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 Body Shots



Author:  kevswitchau

Pairing:  EW/DM

Genre:  RPS, drabble (100 words)

Rating:  M for naughty words

Warnings: light B&D

Disclaimer: I don’t know anyone or anything and I don’t have any money, so suing me would be pointless.


“Hell yeah, here!”

“But what about...?”

“Fuck ’em.”

Elijah pulled Dom’s shirt off over his head. The music pounded in Dom’s ears as he contemplated what Elijah was
about to do. Here. In this public place.


“Shut up and hold this,” grinned Elijah, placing a lime wedge between Dom’s teeth.

He leaned forward and ran his tongue over the skin above Dom’s nipple before sprinkling salt on the moist patch which gleamed in the strobe light.

“Fuck ’em,” said Lij again, leaning in and licking the salt off, and downing the shot, before tasting Dom’s lime-flavoured kiss.


Kevswitchau 2002


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