this sense because it caters to the spiritual needs of each individual, and, moreover, there is no one witch that has more authority over another. See also "Degree System, The".

Cunningham , Scott - A very important author of the modern pagan movement. His works have inspired many, many would-be pagans and helped them take their first steps upon the Pagan Path. His two most prestigious "beginner" books are "Wicca: A Practical Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" and it's companion, "Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner".



Dagda - Also "The Dagda". He is an aspect of the All Father, and a Lord of complete knowledge and wisdom. He is the "Light" aspect of the God and is the master of life and death and a bringer of prosperity and abundance. He is the 'light' twin to the 'dark' Sucellos, ruling over the light half of the year beside the Goddess. His magickal symbols are the wand, chalice (or goblet), a magick harp, the flesh hook, a sword, club, and cauldron.

Damona - A protectress of farmers' herds and fields and a Goddess of abundance and prosperity. Her magickal symbols are cattle.

Danu - Also "Dana", "Anna", "Anu", "Don". A Goddess of wisdom, complete abundance, and control over all things. She represents Air of Air and is a Goddess of the people. Her magickal symbols are a staff and the color green.

Dark Moon - The New Moon. The lowest levels of "positive" natural/lunar energies are during this time. Pinnacle or ending point for "destructive" magickal practices such as bindings, banishings, etc.

Dark One - The dark aspects or archetypes of the Goddess, or All Mother, whom represents death.

Days of Power - The eight Sabbat days are sometimes referred to as Days of Power. Also used to connotate the days on which Full and Dark Moons fall.

Degree System , The - This is the rank system to signify clergy of pagan traditions. It is most often used in coven teachings to show how learned a given member is. This does not mean more powerful, but it is commonly accepted that the wiser are respected for their knowledge. There are 5 degrees and they are, from lowest to highest; Neophyte, First Degree Priest/ess, Second Degree Priest/ess, Third Degree Priest/ess, and Elder. (See also each of these)

Deity - A God or Goddess, Divine Nature.

Demeter - See "Ceres".

Denomination - A religious sect. Some denominations of the Christian religion are Catholic and Lutheran, some denominations of Witchcraft are Gardnerian, Alexandrian, and Faerie. See also "Tradition".

Deosil - Clockwise or Sunwise; the movement of "positivity". This is one of the two ways a practitioner or coven moves or dances about the Magick Circle. See also "Widdershins".

Devas - Earth elemental spirits names by the Celtic pagans.

Diamond - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of strength, power, insight, inspiration, protection, and development. Is  it any wonder why they're so common in wedding and engagement rings?

Diancecht - A physician and herbalist among the Gods. His magickal symbols are the mortar and pestle.

Dionysus - See "Bacchus".

Divination - The art of discovering the unknown or telling one's future by interpreting various forms of oracles, such as rune stones or tarot cards. Other forms include Cheiromancy, Oneromancy, (I forgot the "omancy" words for the rest) Tea-leaf Reading, various methods of Scrying, Ogham, and <shudder> Ouija boards, Astrology... I could go on, but I think you get the idea. See also any of these, and 'Oracle'.

Divine Power - The natural power of the Gods. This force permeates 'holy' places and people, and can be drawn upon by the followers of such deities.

Dragon - Sometimes the Guardians of the four elemental (directional) Watchtowers are seen as dragons. The dragon is the symbol of unmanifested magickal energies.

Dragon Light - Sometimes also called 'Dragon Fire'. The visible magickal energies generated by the 'Dragon Lines'.

Dragon Lines - Channels of energy that run throughout the Earth, our bodies, and the cosmos. The lines running through the Earth, also called 'Ley Lines' are in a sort of grid-like system and places of power like sacred sites, churches, and water wells are usually along Dragon Lines.

Dream , Literal - A dream in which it's symbolism can be easily explained and interpreted because of recent events. E.g. A trusted friend lied about you to someone and perhaps a week after you find out, you dream of being murdered by being shot or stabbed in the back. This type of dream has little underlying significance; it is simply something stuck in your head that you feel strongly about that is being coped with by and being relayed to the unconscious mind.

Dream , Prophetic - A dream sent to you by a part (your part) of the Universal Consciousness through your unconscious mind to warn or prepare you for an oftimes dramatic future event. E.g. You dream of your brother being killed in a car accident and you wake up crying. You call your brother and he answers the phone just as he was about to go across the street to a friend's house. There's aloud crash and and your brother goes to investigate, finding that there was an accident outside his home. Sometimes the symbolism and timing in such dreams are not as clear as I just depicted and the message must be carefully interpreted to hold any significance.

Dream , Repetitive - This type of dream is one that keeps repeating itself, with little or no change. The reason a dream is recurring is because the message the dream is trying to get across is one that you have not acted sufficiently upon. The dream will cease to repeat when action pertaining to it's message has been taken.

Dream , Symbolic - A dream that represents something. Usually it is a 'weird' dream that you do not understand. The message of the dream is relayed through symbols that you can relate to. Interpretation of such dreams can be extensive, but they have to mean something, else you'd not have dreamt it.

Druid - A High Priest or Priestess following the Celtic-founded nature-based religious path known as Druidism.

Druidism - A pagan path originating with the Celts. This path moved across Europe and is now practiced world-wide. Perhaps the largest difference between Druidism and many other pagan traditions is that there is an authoritarian hierarchy, known as the High Council of Nine. This council is to Druidism what the Pope and his archbishops are to Catholicism. It is a great honor to be on the council, and when a druid reaches this level and then moves past it, his or her 'political powers' are all but non-existent. A new druid is then chosen to take his or her place upon the council. See also "Druid", "Bard", "Ovate", "Grand Druid", and "Heirophant Druid"; "Gwyddonic Druidism".

Dumiatis - Also "Dumeatis". A master teacher God of creative thought; A Celtic 'Mercury' - similar to the God 'Lugh'. His magickal symbols are the quill pen and ink, writing staves, books of knowledge, and the teaching tales.

Dweomer - Another name for a spell or incantation.

Dwyn - A God of love and mischief who loves to play tricks, reminiscent of the Norse God "Loki".

Dyad Moon - See "Boon Moon".



Earth Power - The power inherent in the Earth and nature. Connected with both the elements of Earth and Akasha.

Eclectic - This term is used to denote any spiritual person who does not subscribe to any one specific denomination or tradition. An Eclectic Pagan incorperates the wisdom of as many traditions as they wish into one personal form of worship. These pagans have the most freedom of worship.

Edain - Also "Etain". A Goddess of grace and beauty and wife of the God "Mider", whom 'won' her in a chess game. Her magickal symbols are a herd of white mares with blue eyes and a spray of apple blossoms held in her hand.

Elayne - Also "Elen", "Elen Lwyddawg", "Eriu" (Ireland). She is a Goddess of war and leadership, and immense stature. She is considered the Warrior Mother. "Myrddin" is one of her Consorts.

Elder - The highest honor that can be given to any follower of Witchcraft. An Elder has given of themselves freely and wholly to the Pagan community and/or the coven(s) to which they belong, are extremely knowledgeable in areas of paganism, and are excellent teachers. Remember, an Elder may not be an 'Elder' to another in that their knowledge is in a different area or tradition, etc., but they are always to be shown great respect and honor for their achievements. The word of an Elder is not 'etched-in-stone' law, and have no more authority than anyone else in a coven, although their words are greatly considered. Traditionally, the title of Elder can be attained with no less than nine (9) years of advanced practice/study.
See "Degree System, The".

Elemental Magick - Magick of or dealing primarily with the elements and/or elementals.

Elemantals - A non-biological form. Traditionally living in stone, metal, or any other natural material/object. An awareness or mind without a material body. See also "Pooka", "Devas", and "Elves".

Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha or Spirit. Pagans believe everything that exists is comprised of one or more of these five primary magickal elements.

Elves - Elemental spirits and helpers usually found in forests. Some say that they are the guardians of the Dragon Lines of the Earth.

Emerald - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of psychic clarity, growth, divination, patterning, and sexuality.

Enochian - This is a type of magick noted in some Judeo-Christian Pagan Traditions (Yes, believe it or not, they can work together!). Angelic and/or Demonic Magick. The Satanic Bible was written in the Enochian Language. It is said to be the language that angels and devils use. This makes sense since, of course, the Christian Devil is an angel that fell from their God's favor or 'grace'.

Epona - An earth Goddess representing fertilization by water, and a horse Goddess. She is portrayed as holding an apple while seated on a horse.

Esbat - A regular meeting/working ritual of a coven or solitaire. What I mean by "working ritual" is that at the Sabbats, little or no magickal work is usually done, it is a time for celebration. An Esbat is usually held at least once a month on the Full and/or Dark Moon.

Esoteric - Private or Secret. of, dealing with, or taught to selected members, oftimes the "inner circle" of a coven. It can also mean "earth-based"; as in "Esoteric Traditions".

Esus - A woodland God and aspect of the 'dark half' of "Kernunnos". He is a woodsman and hunter who slays "Tarvos" (could this be Taurus as well?), the golden bull. Appears tall, strong, and muscular wearing animal skins and carrying a sword and bow.

Evocation - The magickal art of summoning or calling upon spirits or other such entities.



Faery - Or "Faerie" when in regards to a Celtic Tradition of Shamanic Witchcraft. 2. An invisible helper or spirit that includes Elves, Devas, and other beings. These are neither man nor god, but something in between; demi-god.

Fagus - A tree God representing all beeches. He is strong, wise, and ageless.

Familiar - A pagan animal companion. Either a pet or spirit-animal from the Astral Plane that can aid in magickal and spiritual work.

Fetish - A Shamanic term for a magickal tool, talisman, amulet, charm bag, etc.

First Degree - After one has passed their time as a "Neophyte", they enter the first stage of Priesthood. Even without 'advanced' study they are seen, in the coven's eyes, as capable of undertaking their own ritual obligations. These priests and priestesses have taken the first step towards their chosen spiritual path. See "Degree System, The".

Five-Fold Kiss - A pagan rite of love and great affection. Most commonly done as part of a 'Handfasting' ceremony, but it is also done by some during Sabbats, and also by close friends of opposing sexes (or of the same sex depending upon sexual preference, I suppose), to show love. See the Five-Fold Kiss ritual on my Book of Shadows page.

Fliodhas - A Goddess and protector of the woodlands and woodland animals, associated with the deer Goddess "Sadv". She is quiet and shy, and her magickal symbols are a large doe, lush green grass, and woodland springs.

Fluorite - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of Otherworldly experience and peace.

Four Wards , The - The four corners of North, East, South, and West. Also called the Watchtowers or Great Wards.

Full Moon - The pinnacle of 'positive' natural/lunar energies and and magickal powers such as consecration and attainment spells. There are 12 - 13 Full Moons a year, the first one following Yule.

Futhark , Elder - The Gothic runic alphabet composed of 25 different runes.



Gabba - A Goddess of the "Abyss", a crone aspect of the "Dark" All Mother, and one of the Dark Queens. She is mysterious and works in such ways. Her magickal symbol is the Celtic endless weave or knot.

Gaia - A Native name for Mother Earth; The Goddess.

Gardner , Gerald B. - The man credited with the Pagan revival in England (and the world, really) in the 1950's. The first person to declare himself a witch since before the Persecutions. He has written many, many books on the topic, actually making him one of the forefathers of modern pagan literature and texts.

Garnet - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of physical strength, imagination, flow, love, and passion.

Glamour - A charm or spell, usually a visual and/or an audible illusion.

Gobannon - Also "Govannon", "Goibniu". A blacksmith God of magick. His magickal symbols are blacksmithing tools and the 'transforming' fire.

Goblet - The ritual Cup of Love. This is the preferred term used by pagans over the more Christian term, "Chalice". It has a stem that separates the base from the cup. Traditionally, this sacred object is made of metal or clay (glass), symbolizing the element of Water (and the Goddess). See also "Chalice".

Goddess - The Goddess(es) of Paganism and Witchcraft. The feminine aspect of deity. She is both good and evil, (or light and dark) as nature is. The Goddess has many different names dependant upon culture and tradition. She is known as Athena, Aphrodite, Isis, Hecate, Daphne, Freya or Frigga, and many others I have listed herein. She is worshipped in three main aspects: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, thus giving her the title of "Triple Goddess".

God , Horned - The God of Pagans and Witchcraft. The masculine aspect of deity. He is also both good and evil, (or light and dark) as nature is. The Horned God, as with the Goddess, has many names some of which I have listed herein. The Horned God is not "Satan" or "the Devil". The reason the God is horned, is because it is a natural trait of masculinity with no connotations of evil.

Gothic - Of the Northern-European Pagan traditions and/or cultural tribes other than Celtic. These include Norse, Germanic, Icelandic, Dutch, Swedish, etc.

Grand Druid - The leader of the High Council of Nine. This is the "Pope" of Celtic Druidism.

Great Adventure , The - The cycle of life: Birth, Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Grimoire - Similar to a Book of Shadows, but oftimes composed more of spells and some ceremonial rites than anything else. Usually used in Hermetic Magick and by other occultists more interested in magick than religion.

Grove - A clearing in a woodland or forest in which Witches (especially Druidic and Celtic traditions) have their covenstead. Sacred land of a pagan, witch, or coven.

Gwalchmei - Called the "Hawk' or 'Falcon of May", as the son of the Goddess "Mei". He is a God of love and music. His magickal symbols are raptors and the fields at hunting times - early morning and late afternoon.

Gwyddon - Magician; Wise One (Witch or Wiccan), Astrologer, and/or Healer.

Gwyddonic Druidism - A Druidic pagan tradition which focuses greatly on the concept of "Oneness". See also "Oneness".

Gwydion - Is the son of "Danu" ("Don"). He is a God of kindness, the arts, eloquence, and magick; a master of illusion and fantasy, and helper of humankind. He is the brother of "Gobannon" and "Amaethon". He is brother and Consort to "Arianhrod". Gwydion has 2 sons, "Dylan" and "Lugh". "Math", son of "Mathonwy", handed on his knowledge and abilities (which are infinite) to his student and nephew Gwydion. A bard and magician, Prince of the powers of Air, and a shape-shifter. He is a great enchanter and healer and his magickal symbol is the harp. (Gee, this doesn't sound like a Druidic God at all. [grin])

Gwyn ap Nudd - Also "Gwyn". A God of the Wild Hunt, of the death chase, and of the Otherworld. He is the hunter of souls and lord of the unmanifested. His magickal symbol is his companion; a large white hound with red ears named "Dormarth".



Handfasting - A Pagan/Wiccan wedding. The "Five-Fold Kiss" is usually incorporated into the ritual. See also "Five-Fold Kiss", "Handparting", and my Book of Shadows page for the ritual itself.

Handparting - A Pagan/Wiccan "divorce". Unfortunately, all religions have these, but this one is more of a good-hearted "farewell, I enjoyed the time we shared, but our paths part and I must move on." sort of thing. See also "Handfasting" and my Book of Shadows page for more.

Harp - A sacred stringed musical instrument and magickal tool of Bards. See also "Bard".

Hare Moon - The fifth Full Moon of the year.

Harvest Moon - See "Barley Moon".

Healing - In regards to Paganism, this is both physical and spiritual. Healing is not only accomplished through medicinal substances, as offered by Herbalism, but through our own energies and minds as well.

Heathen - In Christianity it is a derogatory word used to describe anyone not of their faith, originating during the times of the spread of Christianity. The actual translation of the word, as appropriate at the time of its inception, is simply, "one who dwells on the heath/hearth".

Hecate - The Greek Goddess of ghosts and the Earth; the Dark Mother. Associated with magick and Witchcraft for centuries.

Heirophant Druid - A Druid that has been a Grand Druid or at least a member of the High Council of Nine, but is no longer. These Druids, traditionally, usually became hermetic and would roam the wilds for the rest of their years, never to be seen alive, if at all, ever again. See also "Druidism".

Hellith - A God of the setting sun (Fire of Air), and of the dying. If invoked, He brings peace to those near death. After death, souls are in his protection until they reach their destination. His magickal symbols are the setting sun disc and a flute that brings peace and tranquility to those that hear it.

Helmet , Horned - A helmet with horns used by some traditions of Witchcraft worn by the High Priest during times of ritual. During these times, the High Priest is the embodiment of the Horned God.

Hematite - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of grounding, protection, strength, density, and the otherworldly self.

Herbalism - The science in which the magickal and other properties of herbs and other plants are utilized for certain purposes, most commonly concocting natural medicines for bettering one's health and/or healing various ailments.

Heretic - One who holds a different religious view than those of the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish churches, schools and professions. Is this actually an insulting title? Hardly punishable by death, I would have to say.

Herkimer - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of dreams and dreaming, psychic stimulation, power, and higher love.

Hertha - Also "Herdda". A Goddess of rebirth and healing. She is an earth Goddess representing the greening of spring time. Her magickal symbols are the cow, calf, and milk pail.

"High" Magick - High Magick is simply ceremonial or ritual magick. It is more directly related to the Divine Power of the Gods. High Magick is not necessarily more powerful than "Low" Magick. See Also " "Low" Magick".

Hoodoo - A 200 year old religio-magickal practice started when the African slaves were brought to the Americas. It is the result of the combining of both African Voodoo and English/European Tradition(s).



Imbolc - (Pronounced 'Im-molk') A Wiccan and Pagan holiday celebrated on February 2nd or February 2nd Eve. Known as "The Festival of the Green Shoots", in that it is the time of new beginnings and the beginning of re-birth. The Goddess is revered in her aspect as the Maiden. It is also called "The Feast of Pan", "Candlemas", "Oimelc", and "Lupercalia".

Incantation - A spell involving a chant. Usually for invoking and evoking, or summoning. See also "Chant", Invocation", and "Evocation".

Incense - I would hope you know what this is, so I am not going to define it in that sense. Incense has been burned during religious rituals for millennia. It was said that the smoke carried the 'prayers' and wishes or the practitioner(s) to the Gods. There are various incenses with various aspects for various intents and purposes. In other words, there's an incense for just about everything you can think of.

Initiation - The process through which one takes his/her first step onto a Magickal Path. There are 2 types, a "Self-Dedication" for solitary practitioners, and a "Coven Initiation" (see below). See Also "Self-Dedication".

Initiation(s) , Coven - In many covens, there are initiations into the progressive degrees of priest(ess)hood. The first is done when one is accepted into the coven and others are traditionally done as one learns more and attains a higher degree. Sometimes, Inner and Outer Circles come into play. See also "Inner Circle", "Outer Circle", and "Degree System, The".

Inner Circle - A coven's Inner Circle is composed of the coven's founders and/or its most learned members. Usually, one has to have attained third degree (in the coven's eyes) to be a full member of the coven's Inner Circle. If a coven has any "secrets", only the Inner Circle knows them or has access to them.

Invocation - A petition to deity. A magickal technique for calling upon an entity.

Isis - An Egyptian Goddess. Her Consort is usually Osiris

Jade - A stone whose magickal  qualities are that of protection, cleansing, earth, and divine love.



Kaballah - See "Qabalah".

Karma - The force of like attracts like. Do "bad" and you will have bad karma, do "good" and you will have good karma. See also "Law of Three Fold Return" and "Retribution".

Kernunnos - Also "Cernunnos". Most commonly the "All Father", and a God of wealth. He is lord of animals and a God of life and death...the very essence of the Horned God. His magickal symbols are animal horns, a serpent belt, a stag, a bull, three cranes, a rat, and a bag of flowing coins.

Kerridwen - Also "Cerridwen" or "Cerridwyn". Most commonly, the "All Mother", and a Goddess of inspiration and knowledge...the very essence of the Triple Goddess; called "The Ninefold One". Her magickal symbol is a large cauldron from which all manifested energy arises.



Labrys - A Two-Headed Axe, wielded by the Goddess "Crete".

Lammas - See "Lughnasadh".

Lapis Lazuli - A Stone whose magickal qualities are that of psychic development, divination, protection, creativity, and power.

Letha - A harvest Goddess associated with Midsummer, in fact the Sabbat is also called "Letha's Day" by some traditions. Her magickal symbols are a swan and apples.

Levitation - To float in the air without aid. This is accomplished through meditation and the utilization of mental powers.

Ley Lines - See "Dragon Lines".

Libation - An offering of wine, beer, ale, mead, or fruit juice to the Gods. Libation is poured before the practitioner(s) drink. It is poured directly on the ground if the rite is performed outdoors, or into a 'libation dish' if inside, then it is poured on the ground outside after the ritual.

Llyr - Also "Ler", "Lir", and sometimes "Lyre" or "Lyr". A God of the sea and king of the oceans and Merfolk. Shy, He rarely reveals himself, but sometimes appears as a merman. Gentle and loving, but cruel and full of rage if provoked. His magickal symbols are sea shells, sharks, sea mammals, the sea serpent, and sea gulls. He plays a harp (lyre) which he fashioned with silver, pearl, coral, and shell.

Lore - Legend, mythology, history and historic events, practices, etc.

Lovecraft , H.P. - A prominent Fantasy author of the late twentieth century. Not only are his works in "horrific fantasy" classic masterpieces, but he has also done a lot of work with the Occult, including aiding in the publishing of the Necronomicon : The Ancient Book of the Dead.

"Low" Magick - Any magick that is not ceremonial or ritualistic in nature. Pretty much any spell not cast during an Esbat or coven meeting or that is not held in a ritual circle or on sacred ground.

Luchta - Also "Lucta", "Luchtaine". A God of smiths, wrights, and craftsmen. Associated with "Gobannon", He is the Carpenter God. His magickal symbol is the shield.

Lugh - Also "Lug", "Lleu", "Llew". Uncontested master of all arts. A God of war, smiths, poets, and bards. He is associated with the setting sun and the moon. He is a champion of the Gods, a historian and powerful sorcerer. He has a very lusty appetite and is known for his generosity and prowess. His magickal symbols are the cock, turtle, goat, a magick sword and a bag of coins.

Lughnasadh - A Wiccan and Pagan holiday celebrated on August 1st or the last day of July (August Eve). Known as the "Festival of Fruiting", the Goddess is revered in her aspect as "Mother" and provider. Also called "The Feast of Bread", "Lammas".

Luna - The Roman Goddess of the Moon.

Lunar Phases - Nature is attuned to these phases, and Pagans strive for that same attunement. The tides and animals' "moods" are governed largely by this. The moons' phases are: Dark or New Moon, then the Waxing Moon (getting "larger") through the First and Second Quarters to the Full Moon. Then from the Full Moon we find the Waning Moon (getting "smaller") through the Third and Fourth Quarters back to the Dark Moon.



Mabon - (Pronounced "May-bone") The Autumnal Equinox, heralding the coming of Winter. The Goddess is revered in her aspect as the Crone. It is known as the Festival of Gathering In.

Malleus Maleficarum - The Latin title of a book, translated as The "Witch Hammer" written in 1486 by two German monks, Heinrich Institoris Kramer and Jakob Sprenger. This book gave definite instructions for the persecution of Witches. An interesting note: When the book was submitted to the Theological Faculty at the University of Cologne - the appointed censor of the time - the majority of the professors refused to have anything to do with it. Then, nothing daunted, Kramer and Sprenger forged the approbation of the entire faculty; a forgery that was not discovered until 1898! (Disgusting, isn't it?)

Magic(k) - The movement of natural energies or universal forces through acts of will. 'Creating' matter and energy from that which can be either manifested or unmanifested. Note that magick is perfectly natural, not super- or preter-natural, as many believe. This type of magick (spelled with a 'k' at the end) differs from the common "magic" in most Pagans' eyes, in that magic is nothing short of slight of hand trickery and illusions, though both spellings for the term are accepted. Magick is real and it does work. See also "Sex Magick", "Color Magick", "Candle Magick", "Sympathetic Magick", " "High" Magick", and " "Low" Magick".

Malachite - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of balance and communication and understanding with nature and animals.

Manifested Energies - Magickal energies that are tangible reality.

Mantras - A Gothic rune magick; rune singing.

Matriarchal - Based on the Goddess or feminine as the head of the "family". Descent, kinship, and succession are determined through the mother.

Mead Moon - The seventh Full Moon of the Year.

Meditation - A process through which we attempt to reach a higher state of consciousness or understanding. There are many types of meditation, some generalized and applicable to any situation, others oriented to specific tasks.

Megalith - A huge structure, usually composed of stones. Stonehenge is a Megalithic Circle.

Menhir - A standing stone. These are either found naturally or moved by wo/mankind.

Merging - The state of becoming one with all things (the Astral state). Diffusing into Oneness and the boundless; Astral Travel.

Metaphysics - A science of philosophy of life that attempts (it has done great so far) to explain reality and knowledge. The study of the real nature of things. See also "Nine Maidens".

Midsummer - Also called "Letha's Day". The longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice is a time of powerful energy. The Goddess is revered in all of her aspects.

Mind's Eye - The "Chakra" in the center of your forehead roughly an inch above your brow. This is responsible for generating the magickal energies associated with mental prowess, usually through mild meditation one can feel it "energize". Things such as divination, psychic, and other empathic abilities. The root of magick itself is the bending of reality through the mind's will. This is also called the "Third Eye".

Mommet - A magickal doll representative of someone female. These dolls are magickally, physically, and telekinetically linked to its represented individual. They are used for indirect magick, such as healing and protecting those not immediately in the caster's presence. These dolls are hand-made having something belonging to the represented individual made part of it, glyphs, sigils, and runes are sewn on, and the doll is stuffed with herbs as dictated by the purpose of the doll.

Monolith - A menhir, a large stone.

Moonstone - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of the feminine, receptivity, tidal flow, and emotion.

Moonwise - See "Widdershins".-

Mundras - A Gothic language of runic hand gestures.

Mythic Cycle - A Mythic Cycle is an archetypal story seen through many pantheons.

Mythology - Cultural religious lore. E.g. Norse Mythology, Native American Mythology, Judeo-Christian Mythology (the Bible), etc.



Nature Spirits - Many spirits are of this nature. They are elementals, faeries, etc. Any spirit found in any other plane which can also be found in the physical world, such as a wolf or bear spirit.

Necromancy - A magickal practice in which one deals with the dead.

Negativity - An energetic force that breaks the means by which one merges (usually meditiation) and feeds upon itself. Associated with the Dark One(s). See also "Positivity".

Neo-Pagan - "New-Pagan". This term denotes any modern-day Pagan practitioner. Many Neo-Pagan practices and beliefs, of course, have their roots in ancient Pagan cultural beliefs.

Neophyte - A newcomer to the Pagan Path. These are those interested in learning about the Craft. Those whom have been accepted by a coven, but have not yet completed their traditional one year and one day of study to become a full member of that coven. This is the vital step on your Pagan Path.

Neo-Shamanism - "New-Shamanism". Many forms of modern shamanism exist, but they have roots, of course, in ancient shamanic practices.

Nine Maidens , The - These are the Nine laws of Metaphysics. They are as follows; 1: The Law of Rebound, 2: The Law of Requests, 3: The Law of Challenge, 4: The Law of Equalities, 5: The Law of Balance, 6: The Law of Summons, 7: The Law of Polarities, 8: The Law of Cause and Effect, and 9: The Law of Abundance.

Numerology - The science of numbers, most often linked with Astrology.



Oak Moon - Some years have twelve Full Moons in them, others have thirteen in them. The Oak Moon is this thirteenth Full Moon of the year.

Oberon - In Celtic Myth, Oberon is the "King of the Faeries"; A God ruling in Avalon.

Occult - Knowledge that is beyond the bounds of generally accepted and ordinary knowledge, magickal beliefs, practices, and sciences.

Odinism - Those Pagans who worship the Norse pantheon of Gods; Odin the All Father is whence the term is derived.

Oengus - See "Angus".

Ogham(s) - Also sometimes "Ogam". Celtic and Druidic alphabets composed of stick-like lines. These are also used as a form of divination. According to Celtic Druidic Myth, this alphabet was created by the God "Ogmios" (whom I know very little about, to be honest).

Oimelc - See "Imbolc".

Old Religion , (The) - Any of the denominations of ancient Pagan Traditions; Witchcraft, Goddess (or Earth) religions and/or traditions.

Omen - A sign from the Gods that foreshadows what is to come; an object or event that is to denote either good or bad fortune.

Oneness - The Boundless. A place where one is connected to all things and nothing. When in your Astral Body, you have achieved Oneness.

Opal - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of cosmic energy, creativity, wisdom, harmony, and balance.

Oracle - An answer given, through some means, by the Gods to a certain question. Any form of divination.

Orisha(s) - The Gods and Goddesses of Santeria and Candomble. (An) African/South American pantheon.

Osiris - An Egyptian God...

Ostara - The Vernal (Spring) Equinox. This Pagan holiday marks the time when winter gives way to spring. The God steps down from the "mantle" and the Goddess assumes it again.

Otherworld(s) - The Astral, Ethereal, etc. Other planes of existence other than the physical plane. Realms of the dead and of spirits and of Gods.

Out-Of-Body Experience - (Affectionately termed an "OOBE") When one's consciousness leaves the physical body and spends a certain amount of time in another plane of existence. Astral Travel is one of the types of OOBEs. Dreams, however, are not considered OOBEs.

Ovate - The seers and "fortune-tellers" or diviners of Druidism.



Pagan - The word "pagan" is derived from the Latin term "paganus" and/or "pagani", meaning, roughly, "country dweller" (with overtones of ignorance). The word is used today in reference to anyone following earth-based or Goddess religions.

Paleolithic - The Paleolithic Age is the age of humankind, 18,000 to 29,000 years ago, said to have been the time when wo/man evolved a belief in some force higher then themselves. They assigned Gods to the important and unexplainable things that existed with them; a God of Lightning, a God of Earthquakes, a God of Fire, etc., The God of the Hunt - food, tools, clothing - and the Goddess of Love - sex and birth. These evolved into the All Father and All Mother; God and Goddess of Witchcraft. These beliefs came about naturally long before there was a Bible or Christianity.

Pan - The Greek God of the forests, pastures, flocks and shepherds.

Pantheon - A group or "family" of Gods. Odin, Frigga, Thor, and Loki are all Gods of the Norse Pantheon.

Past Lives - Because Pagans believe in reincarnation, past-lives are the previous incarnations of your 'soul' or spirit. See also "Reincarnation", "Regression".

Pathwork - Very similar to visualization, pathwork is a process during which one journeys within to learn and grow. Pathwork often utilizes Mythic Cycles, Deities, and Elements as symbolism.

Patriarchal - Based on the Consort/Horned God or male as head of the 'family'. Descent, kinship, and succession are determined through the father.

Pendulum - An object, usually special or sacred, hung from a string or chain and used for divination. Each pendulum is different, and each user must attune to it.

Pentacle - The pentacle or pentagram is a five-pointed star, either without or within a circle.  Though the tool itself has deep connections with the element of earth, the points of the star represent aspects of the five elements: earth, air, fire, water and akasha.

Pentacle , Banishing - A pentacle drawn beginning at the top point and following down the left side to the bottom left point and so on, ending at the top point from the bottom right point. This is for 'destructive' or negative magickal purposes and/or worship.

Pentacle , Invoking - The opposite of the Banishing Pentacle; This pentacle is drawn starting at the top point and following down the right side to the bottom right point and so on, ending at the top point from the bottom left point. This is for 'constructive' or positive magickal purposes and/or worship.

Persecutions , The - With the coming of Christianity, which apparently came out of nowhere as a unique revelation of 'God', the Christian Church forced the pagan peoples to convert or die. The persecutions by Christians against all other non-bible religions and practices began sometime between the mid to late 1300's and continued their Christian domination until the last law against Witchcraft was repealed in 1951. In this time, approximately 6,000,000 to 9,000,000 people had been burned, hanged, or tortured to death on the charge of Witchcraft. The sad part is not even one fourth were actually witches.

Polarity - The word polarity, when used in magick, represents the concept of equal and opposite energies; male and female, earth and air, fire and water, north and south, night and day, yin and yang, 'good and evil', etc. Polarity is as vital to magick as it is to science, being found everywhere in nature.

Pooka - A spiritual companion and elemental being. They are helpful and beneficial.

Poppet - A magickal doll representative of someone male. These dolls are magically, psychically and telekinetically linked to its represented individual. They are used for indirect magick, such as healing and protecting those not immediately in the caster's presence. These dolls are hand-made having something belonging to the represented individual made part of it, glyphs, sigils and runes are sewn on and stuffed with herbs as dictated by purpose of the doll. See also "Mommet".

Positivity - An energetic force that creates patterns to which one merges (usually through meditation). Associated with the "Bright One(s)".

Practitioner - Any pagan worshipper; one who actually practices paganism or magick, not simply reads about it for scholarly interest.

Prana - The vital force of essence; Your essence.

Priest , High - Traditionally, a Third Degree male who administers the desires of the High Priestess, 'the Arm of the Law', but most modern Pagans view them as equal to the High Priestess. They represent the Consort or Horned God/All Father in ritual.

Priestess , High - A Third Degree female. The avenue of the Goddess/All Mother, and represents Her in ritual. Modern High Priestesses share 'leadership' with High Priests.

Principles of Wiccan Belief - The 14 principles are a list of the mindset and beliefs of most modern Witches. They were defined and adopted in 1974 by the Council of American Witches. See also my Principles of Wiccan Belief page.

Projective Hand - The hand with which one 'sends' energy. The projective hand is usually the hand with which one writes. The dominate ritual tools are used in this hand. Although, science has proven that this hand is more often than not your right hand, even in those whom are left-handed.

Proselytize - To convert or attempt to convert, as from one religion or point of view to another. (Collier's Dictionary). E.g. The Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door proselytizing.

Prophet - One who can foresee future events. Nostradamus was a prophet.

Psionic - One who has more than one very strong mental ability. Example: both psychic and telekinetic.

Psychic - A mental ability where one is able to foresee future events through enhanced intuition with remarkable accuracy and detail.

Pyre - A ritual fire, term is most often used to denote the ritual fire whence the dead are to be cremated. Hence the term "Funeral Pyre". See also "Balefire".

Pyrite - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of prosperity, energy generation, circulation and flow.

Pyrokinetic - A mental ability where one is able to produce flames with no more than a thought.



Qabalah -

Quartz , Clear - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of  healing, balance, spirituality, sight and clarity.

Quartz , Rose - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of emotional balance, relationships, friendships, and divine love.

Quartz , Smoky - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of grounding, centering, earth, healing and prosperity.



Receptive Hand - The hand that is aligned to accept energies from external sources, usually the 'off' hand or left hand.

Regression - To "go back". This is most commonly used to find out aspects of an individual's past lives. This is very strenuous and complicated. Deep meditation and concentration are vital. Pagans believe that one does not remember any past experiences from previous incarnations, so that these 'repressed' memories don't effect present experiences. But if one looks hard enough; one is linked to their higher spiritual self, that these memories can be brought forth.

Reincarnation - The doctrine of rebirth. Common in inclusive Eastern religions, as well as EVERY religion in some way at one point or another. Many Pagans believe in Life, Death, and Regeneration as the Cycle of Life or Existence. There are two general views taken on reincarnation: 1.) That plants are always incarnated as plants, wolves as wolves, people as people, etc., or they switch off ; perhaps a wolf in one incarnation was a rabbit or human in a previous, until a given spirit has experienced everything that can be experienced by the species, tree, etc. 2.) This may also mean beings in the unknown universe, perhaps our incarnations span from planet to planet in the unknown universe as well as the known. The belief can only be a personal opinion.

Religio-Magick - The term given to ancient ritual/magickal religious systems dating back anywhere from 18,000 to 23,000 years ago. This is the root of all Pagan, and thus, ALL religions.

Retribution - The law of "what goes around, comes around"; "do onto others as thou wouldst have them do unto you". Every action you do comes with responsibility and certain repercussions. See also "Three-Fold Return, The Law of".

"Rites of Passage" - Iniations or graduations of any sort. Be they "Wiccaning", "Crossing the Bridge", or attaining degrees. Age and knowledge has everything to do with these.

Ritual - A ceremony or process through which the will becomes reality. A spell is nothing more than a sort of ritual. Rituals only differ from spells in that Deity is oftimes more focused on more during a ritual.

Ritual Dress - The alternative to "Skyclad" worship. The ritual dress is usually a robe or dress hand-made by the individual. Some covens have certain guidelines when it comes to this.

Rom - The Gypsies. The Rom are powerful diviners, and are also know for their fine talismans. Being travelers, the Rom have a close connection with the earth. Beware, because they are quick to take advantage of a foolish "Gaje" or "Guajo" (outsider).

Ruby - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of power, insight, creativity, determination and strength of both body and mind.

Runes - Stick-like figures, carved into stone, wood or bone. Presently runes are the (Northern) European written languages and alphabets. They have been used by varied magicians (Gothic or Germanic, being the primary) for magickal purposes even before they were used as general alphabets. The Norse/Gothic Runes known as 'Futhark' are frequently used for divination and magickal sigils. Another type, called Ogham was used by the Celts.

"Running the Light" - Moving mass amounts of energy during a magickal work or with a sexual partner during love-making; Energy raised through Sex Magick.

Rutile - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of energy building, insight, health and balance.



Sabbat - A Sabbat is a Pagan festival. There are eight Sabbat a year observed, they are seasonal quarters and cross-quarters. There are four major Sabbats, the first days, or eves of the first days, of Summer Autumn, Winter and Spring; and four minor Sabbats (sometimes called Esabats), the Vernal (Spring) and Autumnal Equinoxes and the Summer and Winter Solstices. See Also "Samhain", "Midsummer", "Beltane", "Imbolc", "Ostara", "Mabon", "Yule", "Lughnasadh", and visit my Sabbats page.

Sacred - Holy; linked to the Divine. Anything that is sacred is to be seen with the utmost importance and respect.

Salt, Sacred - Used for purifying and clearing energy. Representative of the Element of Earth, most often added to water to make, in essence, "Holy Water".

Samhain - (Pronounced in Irish Gaelic as "Sow-in" and in Scottish Gaelic as "Sav-en") Samhain is the Wiccan/Pagan festival celebrated on Halloween. Also called the Feast of Apples, the Night of the Dead, Hallows or All Hallows Eve, Samhain marks the passing of the Light half of the year and the onset of the Dark half of the year. It is a powerful time for magick, as the veil between the worlds is thin on this night.

Sanctuary - The sacred place of protection and tranquility. Most Witch's Circles and Covendoms are considered their Sanctuaries.

Santeria - A Voodoo religion modernly practiced mostly by Haitians and some Cubans.

Sapphire - A stone whose magickal qualities are that of psychic development, creativity, passion and energy stimulation.

Saxon, Anglo - The peoples of Europe. The Celts, the Goths, etc..

Scrying - The art of past and future divination. Scrying is performed by gazing into a pool of water, a black mirror, a fire or flame, a crystal or some like object.

Scourge - A magickal whip used most commonly for ritually purifying another person. This magickal tool usually belongs to a High Priestess. Note: not a violent or overly painful act, nor any way affiliated with sexual bondage.

Seax-Wica - A Pagan tradition founded by Raymond Buckland. This 'modern' Tradition is taken from Saxon Witchcraft.

Seed Moon - The fourth Full Moon of the year.

Second Degree - Traditionally, Second Degree Priest/esshood is attainable with no less than two years of study with a coven. This is at least a say shy of First Degree and advanced study. This is when an individual gains the title of Priest of Priestess.

Secrecy - Secrecy has always been a part of the Craft. This is not because we have 'evil' things to hide, but because they are personal to us and/or the coven. There are certain things we feel we must hide from the public because they may not be trustworthy or understanding of some of these aspects, and thus hold discrimination and bias against us.

Seeker - Another name for a Neophyte. One interested in learning about the Old Religion.

Self-Dedication - An initiation by a Solitary Pagan devoting themselves into the service of the Pagan Path.

Sex Magick - This form of magick utilizes the emotional powers of love and lust and the magickal energies generated physically through exertion and adrenaline. This is not to say that Pagans are a bunch of promiscuous walking hormones who have orgies every night (Well, not every night *Grin*); far from it. We view sex as natural and it symbolizes the embodiment of life. The union of masculine and feminine, without which (re)birth would not be.

Shaman - A very earth-oriented practitioner of the magickal arts. Dealing often with the spirits of animals and the Earth. Shamanism is inherent in many Earth-based religions, such as the many AmerIndian and Celtic traditions. Shamanism can be incorporated into any religion or belief system, almost, if not totally without contradiction.

Shape-Shifting - The art of shifting one's self into another apparent form, usually an animal.

Sigil - A Runic or other magickal symbol or 'glyph' used for certain desired effects. There are sigils for Protection, Healing, Courage, War (or seeing one through a conflict), etc..

Sin - To 'sin' is to miss one's mark. From the Greek. Most Pagans do not believe in 'sin' as the Christians do, much less 'original sin'. This is because of the law of polarity, 'good' cannot exist without 'evil' and vice versa, thus everything that exists is both 'good' and 'evil'. And as for 'original sin' most Pagans would agree that only descendants of Adam and Eve would be burdened with original sin. I know, you're thinking "but according to Christianity didn't all humanity come from Adam and Eve?" The Earth was populated (Gen. 1:27) before Eden (Gen 2), and thus Adam and Eve. Still not convinced? Read the story of Cain and Abel. Believe it or not, Cain married a Pagan woman, she was not of Adam and Eve's bloodline. (No applause please.)

Skyclad - This term literally means 'clad only in the sky'. This the term for nude worship. Nude worship has been used in Pagan practices for century after century. The theological explanation is if nature give life everything it needs, would we not have been born with clothes? Clothing is something invented by wo/mankind. Everything in nature is beautiful and divine.

Snow Moon - The twelfth Full Moon of the year.

Solitaire - A lone practitioner of the Magickal Arts and/or Pagan practices. Many modern Pagans begin their spiritual study and practice alone. These Pagans have more freedom than those who are members of covens, since they do not have to compromise with any other members. They may worship as they wish when they wish to. A solitaire has usually devoted themselves to the God(s) and/or Goddess(es) through a Self-Dedication. A solitaire doesn't always remain a solitaire, if they wish to become a member of a coven, but as the saying goes; "Solitaire: by choice or by chance."

Spell - A ritual activity used to focus the will. Spells do not have to be religious in nature. Sometimes called a 'dweomer'. Spells vary in purpose, there are those of protection, health, binding/banishing. summoning/conjuring, etc. See also 'Curse'.

Storm Moon - The second Full Moon of the year.

Summerlands - The Celtic Realm of the Dead. The placed believed that the spirits of the deceased go for a time between incarnations. It is neither 'Heaven' nor 'Hell'.

Sunwise - See 'Deosil'.

Supernatural - This term is actually somewhat humorous. It says in Websters Dictionary: "Fantastic; Miraculous, un-natural". Pagans believe in higher powers than generally accepted, these 'super-natural' powers are believed to be inherent in all people.

Sympathetic Magick - The first form of magick. Magick of the sympathetic variety is based upon the theory that like energies attract each other. Example: Natives would ritually hunt and 'kill' a bison prepared from clay in the expectation that the next day's hunt would be successful.

Synchronicity - When two things occur at exactly the same time. Having the same vibrational and magickal energies. To time things together for a desired magickal outcome.



Talisman - A ritually charged object, imbues with the power to attract a certain kind of energy to its wearer. (Opposite of an amulet, it is possible to have an object be both an amulet and a talisman.)

Tarot (cards) - A tool of divination that has also been utilized for spellcraft. Modern playing cards came from tarot cards. There are Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards in a deck, each having their own general meaning and attributes, leaving the rest of the interpretation for the 'querent' (one who is inquiring).

Telekinesis - The ability to move objects without physical means, through only the mind's will.

Telepathy - The power to send messages through only the use of the mind's will.

Temple - A Sacred place of ritual worship. The ritual circle; if indoors, the building or room that houses the Magick Circle; Church or Sanctuary.

Teutonic - Of the Goths; Predominately the Norse. E.g. Teutonic Magick.

Theban - An ancient form of writing, often referred to as the Witch's Alphabet.

Three Eyes of Kerridwen, (The) - The formula for all magickal words - Exception, Desire, and Merging.

Three-Fold Return , The Law of - The perennial magickal Law that states that whatever you send forth (good or evil) comes back to you Three-Fold; Retribution.

Tools, Ritual/Magickal - Any of a number of ritual and magickal tools used for specific purposes. These include the Athame, Pentacle, wand, divinitory devices such as tarot cards, magickal stones, amulets, talisman, etc..

Topaz - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of strength of the insight, knowledge, devotion, divine love and creativity.

Tourmaline - A magickal stone whose qualities are that of strength of the spirit, regeneration, creativity and growth.

Tradition - The traditions are the sundry "schools" of Witchcraft and/or Wicca. Examples include Fairie or Faery Tradition- one of the many Celtic Traditions and the Arthurian Tradition. Each Tradition has a different outlook, even if only a slight one, and view of God(s) and Goddess(es).

Tradition , High - The High Traditions are a council of Wiccan/Pagan leaders in America. Evidently, if you are not recognized by the "High Trads." you are not actually a Wiccan/Pagan. I will supply no further comment. But I will, the afore-mentioned statements of legality...I shall recite Principle #9 of the 'Principles of Wiccan/Pagan Belief' adopted in 1974 by the American Council: "Calling oneself 'Witch' does not make a Witch- but neither does heredity itself nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herslf that makes life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and harmony with Nature." (again, no applause please)

Trance - This state is ideal for some magickal purposes. Through deep meditation, you are aware of nothing and everything around you at the same time. A certain extent of detachment.



Visualization - The art of making real your visions. You envision something in your head so strongly and intently that it will become real in your mind, and thus your reality. It works. Used during ritual and spellcrafting, visualization is a, if not the most, valuable tool for the willworker.

Voodoo - Most of the Pagan religions of South America and parts of Africa. These differ from most other modern Pagan and religions in that most of them incorporate ritual sacrifice of animals, etc., as a means to raise magickal energies. This is most easily defined as 'bloodlust' or the thrill of the kill.



Wand - A magickal tool used for directing and/or harnessing energies. By most traditions, the wand is cut from a limb of a willow tree on the night of the full moon and ot is approximately 13 inches long.

Waning Moon - The period from the time the moon is full until the time the moon is dark. During this time, 'destructive' magick is usually worked. E.g., banishings, protection, and (shudder) curses. (See also "Retribution" and "Three-Fold Return, Law of"; "Waxing Moon" and "Lunar Phases")

Warlock - A Christian word with no place in magick. It mean "oath-breaker". This work has no place in anyone's magickal vocabulary. Well, it's not strictly a Christian word. In the past, a warlock was the term for a male witch or magician, but yes, the literal meaning of the word as we know it today is "liar" or "traitor", and most Pagans would agree that the term is derogatory and most males would rather be called Witch, Mage or Magi, Sage, Shaman, etc. If I were to stick my nose further in here, I personally might call any 'black' magician a Warlock. They could be considered a traitor and oath breaker (See 'Wiccan Rede' below).

Waxing Moon - The period from the time the moon is dark until the time the moon is full. During this time 'constructive' magick is usually worked. E.g. invocations, evocations, and summonings. (See also 'Waning Moon' and 'Lunar Phases').

Wheel of the Year - The yearly cycle. The 4 seasonal quarters and their cross-quarters are the 'spokes' of the wheel. When it end depends on traditions, but most commonly the Pagan New Year is Samhain. (See also 'Sabbat')

Wicca - A neo-pagan religion based upon worship of a Goddess, God and the Earth. It is commonly recognized as the modern forms of Witchcraft or the Craft of the Wise. 'Wicca' (male) ia translated as 'Wise One', also Wicce (female), Wica and Wita. (See also 'Witch')

Wiccaning - A Pagan birth rite. The Pagan equivalent to the baptism of an infant in Christianity. (See also 'Rites of Passage')

Wiccan Rede - The code by which most Witches live. "An' It Harm None, Do What Ye Will." I would have to say that any true Witch tries very hard to follow this without reverse. Of coarse we all have good and evil inside, so there's going to have to be some exceptions. <shrug>

Widdershins - Counter-clockwise. Sometimes, dependant on time of year, lunar phase, Tradition, type of ritual or spell, etc., practitioners may move about the Magick Circle in the fashion. The direction is Negativity. But is most common to move Deosil. (See also 'Deosil')

Wine Moon - The tenth Full Moon of the year.

Witch - From ancient Gaelic roots, the word witch means "wise-one". A commonly accepted term for anyone who practices Witchcraft, be they male or female. (See also 'Wicca')

Witchcraft - Another word for magick. Kinda. Witchcraft is first and foremost a religion. All Witches are magick-users, but not all magick-users are Witches. Get it? Good. (See also Craft, The)

Wolf Moon - The first Full Moon after Yule. Some traditions have their new year begin with Samhain, and thus the moon's sequence would be different, the first Full Moon would be the Harvest Moon, and continue on from there.



Yoga - A technique for achieving physical and mental strength and harmony. It builds flexibility, strength and inner-harmony.

Yule - The Winter Solstice (Minor) Sabbat, celebrated by Pagans as the 'Festival of the Beginning of the Reawakening'. Usually on or around December 21. (See also 'Sabbat')



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