My Daily Thoughts About Dan


OK, so I know I dont really dont write in here EVERY SINGLE DAY, but school gets in the way. Did you guys see Dan on Oprah yesterday? He looked just as cute as ever! I thought it was so cool also how Emma and Rupert were there (lately I've only been seeing Dan, which is not a bad thing but still). Anyway, if you didn't catch the show, you might be able to see it on or there are probably atleast pics. See ya around!


OK, I know I haven't written on here in a looooong time, but the whole time I was thinking of Dan. Trust me.Ok, I entered that be a red carpet VIP hting that AOL has going on and I sooooo hope I win! I wnat to meet Dan sooooooooo badly! I would just DIE if I don't win (well, not really but I would be....uhh....mortified!). Its only for AOL users (sorry you yahoo people and you msn people). I am so glad I am an AOL user!Anyway, I had a dream the other ngith about me and Dan and i won that contest and then I got to meet him and then we started going out and then I basically became famous because I was "Dans girlfriend." Ahh.....then I woke up :( Well ttyl Dan Fans! 10-6-02

Why hasn't Dan emailed me back yet! I am getting very frusturated even though I know he has a very bust schedule....or maybe he just didn't get my emails? I'll try again. Ok this is what the email said:

I hope you don't think I'm sending you too many emails, its just, I was wondeirng if you got my other ones because you hvaen't replied in awhile. But, you probably just aren't on. I can't wait to see you in COS and am going on the opening day. My friend Meg, my sister, and I are dressing up as the characters (I'm Parvati, Megs Lavender and my sister is Hermione) and going to go see it. I bet you are just as good in this one then in the SS. I am going to try to enter that Be a VIP contest where the winner gets to interview the cast (well some of the cats not all of them) and I hope I win so I can meet you personally. You seem like a great guy. Well....reply as soon as you can! Thanks!

I hope I don't sound wierd or me if yuo think I sound wierd or not.....

These are my Daily thoughts on Dan. I will always put a date in front of them. If you would like to send in your thoughts aboutdan just email me!

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