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Fan Fiction

This is where you will find all of our Severus Snape fanfiction. So go ahead...immerse yourself into the world of the illustrious Potions Master! (Fics will open in a new window)

Kelly's Fics

Severus in Limbo- **finished**Snape dies and goes to Hell. He escapes and finds himself doomed for all eternity in a worse place. Limbo. Rated PG-13

Snape Meets the Mad Hatter and the March Hare- **finished** You'll have to read it to find out what happens! Hwahahaha! Ouch. Sorry, ran into a brick wall again. Rated G Chapter 2

Severus Snape and the Stupidity Potion-**work in progress** Kelly and Zardi found a book in Filch's office. It contains many silly potions. Guess who Kelly and Zardi's victim will be? Please review. WARNING: Contains severe coarse language. If you are put off by this, you're no fun! :P Rated R

Case of the Stoned Muppets- Severus Snape comes across a very strange episode of Sesame Street. Please read and review. Rated PG-13

Remember The Times- **work in progress**A tale of what happened before Harry Potter and his chums came to Hogwarts. Rated PG-13 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Kelly's Author's Page (Mrs. Wormtongue snapeslilgurl)

***Review Kelly's fics!

Zardi's Fics

The Nice Man in Black- Our illustrious Potions Master meets someone he doesn't expect outside the Leaky Cauldron one afternoon, and gets very protective. Prequel to "You'll Never Be Alone." Rated PG-13

You'll Never Be Alone (chapters 1-3)- *WIP* Someone has been watching over Harry all these years, helping him in ways that no one else could. Too bad this person happens to be Harry's most hated professor: Severus Snape. But Harry has been oblivious to his helper's identity for most of his life. What happens when Harry learns the truth? Rated PG-13 for language and mention of rape. 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20 21 22

Zardi's Author's Page (Zardiphillian Beryllix)

***Review Zardi's fics!

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