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Welcome to WWB Penpals Committee Members Page 1


Name: Tammie~CL~
Age: 30
Location: Pennsylvania

I am a SAHM with 2 wonderful children, a daughter and a son. I am happily married to a wonderful husband. I love my time on line, working on my web pages, chatting, reading, animals, children, you name it. LOL I love meeting new people and chatting with people from all over the world. *Hugs*


Name: Paula
URL:Paula's Place
Age: 34
Location: Wisconsin

I am a SAHM with 3 kids. I currently am starting a new busniess with my husband of Computers and Webdesign. For obviuos reason, I love my computer, working in PSP and creating new things. I spend most of my dyas with my children and working in my garden and around my home. I have been married for almost 2 years. If you want to know more, you will just have to come visit me. :o)


Name: Judi
Age: 34
Location: North Carolina
I am a SAHM with 4 homeschooled kids. Starting my own soap making business. I guess you could say my interest are family, computers and soaps and that would be about all I have time for in a day. If my days are longer I love to read and craft and cook and bake.


Name: Michelle
Age: 27
Location: Ontario, Canada

I am a 27 year old married mom of two kids....a son who is 8 and a daughter is 4....I am a stay at home mom and love it. I spend an enormous amount of time on the computer, so much so that my husband regrets teaching me how to use it...hehe... I love to paint, draw, read, play cards, play in paint shop pro....I listen to a variety of music, and love chatting on icq. I hope to make many new friends in this group and have a lot of fun.


Name: Kathleen
Age: 50
Location: Kansas

I have been married for over 30 years ... *BIG GRIN* deserved here !!! I have two beautiful children, a son aged 20, and daughter, aged 16 who are the sparkle in my eyes !!! I love creating using the alphabet ... as in poetry and adding music and backgrounds to my creations to fit the mood. I also love to read, as I struggle to reach my keyboard amidst my stash of paperbacks (mostly romance mysteries) ... I need to find someone to trade with !!!


Name: Jade
URL:Trials & Triumphs of a Woman
Age: 48
Location: Hawaii

I am Jade and have been with Pen Pals for a while now. I live in Hawaii on the Big Isle. I reside with my hubby and two sons in Kailua Kona. I work part-time, involved in charity work. Love to go to the beach as often as I can. Love long walks as well. My passions is to write simple, yet from the heart kind of poems. And also to work on my three websites. I'll be turning a year older, July 31 and I never felt any better. Will be hitting the big 50 LOL, but not til next year LOL...Well, that's it. One last thing. I like writing to pen pals as well. Some of them can become good friends. Thanks a bunch...Jade


Name: Sandra ~ACL~
Age: 46
Location: Pennsylvania USA

I am a creative person - musically & otherwise! Since I cope with Crohn's Disease & other medical problems I am unable to work a "real job", but I DO play the organ at a large church & also help with the choirs & several committees. In my "spare" time my hobbies include counted cross-stitch, composing music, playing several musical instruments, reading, and taking on-line courses. I am also involved in several on-line support groups for people with Crohn's Disease. I have one daughter and two lovely orange HUGE cats.


Name: ~Kimmers~
Age: 34
Location: Wisconsin

I have a bio page


Name: Brenda
Age: 55 and still going strong
Location: Bakersfield, CA (USA)

Hi- I am recently divorced after 29 yrs, and it broke my heart, but I learned to deal with it!! I have 2 grown girls and love them both dearly. My mother is my insperation!! I have 3 younger sisters, and one survived breast cancer and I am in support groups for women. I spend most of my extra time on my computer working on my web site, new at it, but learning!! I love to write poems and draw. Collect anything that has to do with angles. Guess that is about it!!


Name: Sandi
Age: 42
Location: NY City

My name is Sandi and I am a married mom of 2 sons ages 13 and 8 1/2. I am also a college student majoring in Computer Information Systems. After I graduate I would like to get a job as a Systems Engineer. Besides the computer, some of my hobbies include: cooking, gardening, reading, history (especially English and Scottish history during the 16th century), genealogy and many others. I am looking forward to making new friends.


On To Members Page 2


EmailEmail Tammie CL

EmailEmail Sandra ACL





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