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The Canadian Charter


The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
La Charte des Droits et Libertés

"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:"
"Attendu que le Canada est fondé sur des principes qui reconnaissent la suprématic de Dieu et la primauté du droit:"

Guarantee of rights and freedoms
Garantie des Droits et Libertés

Fundamental Freedoms
Libertés Fondamentales

Democratic Rights
Droits Démocratiques

Mobility Rights
Liberté de Circulation et D'établissement

Legal Rights
Garanties Juridiques

Equality Rights
Droits à L'égalité

Official Languages of Canada
Langues Officielles du Canada

Minority Language Educational Rights
Droits à L'instruction dans la Langue de la Minorité


Dispositions Générales

Application of Charter
Application de la Charte





Guess what? I can probably get the above things that haven't been translated, translated. I can't speak French, but one of my friends is bilingual. So I'll have her on this when she has the time. (She goes to Waterloo U so she's busy). But yeah, so the things written by me will have French translation. Yay!
If you have any questions on the charter please email me in French or English. I'll try my best to answer them, and/or direct you to other resources. Oh! That's an idea! Additional resources! So feel free to email me, don't worry about annoying me or intruding or anything, I love helping people. Just put "canadian charter" or something of the sort in the Subject line so I don't delete it, k?
Just some trivia: This site was made as a project for my OAC Law class. Cool eh?

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