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"Cora Jones" by Neal Casal

"Cora's Song" by Rachel Rebman

"To Cora and T.J." by Jon Leahy

"A Poem for Cora" by Wendy

"Cora" by Andii Rose

by Neal Casal

(From the album, "A Christmas To Remember")

The lights are down low, the snow - it is falling
The streets are all empty; we're heading back home
And everyone is telling their old Christmas stories
But I can't help thinking about Cora Jones

Cora she was as sweet as an angel
She lived for 12 years on a Wisconsin farm
She liked to ride horses and dream by the river
But she loved Christmas the best of them all

Her father spent time chopping logs in the north woods
Her mother worked hard taking care of the kids
They all stuck together, come hell or high water
These days that's all that a family can do

One day in September Cora went out bike-riding
She waved to her mother; she waved to her brother
She stopped at the curve just to tell them she loved them
But nobody knew she would never come back home

How can a man take the life of another?
They found Cora down by the side of the road
The newspapers said that they can't find the killer
And where he ran off to nobody knows

The presents are wrapped in their tiny white ribbons
The big tree is glowing - the dogs are asleep
But this Christmas just won't be the same without Cora
And why she ain't with us, I just can't see

In her short life Cora Jones made us happy
She'd light up the whole world with just one smile
So this Christmas I'm thinking about Cora and her family
I hope that someday they will find peace by and by
by Rachel Rebman

This song is found on a rare album entitled,
'Do You Know Me?: Songs for Missing Children'

I want to tell you a story about a little girl
Her name was Cora Jones, and she was twelve years old
Eyes as big and brown as a newborn fawn's
And hair as straight and long as her Mama would allow

Cora loved the Lord, it showed most every day,
In what she did and what she said, living life His way,
A smile like sunshine on her lips, gave a glimpse of her inner heart,
A joy that only God could give, and only Jesus could impart.

Yes Cora knew the Lord, but more important He knew her,
He had a plan, a purpose for her life, but just what she did not know
And I thank God she let him use her
My life has been touched in ways untold by this little life,
So short and sweet, yet worth more than solid gold.

Labor Day 1994, on a quiet country road,
Family members gathered 'round her bike in the middle of the road,
For one whole week they searched and searched
But they could not find the girl,
Until one day God led them to her body in the earth.

Vengeance is mine, says the Lord, the judge of all,
Divine intervention brought the answer to their calls,
God found the man who took her life
And brought him to his knees,
And before them all, with head bowed low, he whispered his guilty plea.

Yes he took her and he hurt her, and then he took her life,
But he couldn't take the love that surrounded her that night,
The power of the blood of Christ covered Cora's soul,
And though her body lay and die, our sweet Cora became whole.

Cora met the Lord with open arms that day,
And cried when she realized that no more pain could come her way...

And though her body lay and die, our sweet Cora's with the Lord.
And though her body is now dead, our sweet Cora became whole.
by Jon Leahy

A candle now has died
A child to God it brings
A rose cut off too soon
Now with the angels sings.

Somebody tell me why the good die young
Somebody please explain what they have done
Tell me why does it happen
And why to this one?

Mourn not for those who've gone
But for those who remain
Not rescued from this world
Where hatred tends to reign.


Grieve not for those who die
For God will wipe their tears
Take heart in where they've gone
And with that calm your fears.


--- This is for Cora and T.J.,
for everyone who knew them,
and everyone who didn't have the chance. ---

by Wendy, Atlanta GA

God called out my name
and took me by the hand,
He welcomed me in his arms
and saved me from this man

I can ride my bike freely
all the kids were told,
This is where we ride
where the streets are paved with gold

I often ask the Lord
why I had to go so soon
But he looks at me and snickers
I had a lot of room.

Don't worry now for me
for I am okay
I'm here in the heavens
above the shining sea
by Andii Rose

It doesn't matter if you never knew her,
Or never met her face-to-face,
Just seeing her warm smile
Makes the world a gentler place.

Although she has gone away,
Her love lingers on so much,
And a part of her still lives
In the hearts of those she touched.

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