Emails From Dan To Me!

OK, I actually only have the emaisl Dan sent me so I hope thats ok!I also now added the emaisl that I sent him! It makes it easier to understand! Here they are:

Subj: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/2/2002 To:

Hey, I am a big fan! I think you have a lot of talent. It must have been hard playing Harry though because everyone now has a visual image of him as you. Also, in the books he had so much character and personality. I wnat to be an actress, like emma, but sadly no one supports my idea. It has been my dream for awhile. Well, I cant wiat to see the other movies! ~brianna~

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/2/2002 9:09:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details)

Dear Brianna, Thank you. Yes, It was a little hard but fun. I support your idea. Follow your dreams. Don't stop until you reach them. I did. -Dan

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/4/2002 To:

So, I just wanted to know. Many people are saying things like you have an IM (Instant messanger) screen name. Is this true? I won't ask you for it, because I don't wnat to invade your privacy or anyting, but I was just wondering. Also , how many movies are you goning to do? I've read that they are only filming up to the 3rd movie! I hope this isn't true. Lol. As you can see I'm a very big Harry Potter fan. If you wnat to, you can visit my site. If you wnat to go to it click Untitled. Untitled The website is called The Pheonix Feather. Hope to here back from you, and I hope I'm not bothering you or anything. If so just tell me adn I will stop emailing. Thanx! *Bri* ~Act, like nobody's waching~ ~Speak like nobody's listening~ ~Live like you only have one day~

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/5/2002 5:01:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To:

Well, Yes I have AIM. I believe they are going to do all the Harry Potter movie. I am not sure but hopefully I will do all of them. No, You are not bothering me. This is my fan email this is meant for fans to email me.

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/6/2002 To:

ok. I just wanted to make sure. You seem really cool. Why dont you have an official website though? I know Tom Felton does, but I havent been able to find anyone else. Do you have one? I just thought it would be cool if you did. I hope you looked at my website. I know its not that great, but I just started it like a month ago. have you read this article that someone wrote? it says you have a girlfreind. Is that true? It also says that you were pen pals with her or something like that before you were famous and now you are bf/gf. huh. o well. I g2g! ttyl!

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/6/2002 5:14:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details)

Well, Um, Yes. LOL

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/6/2002 To:

omg! the article was true! lol. I thought it was fake! o well. thats so cool. Shes very lucky, you are really nice. ttyl! ~Bri~ A word to the wise ain't necessary, Its the stupid ones that need the advice.

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/7/2002 To: that last letter you didnt say anything. it was just blank. did u mean to do that. lol

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/8/2002 3:27:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details)

No, I didn't lol. But I though I sent two letters.


Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/7/2002 To:

being nice? yeah! to a girl (if thats what you mean) thats very good! lol! so how long have u guys been gf/bf? [ ok this is plain me I lost a letter here. its where dan had asked me if being nice was a good thing to a girl] *Bri* ~Act, like nobody's waching~ ~Speak like nobody's listening~ ~Live like you only have one day~

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 9/8/2002 3:50:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details)

We Just broke up. So that's why. Yes I can't wait. It will be fun to work with the others again.

[OK, these letters I never got responces from. they are just letters i snet him]

Subj: hey, sry to bother u again...... Date: 9/9/2002 To: DAR131989@YAHOO.COM

do you know any girl with this screen name? VinDieselsBabe16because i am tlkaing to her right now and she says shes ur girlfriend. but last night i thought u told me that u broke up with ur girlfriend?

Subj: Hey! Whats up? Date: 9/16/2002 To:

Hey Dan, Whast up? Anything new? I had a Q, when are you guys going to start filming the 3rd HP movie? Please say soon, because I wnat to see it! Lol. I was wondeing why you haven't been answering emails, but then I realized that you probably have a very hectic schuedule. I mean, with school and the movies and all...... So, since you broke up with your old girlfriend (and Im sry if im acting kinda casual about it, because you were probably ery upset over it, which i can understand), do you like someone else now? lol. j/k! You don't have to answer that...... ~Bri~ A word to the wise ain't necessary, Its the stupid ones that need the advice.

Subj: hey! its me again Date: 10/6/2002 To:

I hope you don't think I'm sending you too many emails, its just, I was wondeirng if you got my other ones because you hvaen't replied in awhile. But, you probably just aren't on. I can't wait to see you in COS and am going on the opening day. My friend Meg, my sister, and I are dressing up as the characters (I'm Parvati, Megs Lavender and my sister is Hermione) and going to go see it. I bet you are just as good in this one then in the SS. I am going to try to enter that Be a VIP contest where the winner gets to interview the cast (well some of the cats not all of them) and I hope I win so I can meet you personally. You seem like a great guy. Well....reply as soon as you can! Thanks! ~Bri~ Never start frowning because you never know whose falling in love with your smile.

Subj: Re: hey dan! pleez read! Date: 11/1/2002 To:

Hey, I know you probably have a ton of other emails form me right now but I wanted to ask you this. Why aren't you replying to any of my emails? Is your email not working? Or did you just block me or something? lol. Please answer back this time. I thought we were getting along pretty well. Brianna Never start frowning because you never know whose falling in love with your smile.

OK, me again. I hope you like this page. As soon as he starts emailing me again (I think his email crashed if you guys can't reach him. Because, he hasn't been answering any emails lately). Next time though, I will automatically put them up here anlong with my emails. lol. See ya!

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