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get this gear! Yes, yes, as the Amaubo phrase says, here find language. And, true to the ideas enscribed in stone above, thou shalt find tongue in this realm.

Many of you are new to conlaging, but that will be solved! On this page I have given an overview of my conlang Eitogeoamaubo, or Amaubo for short.


This is all the letters needed to write Amaubo: abcdefgjkmnopstvxz

+ ng combo

+ a, e, o with / mark over them

+ a with .. over it

For the sake of HTML, the ng combo is written 'ng' and the accented a, e, o are written 'ai', 'ei', 'oi', and finaly the a.. is written 'au'.


Each letter in Amaubo has a corresponding sound (unlike English with its silent letters). Here is a pronunciation guide:

The letters b,d,f,k,m,n,ng,p,s,t,v,z are pronounced almost identically to the English.

a:pOp e:bEt o:bOAt ai:bYE ei:pAY oi:bOY

au:OUt c:SHoe g:Get j:meaSure

x:german 'iCH' or scotish 'loCH'


In Amaubo, many ideas are combined, compressed, and written out, withoutspacesorpuncuationlikethis. To a speaker of English we may be lost, but this system is easily paracable (easily broken down into root parts), even without punctuation and spacing. The following is this page's title's etymology (roots):


This is the breakdown: AMA-substitution EJO-first person OCA-place L-subject suffix OTE-idea ONA-quantity EDEI-in(side) ANGKA-stone

This language follows this pattern to form roots: VCV, VCCV. Then, to form larger words from the roots this order if followed: object(noun, verb)+modifiers What this means is that instead of saying 'blue lake' we would say 'lakeblue'. So, applying what you have learned, you can tell that the larger words would take on this formVCVVCV,VCCVVCV,VCVCCV... but, if you look closely at the title of this page, you see that the pattern is VCVCVCV... note the lack of vowel : combinations. This lake is for pronunciation's sake. When forming a new word from two or more roots, we do one or a combination of these four things: delete vowels, take out NASLE+'a' combinations, take out extraneous roots, and breakup consonant combinations and place the vowel between(VVCC=>VCVC). Here is an example of the deleting method and the N+'a' deleting:

1) ete+esoma => eteeso => eteso

In example one, step one, you see that 'ete', the root for 'period' was combined with 'esoma' for 'sun/light/sunlight/to shine'. 2) Then the 'ma' in 'esoMA' was deleted. 3) Finaly one 'e' from the double 'e' was deleted, forming 'eteso' meaning 'day/to be day time'.

Here are some other examples of creating longer words:

2) oima+onei => oionei => oinei == 'somthing man make/to build or make objects that can be held in the hand'

3) omo+agrei => omogrei (or) ogrei (or) agrei(this one is used most most often) == 'a doer of'

4) omo+agrei+oima+ote => agreioiote => agroite == 'thinker'

NOTE: When determining which vowel to keep when VV or VVV occurs, the vowel that is farthest to the right in the following chart is kept: e>a>o>ei>ai>oi>au, but when two or more of the bivowels touch, it may be necessary to apply the last rule of simplification(VVCC=>VCVC).



Simple! Add an 'l' if this isn't the first consecutive sentence. Add the subject. Next an 'l'. Then take the verb. If there is an object, add 'r' and the object. If you have another sentence then tack it right on w/o a space. If that sounds absurd, see below.


The prior paragraph explained the old, archaic mode of Amaubo, used by the highly intelligent Druids. The more common form, is as follows:
>Only use roots & compounds listed in the Amaubo Lexicon.
>To form more complex ideas use separate words (i.e.: Change 'agreice' to 'agrei oce')
>Drop any initial 'e' (drop an 'e' when it ends a word only if it has this form (...VCe)) (so, our example above would be 'agrei oc'
>Here is a full sentence example: 'ajo lamo ragrei oc' in common speech(C) and 'ajolamoragreice' in the high dialect(H).



Pluralization is a tad difficult, and the Druids, (and any other speaker of Amaubo), will avoid them, if at all possible. But, if you HAVE to use them here is the format:
>If the last word doesn't end in a vowel with a diacritical mark (doesn't end in 'i' or 'u' for Plain Text), then tack on an 'o', unless an 'o' is already there. In the latter case, put an 'ona' there instead of the two o's. Now here is the tricky part. In High Amaubo, this 'oo' is writen 'au'. So, if a word ends in 'au' you can bet it is an archaic (high) ploral.
>Now, if the word does in a diacritic('i'/'u'), then just add 'na'. For Common Speech words that (would) end in 'e', leave the 'e' on and just add 'n')
>Take a deep breath! (and no, this is not a phoneme in my language! It is simply to increase the flow of oxygen to your brain since you probably used it all up trying to think of a word's plural form!)


Here are some basic roots: OMO person OCA place ONEI thing OTE idea OIMA to make OMNEI all EINA sence OKA eye AGREI to do, an action ECTA finger OCENA sea,water,to be wet AUNGA* to negate, negative/opposite ESOMA sun,light,sunlight,to shine EMONA moon,moonlight,to glow AIMA possession,to have EVA measurement :The list goes on here: Dictionary

Thank you for your interest. Please click on my links, they are VERY good and where I got my inspiration. And, if you want to start your own page, whether you have HTML know-how or not, angelfire is an excellent way to make one.

If you like this stuff, read THE LORD OF THE RINGS by JRR TOLKEIN and pick up a book on his conlangs, QUENYA and SINDARIAN.

PS: Here is a .zip by Pablo Flores, he has done an excellent job on his HOW TO on conlang construction: How to or if that fails, or you don't feel like downloading 63k, then check out to See Some More ZOMPIST (This is good!)

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